
# The MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2016 Christopher Banck.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#Build using Isilon OneFS build: B_MR_8_0_0_2_111(RELEASE)

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

function New-isiAntivirusPolicies{
    New Antivirus Policies
    Create new antivirus scan policies.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/antivirus/policies" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAntivirusPolicies

function New-isiAntivirusScan{
    New Antivirus Scan
    Manually scan a file.
    The full path of the file to scan.
.PARAMETER force_run
    Forces the scan to run regardless of whether the files were recently scanned. The default value is true.
    The ID of the policy to use for the scan. By default, the scan will use the MANUAL policy.
.PARAMETER report_id
    The ID for the report for this scan. A report ID will be generated if one is not provided.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/antivirus/scan" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAntivirusScan

function New-isiAntivirusServers{
    New Antivirus Servers
    Create new antivirus servers.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/antivirus/servers" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAntivirusServers

function New-isiAuditTopics{
    New Audit Topics
    Create a new audit topic.
.PARAMETER max_cached_messages
    Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be sent and received at the same time. Messages that are sent and received at the same time can be lost if a system crash occurs. You can prevent message loss by setting this property to 0, which sets audit logs to synchronous.
    Specifies the name of the audit topic.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/audit/topics" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuditTopics

function New-isiAuthGroups{
    New Auth Groups
    Create a new group.
    Specifies the numeric group identifier.
.PARAMETER members
    Specifies the members of the group.
    Specifies the group name.
    Specifies the security identifier.
.PARAMETER provider
    Optional provider type.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Optional zone.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($provider){
                $queryArguments += 'provider=' + $provider
                $BoundParameters.Remove('provider') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/auth/groups" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthGroups

function New-isiAuthGroupMembers{
    New Auth Group Members
    Add a member to the group.
.PARAMETER group_id
    Group group_id
.PARAMETER group_name
    Group group_name
    Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be 'UID:0', 'USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel', or 'SID:S-1-1'.
    Specifies the persona name, which must be combined with a type.
    Specifies the type of persona, which must be combined with a name.
    Valid inputs: user,group,wellknown
.PARAMETER provider
    Filter group members by provider.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Filter group members by zone.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('group_id')){
                $parameter1 = $group_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('group_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $group_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('group_name') | out-null
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($provider){
                $queryArguments += 'provider=' + $provider
                $BoundParameters.Remove('provider') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/auth/groups/$parameter1/members" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthGroupMembers

function New-isiAuthMappingIdentities{
    New Auth Mapping Identities
    Manually set or modify a mapping between two personae.
    Specifies the source identity.
.PARAMETER targets
    Create a bi-directional mapping from source to target and target to source.
.PARAMETER replace
    Replace existing mappings.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Optional zone.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($2way){
                $queryArguments += '2way=' + $2way
                $BoundParameters.Remove('2way') | out-null
            if ($replace){
                $queryArguments += 'replace=' + $replace
                $BoundParameters.Remove('replace') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/auth/mapping/identities" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthMappingIdentities

function New-isiAuthMappingIdentities{
    New Auth Mapping Identity
    Manually set or modify a mapping between two personae.
    Source id
    Source name
    Desired mapping target to fetch/generate.
    Valid inputs: uid,gid,sid
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Optional zone.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($type){
                $queryArguments += 'type=' + $type
                $BoundParameters.Remove('type') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/auth/mapping/identities/$parameter1" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject.identities

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthMappingIdentities

function New-isiAuthProvidersAdsv1{
    New Auth Providers Ads
    Create a new ADS provider.
.PARAMETER account
    Specifies the machine account name when creating a SAM account with Active Directory. The default cluster name is called 'default'.
.PARAMETER allocate_gids
    Allocates an ID for an unmapped Active Directory (ADS) group. ADS groups without GIDs can be proactively assigned a GID by the ID mapper. If the ID mapper option is disabled, GIDs are not proactively assigned, and when a primary group for a user does not include a GID, the system may allocate one.
.PARAMETER allocate_uids
    Allocates a user ID for an unmapped Active Directory (ADS) user. ADS users without UIDs can be proactively assigned a UID by the ID mapper. IF the ID mapper option is disabled, UIDs are not proactively assigned, and when an identify for a user does not include a UID, the system may allocate one.
.PARAMETER assume_default_domain
    Enables lookup of unqualified user names in the primary domain.
.PARAMETER authentication
    Enables authentication and identity management through the authentication provider.
.PARAMETER check_online_interval
    Specifies the time in seconds between provider online checks.
.PARAMETER controller_time
    Specifies the current time for the domain controllers.
.PARAMETER create_home_directory
    Automatically creates a home directory on the first login.
.PARAMETER dns_domain
    Specifies the DNS search domain. Set this parameter if the DNS search domain has a unique name or address.
.PARAMETER domain_offline_alerts
    Sends an alert if the domain goes offline.
.PARAMETER findable_groups
    Sets list of groups that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER findable_users
    Sets list of users that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER home_directory_template
    Specifies the path to the home directory template.
.PARAMETER ignored_trusted_domains
    Includes trusted domains when 'ignore_all_trusts' is set to false.
.PARAMETER ignore_all_trusts
    If set to true, ignores all trusted domains.
.PARAMETER include_trusted_domains
    Includes trusted domains when 'ignore_all_trusts' is set to true.
.PARAMETER kerberos_hdfs_spn
    Determines if connecting through HDFS with Kerberos.
.PARAMETER kerberos_nfs_spn
    Determines if connecting through NFS with Kerberos.
.PARAMETER ldap_sign_and_seal
    Enables encryption and signing on LDAP requests.
.PARAMETER login_shell
    Specifies the login shell path.
.PARAMETER lookup_domains
    Limits user and group lookups to the specified domains.
.PARAMETER lookup_groups
    Looks up AD groups in other providers before allocating a group ID.
.PARAMETER lookup_normalize_groups
    Normalizes AD group names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER lookup_normalize_users
    Normalize AD user names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER lookup_users
    Looks up AD users in other providers before allocating a user ID.
.PARAMETER machine_password_changes
    Enables periodic changes of the machine password for security.
.PARAMETER machine_password_lifespan
    Sets maximum age of a password in seconds.
    Specifies the Active Directory provider name.
.PARAMETER node_dc_affinity
    Specifies the domain controller for which the node has affinity.
.PARAMETER node_dc_affinity_timeout
    Specifies the timeout for the domain controller for which the local node has affinity.
.PARAMETER nss_enumeration
    Enables the Active Directory provider to respond to 'getpwent' and 'getgrent' requests.
.PARAMETER organizational_unit
    Specifies the organizational unit.
.PARAMETER password
    Specifies the password used during domain join.
.PARAMETER restrict_findable
    Check the provider for filtered lists of findable and unfindable users and groups.
.PARAMETER sfu_support
    Specifies whether to support RFC 2307 attributes on ADS domain controllers.
    Valid inputs: none,rfc2307
.PARAMETER store_sfu_mappings
    Stores SFU mappings permanently in the ID mapper.
.PARAMETER unfindable_groups
    Specifies groups that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_users
    Specifies users that cannot be resolved by the provider.
    Specifies the user name that has permission to join a machine to the given domain.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/providers/ads" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersAdsv1
Set-Alias New-isiAuthProvidersAds -Value New-isiAuthProvidersAdsv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiAuthProvidersAds

