
    Trevor Sullivan
    Adds a PowerShell ISE add-on menu item, which checks the status of
    a file in a Mercurial repository.

$DisplayName = '_Status';
$KeyboardShorcut = 'Ctrl + Shift + S';

$Action = {
    $ArgumentList = 'status "{0}"' -f $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath;
    $Process = Start-Process -FilePath hg.exe -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -PassThru -Wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput $env:Temp\Hg-Temp.txt;
    if ($Process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
        Write-Error -Message ('Error occurred retrieving file status: {0}. Do you have a Mercurial repository? Is the file beneath the repository folder?' -f $Process.ExitCode);
    else {
        Get-Content -Path $env:Temp\Hg-Temp.txt;

# Clean up old menu items, with the same name
$HgMenu.Submenus.Where({ $PSItem.DisplayName -match $DisplayName }) | % { $HgMenu.Submenus.Remove($PSItem); };

# Add the new menu item
$HgMenu.Submenus.Add($DisplayName, $Action, $KeyboardShorcut);