
function Add-PowerGUIMenu {
        Helper function to add menus to the PowerGUI Script Editor
        Makes adding menus to the PowerGUI Script Editor
        easier. Add-PowerGUIMenu accepts a hashtable of menus.
        Each key is the name of the menu.
            Keys are automatically alphabetized, unless the
        Each value can be one of three things:
            - A Script Block
                Selecting the menu item will run the script block
            - A Hashtable
                The value will be used to create a nested menu
            - A Script Block with a note property of ShortcutKey
                Selecting the menu item will run the script block.
                The ShortcutKey will be used to assign a shortcut key to the item
        Add-PowerGuiMenu -Name "Get" @{
            "Process" = { Get-Process }
            "Service" = { Get-Service }
            "Hotfix" = {Get-Hotfix}
        Add-PowerGuiMenu -Name "Verb" @{
            Get = @{
                Process = { Get-Process }
                Service = { Get-Service }
                Hotfix = { Get-Hotfix }
            Import = @{
                Module = { Import-Module }

        #The name of the menu to create
        # The contents of the menu
        # The Menu File
        # The root of the menu. This is used automatically by Add-IseMenu when it
        # creates nested menus.
        # If PassThru is set, the menu items will be outputted to the pipeline
        # If Merge is set, menu items will be merged with existing menus rather than
        # recreating the entire menu.
        # If DoNotSort is set, menu items will not be sorted alphabetically

    begin {
        $pgSE= [Quest.PowerGUI.SDK.ScriptEditorFactory]::CurrentInstance
        Set-StrictMode -Off
        $myCommandName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
    process {
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'MenuFile') {
            $resolvedPsPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($MenuFile)
            $Menu = & $MenuFile
        $menuPointer = $null
        if (-not $Root) {
            # The "root" is actually a list of menu names that lead to the current item
            $existingMenu = $pgSE.Menus | Where-Object { $_.Command.FullName -eq "Menu.${Name}" }
            if ($existingMenu) {
                 if (-not $Merge) 
                 $menuPointer = $existingMenu 
            } else {
                $menuPointer = New-Object Quest.PowerGUI.SDK.MenuCommand "Menu","$Name" -Property @{
                    Text = $Name.Replace("_", "&")
        } else {
            if ($Root -is [string] -and $newMenu) {
                $Root = $newMenu
            $menuPointer = $Root 
            $currentItem = $null
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Root.Count; $i++) {
                if ($i -eq 0) {
                    # First case, root is the menu
                    $currentItem = $pgSE.Menus | Where-Object { $_.Command.FullName -eq $Root[$i] }
                } else {
                    $currentItem = $currentItem.Items | Where-Object { $_.Command.FullName -eq $Root[$i] }
                if (-not $currentItem) { break }
            if ($currentItem) {
                $menuPointer = $currentItem

        $menuItems = $Menu.GetEnumerator()
        if (-not $doNotSort) {
            $menuItems = $menu.GetEnumerator() | 
                Sort-Object Key
        } else {
            $menuItems = $menu.GetEnumerator()            
        foreach ($menuItem in $menuItems) {
            switch ($menuItem.Value) {
                { $_ -is [Hashtable] } {
                    # Nested menu, recurse
                    $newMenu = New-Object Quest.PowerGUI.SDK.MenuCommand "Menu","$($menuItem.Key)" -Property @{
                        Text = $menuItem.Key.Replace("_", "&")
                    $r = $root + "Menu.$($MenuItem.Key)"
                    Add-PowerGUIMenu -Name $menuItem.Key -Menu:$_ -root $newMenu -merge:$merge -passThru:$passThru
                    if (-not $Root) { 
                    } else {
                default {        
                    $scriptBlock= [ScriptBlock]::Create(                    
                    # To correctly add and remove command entries, they have to be unique.
                    # To uniquify them, make the command the full path to the object
                    # by peeking up the callstack and finding out the names of the parent menus
                    # Nifty trick, right?
                    $restOfName = @(Get-PSCallStack | 
                        Where-Object { $_.InvocationInfo.InvocatioName -eq $myCommand } |
                        Select-Object -ExpandProperty InvocationInfo | 
                        ForEach-Object { $_.BoundParameters.Name } |
                        Where-Object { $_ })
                    $restOfName += $menuItem.Key
                    $ofs = "."                
                    $fullname = "Menu.${restOfName}"
                    $itemCommand = New-Object Quest.PowerGUI.SDK.ItemCommand "Menu","$restOfName" -Property @{
                        Text = $menuItem.Key.Replace("_", "&")
                        ScriptBlock = $scriptBlock
                    $oldCommands = $pgSE.Commands | 
                        Where-Object { $_.FullName -eq $fullname }
                    if ($oldCommands) {
                        foreach ($cmd in $oldCommands) {
                            $null = $pgSE.Commands.Remove($cmd)
                    if ($_.ShortcutKey) {
                        # Add a shortcut key
                        $saferKey = $_.ShortcutKey.Replace("ALT", "Alt").Replace("CONTROL", "Control").Replace("SHIFT", "Shift").Replace("LEFT","Left").Replace("RIGHT", "Right")
                    if ($_.Image) {
                        # Add an image
                        # Expand the image string. By doing this here it enables the menu to use $psScriptRoot
                        # which lets images be stored within a module
                        $expandedImageString = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($_.Image)
                        $existsAndValidPAth = Resolve-Path $expandedImageString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        $realItem= Get-Item $existsAndValidPAth 
                        if ($existsAndValidPAth ) {
                            $image = [Drawing.Image]::FromFile($realItem.Fullname)
                            if ($image) {
                                $itemCommand.Image = $image
                    $null = $pgSE.Commands.Add($itemCommand)
                    if (-not $Root) { 
                    } else {

                    if ($passThru) { $itemCommand }