function New-isiAuthProvidersAdsv3{
    New Auth Providers Ads
    Create a new ADS provider.
.PARAMETER account
    Specifies the machine account name when creating a SAM account with Active Directory. The default cluster name is called 'default'.
.PARAMETER allocate_gids
    Allocates an ID for an unmapped Active Directory (ADS) group. ADS groups without GIDs can be proactively assigned a GID by the ID mapper. If the ID mapper option is disabled, GIDs are not proactively assigned, and when a primary group for a user does not include a GID, the system may allocate one.
.PARAMETER allocate_uids
    Allocates a user ID for an unmapped Active Directory (ADS) user. ADS users without UIDs can be proactively assigned a UID by the ID mapper. IF the ID mapper option is disabled, UIDs are not proactively assigned, and when an identify for a user does not include a UID, the system may allocate one.
.PARAMETER assume_default_domain
    Enables lookup of unqualified user names in the primary domain.
.PARAMETER authentication
    Enables authentication and identity management through the authentication provider.
.PARAMETER check_online_interval
    Specifies the time in seconds between provider online checks.
.PARAMETER controller_time
    Specifies the current time for the domain controllers.
.PARAMETER create_home_directory
    Automatically creates a home directory on the first login.
.PARAMETER dns_domain
    Specifies the DNS search domain. Set this parameter if the DNS search domain has a unique name or address.
.PARAMETER domain_offline_alerts
    Sends an alert if the domain goes offline.
.PARAMETER findable_groups
    Sets list of groups that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER findable_users
    Sets list of users that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER groupnet
    Groupnet identifier.
.PARAMETER home_directory_template
    Specifies the path to the home directory template.
.PARAMETER ignored_trusted_domains
    Includes trusted domains when 'ignore_all_trusts' is set to false.
.PARAMETER ignore_all_trusts
    If set to true, ignores all trusted domains.
.PARAMETER include_trusted_domains
    Includes trusted domains when 'ignore_all_trusts' is set to true.
.PARAMETER instance
    Specifies Active Directory provider instnace.
.PARAMETER kerberos_hdfs_spn
    Determines if connecting through HDFS with Kerberos.
.PARAMETER kerberos_nfs_spn
    Determines if connecting through NFS with Kerberos.
.PARAMETER ldap_sign_and_seal
    Enables encryption and signing on LDAP requests.
.PARAMETER login_shell
    Specifies the login shell path.
.PARAMETER lookup_domains
    Limits user and group lookups to the specified domains.
.PARAMETER lookup_groups
    Looks up AD groups in other providers before allocating a group ID.
.PARAMETER lookup_normalize_groups
    Normalizes AD group names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER lookup_normalize_users
    Normalize AD user names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER lookup_users
    Looks up AD users in other providers before allocating a user ID.
.PARAMETER machine_name
    Specifies name to join AD as.
.PARAMETER machine_password_changes
    Enables periodic changes of the machine password for security.
.PARAMETER machine_password_lifespan
    Sets maximum age of a password in seconds.
    Specifies the Active Directory provider name.
.PARAMETER node_dc_affinity
    Specifies the domain controller for which the node has affinity.
.PARAMETER node_dc_affinity_timeout
    Specifies the timeout for the domain controller for which the local node has affinity.
.PARAMETER nss_enumeration
    Enables the Active Directory provider to respond to 'getpwent' and 'getgrent' requests.
.PARAMETER organizational_unit
    Specifies the organizational unit.
.PARAMETER password
    Specifies the password used during domain join.
.PARAMETER restrict_findable
    Check the provider for filtered lists of findable and unfindable users and groups.
.PARAMETER sfu_support
    Specifies whether to support RFC 2307 attributes on ADS domain controllers.
    Valid inputs: none,rfc2307
.PARAMETER store_sfu_mappings
    Stores SFU mappings permanently in the ID mapper.
.PARAMETER unfindable_groups
    Specifies groups that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_users
    Specifies users that cannot be resolved by the provider.
    Specifies the user name that has permission to join a machine to the given domain.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/auth/providers/ads" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersAdsv3

