
function run-isItAllowed {

    ## Author: James Tarran // Techary ##
        function print-TecharyLogo {
            $logo = "
             _______ _
            |__ __| | |
               | | ___ ___| |__ __ _ _ __ _ _
               | |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ / _`` | '__| | | |
               | | __/ (__| | | | (_| | | | |_| |
               |_|\___|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| \__, |
                                              __/ |

        write-host -ForegroundColor Green $logo
        function Get-AntiVirusProduct {
            param (
            [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
            #$AntivirusProducts = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query $wmiQuery @psboundparameters # -ErrorVariable myError -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' # did not work
             $AntiVirusProducts = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Class AntiVirusProduct  -ComputerName $computername
            $Script:ret = @()
            foreach($AntiVirusProduct in $AntiVirusProducts){
                #Switch to determine the status of antivirus definitions and real-time protection.
                #The values in this switch-statement are retrieved from the following website:
                switch ($AntiVirusProduct.productState) {
                "262144" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
                    "262160" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
                    "266240" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
                    "266256" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
                    "393216" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
                    "393232" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
                    "393488" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
                    "397312" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
                    "397328" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
                    "397584" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
                default {$defstatus = "Unknown" ;$rtstatus = "Unknown"}
                #Create hash-table for each computer
                $ht = @{}
                $ht.Computername = $computername
                $ht.Name = $AntiVirusProduct.displayName
                $ht.'Product GUID' = $AntiVirusProduct.instanceGuid
                $ht.'Product Executable' = $AntiVirusProduct.pathToSignedProductExe
                $ht.'Reporting Exe' = $AntiVirusProduct.pathToSignedReportingExe
                $ht.'Definition Status' = $defstatus
                $ht.'Real-time Protection Status' = $rtstatus
                #Create a new object for each computer
                $Script:ret += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ht 
            Return $ret
        function get-firewallstatus{
            $FirewallStatus = 0
            $SysFirewallReg1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\DomainProfile" -Name EnableFirewall | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EnableFirewall
            If ($SysFirewallReg1 -eq 1) {
            $FirewallStatus = 1
            $SysFirewallReg2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\PublicProfile" -Name EnableFirewall | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EnableFirewall
            If ($SysFirewallReg2 -eq 1) {
            $FirewallStatus = ($FirewallStatus + 1)
            $SysFirewallReg3 = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile" -Name EnableFirewall | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EnableFirewall
            If ($SysFirewallReg3 -eq 1) {
            $FirewallStatus = ($FirewallStatus + 1)
            If ($FirewallStatus -eq 3) {$script:FirewallHardfail = "False"}
            ELSE {$script:FirewallHardfail = "True"}
        function get-windowsVersion {
            $Script:version = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").ReleaseId
            if ($Script:version -ge $SupportedWinVer) {$script:WindowsVersionSoftFail = "False"}
            else {
                $script:WindowsVersionSoftFail = "True"
        function get-UserAdminStatus{
            $adminMemebers = (Get-LocalGroupMember -group administrators).name
            if ($adminMemebers -like "*$env:username*") {$script:AdminStatusHardfail = "True"}
            else {$script:AdminStatusHardfail = "False"}
        function get-VulnerablePorts {
            $HardFailPorts = @('21','22','80','23','25','53','110','443','3389')
            $OpenPorts = @(get-nettcpconnection -state listen).localPort
            $Script:HardFailPortsOpen = (compare-object -ReferenceObject $hardfailports -DifferenceObject $openports -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent).inputobject
            if($null -eq $Script:HardFailPortsOpen) {$script:VulnerablePortsHardFail = "False"}
            else{$script:VulnerablePortsHardFail = "True"}
        function Get-AllowStatus {
            if ($script:FirewallHardfail-eq "True" -or $script:AdminStatusHardfail -eq "True" -or $script:VulnerablePortsHardFail -eq "True") {
                write-host -ForegroundColor red "Device is not compliant. Device has failed on the following:"
                if ($script:FirewallHardfail -eq "True") {
                    write-host -ForegroundColor Red "`nAt least one public/private/domain firewall is disalbed. Enable the firewall, OR confirm there is an antivirus product that is controlling the firewall instead."
                if ($script:AdminStatusHardfail -eq "True") {
                    write-host -ForegroundColor red "`nCurrent user account is a local administrator. Remove the account from the administrators group, or create a new local account with no administrator permissions"
                if($script:VulnerablePortsHardFail -eq "True") {
                    write-host -ForegroundColor Red "`nPort(s) $Script:HardFailPortsOpen open. These are easily exploitable and need to be closed."
            else {
                write-host -ForegroundColor green "Device is compliant."
            if ($script:WindowsVersionSoftFail -eq "True") {
                write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Windows is out of date. Please update to at least $SupportedWinVer"
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $SupportedWinVer = 2004
        $av = @(Get-AntiVirusProduct).name
        write-host "`nCurrent AV programs are: $av"
        write-host " "