
function Add-TextToCurrentDocument
    [AllowEmptyString()]                                            # allow empty string added by bernd_k
    if ($Host.Name -eq 'PowerGUIScriptEditorHost') {
        # there might be minor problems caused by the difference of column and character
        if ($Text -eq '') {
            $pgse.CurrentDocumentWindow.Document.SelectedText = ''
            # caret moves to start of deleted selection: OK
        } else {
            # for Ise compatibility here too
            $pgse.CurrentDocumentWindow.Document.SelectedText = ''

            $l = $pgSE.CurrentDocumentWindow.Document.CaretLine
            $c = $pgSE.CurrentDocumentWindow.Document.CaretCharacter    # not CaretColumn
            $lines = $Text | Measure-Object -Line | 
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Lines
            $lastline = ($Text -split ([Environment]::NewLine))[$lines -1]
            $chars = $lastline.length         
            $pgSE.CurrentDocumentWindow.Document.Insert($text, $l, $c)
            Set-EditorCaretPosition ($l + $lines - 1)  ($c + $chars)
    } elseif ($Host.Name -eq 'Windows PowerShell ISE Host') {
# $l = $psise.CurrentFile.Editor.CaretLine
# $c = $psise.CurrentFile.Editor.CaretColumn
        # the value needs to be refreshed before it is accurate
        $refresh = $psise.CurrentFile        
        # if something is selected, it will be replaced
        # Caret ends at end of inserted text