function New-isiAuthProvidersFile{
    New Auth Providers File
    Create a new file provider.
.PARAMETER authentication
    Enables authentication and identity mapping through the authentication provider.
.PARAMETER create_home_directory
    Automatically creates a home directory on the first login.
.PARAMETER enabled
    Enables the file provider.
.PARAMETER enumerate_groups
    Enables the provider to enumerate groups.
.PARAMETER enumerate_users
    Enables the provider to enumerate users.
.PARAMETER findable_groups
    Specifies the list of groups that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER findable_users
    Specifies the list of users that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER group_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which domains are qualified.
.PARAMETER group_file
    Specifies the location of the file that contains information about the group.
.PARAMETER home_directory_template
    Specifies the path to the home directory template.
.PARAMETER listable_groups
    Specifies the groups that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER listable_users
    Specifies the users that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER login_shell
    Specifies the login shell path.
.PARAMETER modifiable_groups
    Specifies the groups that can be modified in the provider.
.PARAMETER modifiable_users
    Specifies the users that can be modified in the provider.
    Specifies the name of the file provider.
.PARAMETER netgroup_file
    Specifies the path to a netgroups replacement file.
.PARAMETER normalize_groups
    Normalizes group names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER normalize_users
    Normalizes user names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER ntlm_support
    Specifies which NTLM versions to support for users with NTLM-compatible credentials.
    Valid inputs: all,v2only,none
.PARAMETER password_file
    Specifies the location of the file containing information about users.
.PARAMETER provider_domain
    Specifies the domain for the provider.
.PARAMETER restrict_findable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of findable and unfindable users and groups.
.PARAMETER restrict_listable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of listable and unlistable users and groups.
.PARAMETER restrict_modifiable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of modifiable and unmodifiable users and groups.
.PARAMETER unfindable_groups
    Specifies groups that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_users
    Specifies users that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unlistable_groups
    Specifies a group that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER unlistable_users
    Specifies a user that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER unmodifiable_groups
    Specifies a group that cannot be modified by the provider.
.PARAMETER unmodifiable_users
    Specifies a user that cannot be modified by the provider.
.PARAMETER user_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which users are qualified.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/providers/file" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersFile

function New-isiAuthProvidersKrb5v1{
    New Auth Providers Krb5
    Create a new KRB5 provider.
.PARAMETER keytab_entries
    Specifies the key information for the Kerberos SPN.
.PARAMETER keytab_file
    Specifies the path to a keytab file to import.
.PARAMETER manual_keying
    If true, keys are managed manually. If false, keys are managed through kadmin.
    Specifies the Kerberos provider name.
.PARAMETER password
    Specifies the Kerberos provider password.
    Specifies the name of realm.
    Specifies the name of the user that performs kadmin tasks.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/providers/krb5" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersKrb5v1
Set-Alias New-isiAuthProvidersKrb5 -Value New-isiAuthProvidersKrb5v1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiAuthProvidersKrb5

function New-isiAuthProvidersKrb5v3{
    New Auth Providers Krb5
    Create a new KRB5 provider.
.PARAMETER groupnet
    Groupnet identifier.
.PARAMETER keytab_entries
    Specifies the key information for the Kerberos SPN.
.PARAMETER keytab_file
    Specifies the path to a keytab file to import.
.PARAMETER manual_keying
    If true, keys are managed manually. If false, keys are managed through kadmin.
    Specifies the Kerberos provider name.
.PARAMETER password
    Specifies the Kerberos provider password.
    Specifies the name of realm.
    Specifies the name of the user that performs kadmin tasks.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/auth/providers/krb5" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersKrb5v3

