
function Compress-Regex
        Compresses Regular Expressions
        Compresses a Regular Expression, removing all whitespace and comments.

        This will make a regular expression much more difficult to read, and a bit shorter.
        New-Regex -Description "This is a description of a regex nobody will care about" |
            New-Regex -Name Width @(
            ) |
            New-Regex -Name Height @(
            ) | Compress-Regex

    # The regular expression to compress.

    # The Match Timeout.
    # By default, this value will be carried over from the -RegEx.
    $MatchTimeout = '00:00:01'

    process {
        # Create a new regex from the old:
                # To compress the regex, split it by newlines
                "$Regex" -split '(?>\r\n|\n)' -replace 
                    # and strip comments
                    '(?<!\\)#.+$' -join ([Environment]::NewLine) -replace 
                    # and strip whitespace.
            # We'll keep the regex options should remain the same, for now.
                # If we provided a -MatchTimeout
                if ($PSBoundParameters["MatchTimeout"]) {
                    $MatchTimeout # use that
                } elseif ($Regex.MatchTimeout.TotalSeconds -gt 0) {
                    $Regex.MatchTimeout # otherwise, carry the timeout from the [Regex]
                } else {
                    $MatchTimeout # and if it didn't have one, use the default for -MatchTimeout.