
function Add-Parameter {
        Adds a Parameter attribute to the current file in the ISE
        Adds a Parameter attribute to the current file in the ISE
        Add-Parameter #>

        #The name of the parameter

        #The name of the parameter
        # If set, will add a ParameterSetName ot the parameter attribute
        # If set, will add a HelpMessage to the parameter attribute
        # If Set, the parameter attribute will be marked as mandatory
        # If Set, the parameter attribute will be marked to accept pipeline input
        # If set, the parameter attribute will be marked to accept input from
        # the pipeline by property name
        # IF set, the parameter attribut will use this position
        # If set, will add aliases to the parameter
    process {
        $parameterText = "[Parameter("
        if ($ParameterSet) {
            $ParameterText += "ParameterSetName='$ParameterSet',"
        if ($Mandatory) {
            $ParameterText += 'Mandatory=$true,'
        if ($FromPipeline) { 
            $ParameterText += 'ValueFromPipeline=$true,'
        if ($FromPipelineByPropertyName) { 
            $ParameterText += 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,'

        if ($ParameterType) {
            $ParameterType = $ParameterType.Trim("[]")
        if (-not $ParameterType) {
            $ParameterType = "PSObject"
        if ($HelpMessage) {
            $ParameterText += "HelpMessage='$HelpMessage',"
            $parameterText = "

        if ($psBoundParameters.Position) {
            $ParameterText += "Position='$Position',"

        $ParameterText = $ParameterText.TrimEnd(",") + ")]"
        if ("$Alias".Trim()) {
            $OFS = "','"

        if ($OutputText) {
            if ($Name) {

            } else {

        } else {
            if ($Name) {
                Add-TextToCurrentDocument -Text "$ParameterText

            } else {
                Add-TextToCurrentDocument -Text "$ParameterText
