
# Matches an ANSI style (color or text option)
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
(?<Reset>0m) # 0m indicates reset

\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<BoldStart>1m) |
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<BlinkStart>(?<BlinkSlow>5m) # 5m starts a slow blink
    (?<BlinkFast>6m) # 6m starts a slow blink
)) |
  (?<BlinkEnd>25m) # 25m stops blinks
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<FaintStart>2m) # 2m starts faint
  (?<FaintEnd>22m) # 22m stops faint
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<ItalicStart>3m) # 3m starts italic
  (?<ItalicEnd>23m) # 23m stops italic
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<InvertStart>7m) # 7m starts invert
  (?<InvertEnd>27m) # 27m stops invert
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<HideStart>8m) # 8m starts hide
  (?<HideEnd>28m) # 28m stops hide
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<StrikethroughStart>9m) # 9m starts Strikethrough
  (?<StrikethroughEnd>29m) # 29m stops Strikethrough
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<UnderlineStart>4m) # 4m starts underline
  (?<DoubleUnderlineStart>21m) # 21m start a double underline
  (?<UnderlineEnd>24m) # 24m stops underline
(?-i)\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<IsForegroundColor>38) |
  (?<IsBackgroundColor>48) |
  (?<IsUnderlineColor>58));2;(?<Color>(?<Red>(?>[0-2][0-5][0-5]|[0-1]\d\d|\d{1,2})) # Red is the first 0-255 value
;(?<Green>(?>[0-2][0-5][0-5]|[0-1]\d\d|\d{1,2})) # Green is the second 0-255 value
;(?<Blue>(?>[0-2][0-5][0-5]|[0-1]\d\d|\d{1,2})) # Blue is the third 0-255 value
(?-i)\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<IsForegroundColor>38) |
  (?<IsBackgroundColor>48) |
  (?<StandardColor>[0-7]) # 0 -7 are standard colors
m |
  (?<BrightColor>(?>[8-9]|1[0-5])) # 8-15 are bright colors
m |
  (?<CubeColor>(?>[0-2][0-3][0-1]|[0-1]\d\d|\d{1,2})) # 16-231 are cubed colors
m |
  (?<GrayscaleColor>(?>[0-2][0-5][0-5]|[0-1]\d\d|\d{1,2})) # 232-255 are grayscales
\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<IsBright>1)?\;{0,1} # A 1 and a semicolon indicate a bright color
(?<IsForegroundColor>3) # A number that starts with 3 indicates foreground color
  (?<IsBright>(?<IsForegroundColor>9)) # OR it could be a less common bright foreground color, which starts with 9
  (?<IsBright>1)?\;{0,1} # A 1 and a semicolon indicate a bright color
(?<IsBackgroundColor>4) # A number that starts with 3 indicates foreground color
  (?<IsBright>(?<IsBackgroundColor>10)) # OR it could be a less common bright foreground color, which starts with 9
)(?<ColorNumber>[0-7]) # The color number will be between 0 and 7
(?:\;{0,1}(?<IsBright>1)?)? # Brightness can also come after a color
(?-i)\e # An Escape
\[ # Followed by a bracket
  (?<DefaultForeground>39) # 39 Represents the default foreground color
m |
  (?<DefaultForeground>49) # 49 Represents the default background color