function New-isiAuthProvidersLdapv1{
    New Auth Providers Ldap
    Create a new LDAP provider.
.PARAMETER alternate_security_identities_attribute
    Specifies the attribute name used when searching for alternate security identities.
.PARAMETER authentication
    If true, enables authentication and identity management through the authentication provider.
.PARAMETER balance_servers
    If true, connects the provider to a random server.
.PARAMETER base_dn
    Specifies the root of the tree in which to search identities.
.PARAMETER bind_dn
    Specifies the distinguished name for binding to the LDAP server.
.PARAMETER bind_mechanism
    Specifies which bind mechanism to use when connecting to an LDAP server. The only supported option is the 'simple' value.
    Valid inputs: simple,gssapi,digest-md5
.PARAMETER bind_password
    Specifies the password for the distinguished name for binding to the LDAP server.
.PARAMETER bind_timeout
    Specifies the timeout in seconds when binding to an LDAP server.
.PARAMETER certificate_authority_file
    Specifies the path to the root certificates file.
.PARAMETER check_online_interval
    Specifies the time in seconds between provider online checks.
.PARAMETER cn_attribute
    Specifies the canonical name.
.PARAMETER create_home_directory
    Automatically create the home directory on the first login.
.PARAMETER crypt_password_attribute
    Specifies the hashed password value.
.PARAMETER email_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Email attribute.
.PARAMETER enabled
    If true, enables the LDAP provider.
.PARAMETER enumerate_groups
    If true, allows the provider to enumerate groups.
.PARAMETER enumerate_users
    If true, allows the provider to enumerate users.
.PARAMETER findable_groups
    Specifies the list of groups that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER findable_users
    Specifies the list of users that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER gecos_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP GECOS attribute.
.PARAMETER gid_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP GID attribute.
.PARAMETER group_base_dn
    Specifies the distinguished name of the entry where LDAP searches for groups are started.
.PARAMETER group_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which groups are qualified.
.PARAMETER group_filter
    Specifies the LDAP filter for group objects.
.PARAMETER group_members_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Group Members attribute.
.PARAMETER group_search_scope
    Specifies the depth from the base DN to perform LDAP searches.
    Valid inputs: default,base,onelevel,subtree,children
.PARAMETER homedir_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Homedir attribute.
.PARAMETER home_directory_template
    Specifies the path to the home directory template.
.PARAMETER ignore_tls_errors
    If true, continues over secure connections even if identity checks fail.
.PARAMETER listable_groups
    Specifies the groups that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER listable_users
    Specifies the users that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER login_shell
    Specifies the login shell path.
.PARAMETER member_of_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Query Member Of attribute, which performs reverse membership queries.
    Specifies the name of the LDAP provider.
.PARAMETER name_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP UID attribute, which is used as the login name.
.PARAMETER netgroup_base_dn
    Specifies the distinguished name of the entry where LDAP searches for netgroups are started.
.PARAMETER netgroup_filter
    Specifies the LDAP filter for netgroup objects.
.PARAMETER netgroup_members_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Netgroup Members attribute.
.PARAMETER netgroup_search_scope
    Specifies the depth from the base DN to perform LDAP searches.
    Valid inputs: default,base,onelevel,subtree,children
.PARAMETER netgroup_triple_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Netgroup Triple attribute.
.PARAMETER normalize_groups
    Normalizes group names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER normalize_users
    Normalizes user names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER ntlm_support
    Specifies which NTLM versions to support for users with NTLM-compatible credentials.
    Valid inputs: all,v2only,none
.PARAMETER nt_password_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP NT Password attribute.
.PARAMETER provider_domain
    Specifies the provider domain.
.PARAMETER require_secure_connection
    Determines whether to continue over a non-TLS connection.
.PARAMETER restrict_findable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of findable and unfindable users and groups.
.PARAMETER restrict_listable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of listable and unlistable users and groups.
.PARAMETER search_scope
    Specifies the default depth from the base DN to perform LDAP searches.
    Valid inputs: base,onelevel,subtree,children
.PARAMETER search_timeout
    Specifies the search timeout period in seconds.
.PARAMETER server_uris
    Specifies the server URIs.
.PARAMETER shell_attribute
    Specifies the the LDAP Shell attribute.
.PARAMETER uid_attribute
    Specifies the the LDAP UID Number attribute.
.PARAMETER unfindable_groups
    Specifies the groups that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_users
    Specifies users that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unique_group_members_attribute
    Sets the LDAP Unique Group Members attribute.
.PARAMETER unlistable_groups
    Specifies a group that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER unlistable_users
    Specifies a user that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER user_base_dn
    Specifies the distinguished name of the entry at which to start LDAP searches for users.
.PARAMETER user_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which users are qualified.
.PARAMETER user_filter
    Specifies the LDAP filter for user objects.
.PARAMETER user_search_scope
    Specifies the depth from the base DN to perform LDAP searches.
    Valid inputs: default,base,onelevel,subtree,children
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/providers/ldap" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersLdapv1
Set-Alias New-isiAuthProvidersLdap -Value New-isiAuthProvidersLdapv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiAuthProvidersLdap

function New-isiAuthProvidersLdapv3{
    New Auth Providers Ldap
    Create a new LDAP provider.
.PARAMETER alternate_security_identities_attribute
    Specifies the attribute name used when searching for alternate security identities.
.PARAMETER authentication
    If true, enables authentication and identity management through the authentication provider.
.PARAMETER balance_servers
    If true, connects the provider to a random server.
.PARAMETER base_dn
    Specifies the root of the tree in which to search identities.
.PARAMETER bind_dn
    Specifies the distinguished name for binding to the LDAP server.
.PARAMETER bind_mechanism
    Specifies which bind mechanism to use when connecting to an LDAP server. The only supported option is the 'simple' value.
    Valid inputs: simple,gssapi,digest-md5
.PARAMETER bind_password
    Specifies the password for the distinguished name for binding to the LDAP server.
.PARAMETER bind_timeout
    Specifies the timeout in seconds when binding to an LDAP server.
.PARAMETER certificate_authority_file
    Specifies the path to the root certificates file.
.PARAMETER check_online_interval
    Specifies the time in seconds between provider online checks.
.PARAMETER cn_attribute
    Specifies the canonical name.
.PARAMETER create_home_directory
    Automatically create the home directory on the first login.
.PARAMETER crypt_password_attribute
    Specifies the hashed password value.
.PARAMETER email_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Email attribute.
.PARAMETER enabled
    If true, enables the LDAP provider.
.PARAMETER enumerate_groups
    If true, allows the provider to enumerate groups.
.PARAMETER enumerate_users
    If true, allows the provider to enumerate users.
.PARAMETER findable_groups
    Specifies the list of groups that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER findable_users
    Specifies the list of users that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER gecos_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP GECOS attribute.
.PARAMETER gid_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP GID attribute.
.PARAMETER groupnet
    Groupnet identifier.
.PARAMETER group_base_dn
    Specifies the distinguished name of the entry where LDAP searches for groups are started.
.PARAMETER group_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which groups are qualified.
.PARAMETER group_filter
    Specifies the LDAP filter for group objects.
.PARAMETER group_members_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Group Members attribute.
.PARAMETER group_search_scope
    Specifies the depth from the base DN to perform LDAP searches.
    Valid inputs: default,base,onelevel,subtree,children
.PARAMETER homedir_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Homedir attribute.
.PARAMETER home_directory_template
    Specifies the path to the home directory template.
.PARAMETER ignore_tls_errors
    If true, continues over secure connections even if identity checks fail.
.PARAMETER listable_groups
    Specifies the groups that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER listable_users
    Specifies the users that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER login_shell
    Specifies the login shell path.
.PARAMETER member_of_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Query Member Of attribute, which performs reverse membership queries.
    Specifies the name of the LDAP provider.
.PARAMETER name_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP UID attribute, which is used as the login name.
.PARAMETER netgroup_base_dn
    Specifies the distinguished name of the entry where LDAP searches for netgroups are started.
.PARAMETER netgroup_filter
    Specifies the LDAP filter for netgroup objects.
.PARAMETER netgroup_members_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Netgroup Members attribute.
.PARAMETER netgroup_search_scope
    Specifies the depth from the base DN to perform LDAP searches.
    Valid inputs: default,base,onelevel,subtree,children
.PARAMETER netgroup_triple_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP Netgroup Triple attribute.
.PARAMETER normalize_groups
    Normalizes group names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER normalize_users
    Normalizes user names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER ntlm_support
    Specifies which NTLM versions to support for users with NTLM-compatible credentials.
    Valid inputs: all,v2only,none
.PARAMETER nt_password_attribute
    Specifies the LDAP NT Password attribute.
.PARAMETER provider_domain
    Specifies the provider domain.
.PARAMETER require_secure_connection
    Determines whether to continue over a non-TLS connection.
.PARAMETER restrict_findable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of findable and unfindable users and groups.
.PARAMETER restrict_listable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of listable and unlistable users and groups.
.PARAMETER search_scope
    Specifies the default depth from the base DN to perform LDAP searches.
    Valid inputs: base,onelevel,subtree,children
.PARAMETER search_timeout
    Specifies the search timeout period in seconds.
.PARAMETER server_uris
    Specifies the server URIs.
.PARAMETER shell_attribute
    Specifies the the LDAP Shell attribute.
.PARAMETER uid_attribute
    Specifies the the LDAP UID Number attribute.
.PARAMETER unfindable_groups
    Specifies the groups that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_users
    Specifies users that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unique_group_members_attribute
    Sets the LDAP Unique Group Members attribute.
.PARAMETER unlistable_groups
    Specifies a group that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER unlistable_users
    Specifies a user that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER user_base_dn
    Specifies the distinguished name of the entry at which to start LDAP searches for users.
.PARAMETER user_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which users are qualified.
.PARAMETER user_filter
    Specifies the LDAP filter for user objects.
.PARAMETER user_search_scope
    Specifies the depth from the base DN to perform LDAP searches.
    Valid inputs: default,base,onelevel,subtree,children
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/auth/providers/ldap" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersLdapv3

function New-isiAuthProvidersNisv1{
    New Auth Providers Nis
    Create a new NIS provider.
.PARAMETER authentication
    If true, enables authentication and identity management through the authentication provider.
.PARAMETER balance_servers
    If true, connects the provider to a random server.
.PARAMETER check_online_interval
    Specifies the time in seconds between provider online checks.
.PARAMETER create_home_directory
    Automatically creates the home directory on the first login.
.PARAMETER enabled
    If true, enables the NIS provider.
.PARAMETER enumerate_groups
    If true, allows the provider to enumerate groups.
.PARAMETER enumerate_users
    If true, allows the provider to enumerate users.
.PARAMETER findable_groups
    Specifies the list of groups that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER findable_users
    Specifies the list of users that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER group_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which groups are qualified.
.PARAMETER home_directory_template
    Specifies the path to the home directory template.
.PARAMETER hostname_lookup
    If true, enables host name look ups.
.PARAMETER listable_groups
    Specifies the groups that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER listable_users
    Specifies the users that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER login_shell
    Specifies the login shell path.
    Specifies the NIS provider name.
.PARAMETER nis_domain
    Specifies the NIS domain name.
.PARAMETER normalize_groups
    Normalizes group names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER normalize_users
    Normalizes user names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER ntlm_support
    Specifies which NTLM versions to support for users with NTLM-compatible credentials.
    Valid inputs: all,v2only,none
.PARAMETER provider_domain
    Specifies the domain for the provider.
.PARAMETER request_timeout
    Specifies the request timeout interval in seconds.
.PARAMETER restrict_findable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of findable and unfindable users and groups.
.PARAMETER restrict_listable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of listable and unlistable users and groups.
.PARAMETER retry_time
    Specifies the timeout period in seconds after which a request will be retried.
.PARAMETER servers
    Adds an NIS server for this provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_groups
    Specifies groups that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_users
    Specifies users that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unlistable_groups
    Specifies a group that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER unlistable_users
    Specifies a user that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER user_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which users are qualified.
.PARAMETER ypmatch_using_tcp
    If true, specifies TCP for YP Match operations.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/providers/nis" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersNisv1
Set-Alias New-isiAuthProvidersNis -Value New-isiAuthProvidersNisv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiAuthProvidersNis

function New-isiAuthProvidersNisv3{
    New Auth Providers Nis
    Create a new NIS provider.
.PARAMETER authentication
    If true, enables authentication and identity management through the authentication provider.
.PARAMETER balance_servers
    If true, connects the provider to a random server.
.PARAMETER check_online_interval
    Specifies the time in seconds between provider online checks.
.PARAMETER create_home_directory
    Automatically creates the home directory on the first login.
.PARAMETER enabled
    If true, enables the NIS provider.
.PARAMETER enumerate_groups
    If true, allows the provider to enumerate groups.
.PARAMETER enumerate_users
    If true, allows the provider to enumerate users.
.PARAMETER findable_groups
    Specifies the list of groups that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER findable_users
    Specifies the list of users that can be resolved.
.PARAMETER groupnet
    Groupnet identifier.
.PARAMETER group_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which groups are qualified.
.PARAMETER home_directory_template
    Specifies the path to the home directory template.
.PARAMETER hostname_lookup
    If true, enables host name look ups.
.PARAMETER listable_groups
    Specifies the groups that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER listable_users
    Specifies the users that can be viewed in the provider.
.PARAMETER login_shell
    Specifies the login shell path.
    Specifies the NIS provider name.
.PARAMETER nis_domain
    Specifies the NIS domain name.
.PARAMETER normalize_groups
    Normalizes group names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER normalize_users
    Normalizes user names to lowercase before look up.
.PARAMETER ntlm_support
    Specifies which NTLM versions to support for users with NTLM-compatible credentials.
    Valid inputs: all,v2only,none
.PARAMETER provider_domain
    Specifies the domain for the provider.
.PARAMETER request_timeout
    Specifies the request timeout interval in seconds.
.PARAMETER restrict_findable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of findable and unfindable users and groups.
.PARAMETER restrict_listable
    If true, checks the provider for filtered lists of listable and unlistable users and groups.
.PARAMETER retry_time
    Specifies the timeout period in seconds after which a request will be retried.
.PARAMETER servers
    Adds an NIS server for this provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_groups
    Specifies groups that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unfindable_users
    Specifies users that cannot be resolved by the provider.
.PARAMETER unlistable_groups
    Specifies a group that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER unlistable_users
    Specifies a user that cannot be listed by the provider.
.PARAMETER user_domain
    Specifies the domain for this provider through which users are qualified.
.PARAMETER ypmatch_using_tcp
    If true, specifies TCP for YP Match operations.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/auth/providers/nis" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthProvidersNisv3

function New-isiAuthRefresh{
    New Auth Refresh
    Refresh the authentication service configuration.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/auth/refresh" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthRefresh

function New-isiAuthRoles{
    New Auth Roles
    Create a new role.
.PARAMETER description
    Specifies the description of the role.
.PARAMETER members
    Specifies the users or groups that have this role.
    Specifies the name of the role.
.PARAMETER privileges
    Specifies the privileges granted by this role.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/roles" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthRoles

function New-isiAuthRoleMembers{
    New Auth Role Members
    Add a member to the role.
.PARAMETER role_id
    Role role_id
.PARAMETER role_name
    Role role_name
    Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be 'UID:0', 'USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel', or 'SID:S-1-1'.
    Specifies the persona name, which must be combined with a type.
    Specifies the type of persona, which must be combined with a name.
    Valid inputs: user,group,wellknown
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('role_id')){
                $parameter1 = $role_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('role_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $role_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('role_name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/roles/$parameter1/members" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthRoleMembers

function New-isiAuthRolePrivileges{
    New Auth Role Privileges
    Add a privilege to the role.
.PARAMETER role_id
    Role role_id
.PARAMETER role_name
    Role role_name
    Specifies the ID of the privilege.
    Specifies the name of the privilege.
.PARAMETER read_only
    True, if the privilege is read-only.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('role_id')){
                $parameter1 = $role_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('role_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $role_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('role_name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/roles/$parameter1/privileges" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthRolePrivileges

function New-isiAuthSettingsKrb5Domains{
    New Auth Settings Krb5 Domains
    Create a new krb5 domain.
    Specifies the name of the domain.
    Specifies the name of the realm.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/domains" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject.domain

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthSettingsKrb5Domains

function New-isiAuthSettingsKrb5Realms{
    New Auth Settings Krb5 Realms
    Create a new krb5 realm.
.PARAMETER admin_server
    Specifies the administrative server hostname.
.PARAMETER default_domain
    Specifies the default domain mapped to the realm.
.PARAMETER is_default_realm
    If true, indicates that the realm is the default.
    Specifies the list of KDC hostnames.
    Specifies the name of the realm.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/auth/settings/krb5/realms" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthSettingsKrb5Realms

function New-isiAuthUsers{
    New Auth Users
    Create a new user.
    Specifies an email address for the user.
.PARAMETER enabled
    If true, the authenticated user is enabled.
    Specifies the Unix Epoch time when the auth user will expire.
    Specifies the GECOS value, which is usually the full name.
.PARAMETER home_directory
    Specifies a home directory for the user.
    Specifies a user name.
.PARAMETER password
    Changes the password for the user.
.PARAMETER password_expires
    If true, the password should expire.
.PARAMETER primary_group
    Specifies the primary group by name.
.PARAMETER prompt_password_change
    If true, prompts the user to change their password at the next login.
    Specifies the shell for the user.
    Specifies a security identifier.
    Specifies a numeric user identifier.
    If true, the user account should be unlocked.
.PARAMETER provider
    Optional provider type.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Optional zone.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($provider){
                $queryArguments += 'provider=' + $provider
                $BoundParameters.Remove('provider') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/auth/users" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthUsers

function New-isiAuthUserMemberOfGroupsv3{
    New Auth User Member Of Groups
    Add the user to a group.
.PARAMETER user_id
    User user_id
.PARAMETER user_name
    User user_name
    Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be 'UID:0', 'USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel', or 'SID:S-1-1'.
    Specifies the persona name, which must be combined with a type.
    Specifies the type of persona, which must be combined with a name.
    Valid inputs: user,group,wellknown
.PARAMETER provider
    Filter groups by provider.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Filter groups by zone.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('user_id')){
                $parameter1 = $user_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('user_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $user_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('user_name') | out-null
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($provider){
                $queryArguments += 'provider=' + $provider
                $BoundParameters.Remove('provider') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/auth/users/$parameter1/member-of" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthUserMemberOfGroupsv3

function New-isiAuthUserMemberOfGroupsv1{
    New Auth User Member Of Groups
    Add the user to a group.
.PARAMETER user_id
    User user_id
.PARAMETER user_name
    User user_name
    Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be 'UID:0', 'USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel', or 'SID:S-1-1'.
    Specifies the persona name, which must be combined with a type.
    Specifies the type of persona, which must be combined with a name.
    Valid inputs: user,group,wellknown
.PARAMETER provider
    Filter groups by provider.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Filter groups by zone.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('user_id')){
                $parameter1 = $user_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('user_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $user_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('user_name') | out-null
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($provider){
                $queryArguments += 'provider=' + $provider
                $BoundParameters.Remove('provider') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/auth/users/$parameter1/member_of" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiAuthUserMemberOfGroupsv1

function New-isiCloudAccess{
    New Cloud Access
    Add a cluster identifier to access list.
    A cluster guid indicating the birth place of one or more accounts or policies on this cluster
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cloud/access" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiCloudAccess

function New-isiCloudAccountsv3{
    New Cloud Accounts
    Create a new account.
.PARAMETER account_id
    (S3 only) The user id of the S3 account
.PARAMETER account_username
    The username required to authenticate against the cloud service
.PARAMETER birth_cluster_id
    The guid of the cluster where this account was created
.PARAMETER enabled
    Whether this account is explicitly enabled or disabled by a user
    A valid authentication key for connecting to the cloud
    A unique name for this account
.PARAMETER skip_ssl_validation
    Indicates whether to skip SSL certificate validation when connecting to the cloud
.PARAMETER storage_region
    (S3 only) An appropriate region for the S3 account. For example, faster access times may be gained by referencing a nearby region
.PARAMETER telemetry_bucket
    (S3 only) The name of the bucket into which generated metrics reports are placed by the cloud service provider
    The type of cloud protocol required. E.g., "isilon" for EMC Isilon, "ecs" for EMC ECS Appliance, "virtustream" for Virtustream Storage Cloud, "azure" for Microsoft Azure and "s3" for Amazon S3
    Valid inputs: isilon,ecs,virtustream,azure,s3,ran,ecs2
    A valid URI pointing to the location of the cloud storage
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cloud/accounts" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiCloudAccountsv3

function New-isiCloudJobsv3{
    New Cloud Jobs
    Create a new job.
.PARAMETER accounts
    The names of accounts for COI restore
.PARAMETER directories
    Directories addressed by this job
.PARAMETER expiration_date
    The new expiration date in seconds
    Filenames addressed by this job
.PARAMETER file_matching_pattern
    The file filtering logic to find files for this job. (Only applicable for 'recall' jobs)
    The name of an existing cloudpool policy to apply to this job. (Only applicable for 'archive' jobs)
    The type of cloud action to be performed by this job.
    Valid inputs: archive,recall,local-garbage-collection,cloud-garbage-collection,cache-writeback,cache-on-access,cache-invalidation,restore-coi
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cloud/jobs" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiCloudJobsv3

function New-isiCloudPoolsv3{
    New Cloud Pools
    Create a new pool.
.PARAMETER accounts
    A list of valid names for the accounts in this pool. There is currently only one account allowed per pool.
.PARAMETER birth_cluster_id
    The guid of the cluster where this pool was created
.PARAMETER description
    A brief description of this pool
    A unique name for this pool
    The type of cloud protocol required. E.g., "isilon" for EMC Isilon, "ecs" for EMC ECS Appliance, "virtustream" for Virtustream Storage Cloud, "azure" for Microsoft Azure and "s3" for Amazon S3
    Valid inputs: isilon,ecs,virtustream,azure,s3,ran,ecs2
    A string identifier of the cloud services vendor
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cloud/pools" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiCloudPoolsv3

function New-isiCloudSettingsEncryptionKey{
    New Cloud Settings Encryption Key
    Regenerate master encryption key.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cloud/settings/encryption-key" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiCloudSettingsEncryptionKey

function New-isiCloudSettingsReportingEula{
    New Cloud Settings Reporting Eula
    Accept telemetry collection EULA.
.PARAMETER accepted
    Indicates whether the telemetry collection warning has been acknowledged
    The body of the telemetry collection warning
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cloud/settings/reporting-eula" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiCloudSettingsReportingEula

function New-isiClusterAddNode{
    New Cluster Add Node
    Serial number and arguments of node to add.
.PARAMETER allow_down
    Allow down nodes (Default false).
.PARAMETER serial_number
    Serial number of this node.
.PARAMETER skip_hardware_version_check
    Bypass hardware version checks (Default false).
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/add-node" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterAddNode

function New-isiClusterNodeDriveAdd{
    New Cluster Node Drive Add
    Add a drive to a node.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
.PARAMETER driveidid2
.PARAMETER driveidname2
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('driveidid2')){
                $parameter2 = $driveidid2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidid2') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter2 = $driveidname2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidname2') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/drives/$parameter2" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeDriveAdd

function New-isiClusterNodeDriveFirmwareUpdate{
    New Cluster Node Drive Firmware Update
    Start a drive firmware update.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
.PARAMETER driveidid2
.PARAMETER driveidname2
.PARAMETER cluster_wide
    Indicates whether this is a cluster wide drive firwmare update or not
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('driveidid2')){
                $parameter2 = $driveidid2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidid2') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter2 = $driveidname2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidname2') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/drives/$parameter2" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeDriveFirmwareUpdate

function New-isiClusterNodeDriveFormat{
    New Cluster Node Drive Format
    Format a drive for use by OneFS.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
.PARAMETER driveidid2
.PARAMETER driveidname2
.PARAMETER purpose
    The purpose to which this drive should be formatted. If not specified, defaults to 'None', which will be automatically purposed based on node configuration and drive type.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('driveidid2')){
                $parameter2 = $driveidid2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidid2') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter2 = $driveidname2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidname2') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/drives/$parameter2" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeDriveFormat

function New-isiClusterNodeDrivePurpose{
    New Cluster Node Drive Purpose
    Assign a drive to a specific use case.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
.PARAMETER driveidid2
.PARAMETER driveidname2
.PARAMETER purpose
    The purpose to which this drive should be assigned. This field is required for the 'purpose' action.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('driveidid2')){
                $parameter2 = $driveidid2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidid2') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter2 = $driveidname2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidname2') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/drives/$parameter2" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeDrivePurpose

function New-isiClusterNodeDriveSmartfail{
    New Cluster Node Drive Smartfail
    Remove a drive from use by OneFS.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
.PARAMETER driveidid2
.PARAMETER driveidname2
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('driveidid2')){
                $parameter2 = $driveidid2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidid2') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter2 = $driveidname2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidname2') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/drives/$parameter2" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeDriveSmartfail

function New-isiClusterNodeDriveStopfail{
    New Cluster Node Drive Stopfail
    Stop restriping from a smartfailing drive.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
.PARAMETER driveidid2
.PARAMETER driveidname2
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('driveidid2')){
                $parameter2 = $driveidid2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidid2') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter2 = $driveidname2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidname2') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/drives/$parameter2" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeDriveStopfail

function New-isiClusterNodeDriveSuspend{
    New Cluster Node Drive Suspend
    Temporarily remove a drive from use by OneFS.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
.PARAMETER driveidid2
.PARAMETER driveidname2
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('driveidid2')){
                $parameter2 = $driveidid2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidid2') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter2 = $driveidname2
                $BoundParameters.Remove('driveidname2') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/drives/$parameter2" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeDriveSuspend

function New-isiClusterNodeReboot{
    New Cluster Node Reboot
    Reboot the node specified by <LNN>.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/reboot" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeReboot

function New-isiClusterNodeShutdown{
    New Cluster Node Shutdown
    Shutdown the node specified by <LNN>.
    Lnn id
    Lnn name
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/cluster/nodes/$parameter1/shutdown" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiClusterNodeShutdown

function New-isiEventAlertConditions{
    New Event Alert Conditions
    Create a new alert condition.
.PARAMETER categories
    Event Group categories to be alerted
.PARAMETER channel_ids
    Channels for alert
.PARAMETER condition
    Trigger condition for alert
.PARAMETER eventgroup_ids
    Event Group IDs to be alerted
    Unique identifier.
.PARAMETER interval
    Required with ONGOING condition only, period in seconds between alerts of ongoing conditions
    Required with NEW EVENTS condition only, limits the number of alerts sent as events are added
    Unique identifier.
.PARAMETER severities
    Severities to be alerted
.PARAMETER transient
    Any eventgroup lasting less than this many seconds is deemed transient and will not generate alerts under this condition.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$False,Position=2)][ValidateSet('NEW','NEW EVENTS','ONGOING','SEVERITY INCREASE','SEVERITY DECREASE','RESOLVED')][string]$condition,
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/event/alert-conditions" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiEventAlertConditions

function New-isiEventChannels{
    New Event Channels
    Create a new channel.
.PARAMETER allowed_nodes
    Nodes that can be masters for this channel
.PARAMETER enabled
    Channel is to be used or not
.PARAMETER excluded_nodes
    Nodes that can be masters for this channel
    Unique identifier.
    Channel name, may not contain /, max length 254.
.PARAMETER parameters
    A collection of parameters dependent on the channel type
    Channel is a pre-defined system channel
    The mechanism used by the channel
    Valid inputs: connectemc,smtp,snmp
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/event/channels" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiEventChannels

function New-isiEventEventsv3{
    New Event Events
    Create a test event.
.PARAMETER message
    Message for test event
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/event/events" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiEventEventsv3

function New-isiFilepoolPolicies{
    New Filepool Policies
    Create a new policy.
.PARAMETER actions
    A list of actions to be taken for matching files
.PARAMETER apply_order
    The order in which this policy should be applied (relative to other policies)
.PARAMETER description
    A description for this policy
.PARAMETER file_matching_pattern
    The file matching rules for this policy
    A unique name for this policy
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/filepool/policies" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiFilepoolPolicies

function New-isiHardeningApply{
    New Hardening Apply
    Apply hardening on the cluster.
.PARAMETER profile
    Hardening profile.
    Option to only generate and display a report on current cluster configuration with respect to the expected configuation required to apply hardening. If his option is set to true, hardening is not applied after the report is displayed. By default, this option is false.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/hardening/apply" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject.message

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiHardeningApply

function New-isiHardeningResolve{
    New Hardening Resolve
    Resolve issues related to hardening, found in current cluster configuration.
.PARAMETER profile
    Hardening profile.
    If true, execution proceeds to resolve all issues. If false, executrion aborts. This is a required argument.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($accept){
                $queryArguments += 'accept=' + $accept
                $BoundParameters.Remove('accept') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/hardening/resolve" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject.message

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiHardeningResolve

function New-isiHardeningRevert{
    New Hardening Revert
    Revert hardening on the cluster.
.PARAMETER enforce
    If specified, revert operation continues even in case of a failure. Default is false in which case revert stops at the first failure.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($enforce){
                $queryArguments += 'force=' + $enforce
                $BoundParameters.Remove('enforce') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/hardening/revert" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject.message

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiHardeningRevert

function New-isiHardwareTape{
    New Hardware Tape
    Tape/Changer devices rescan
    Name id
    Name name
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/hardware/tape/$parameter1" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiHardwareTape

function New-isiJobsv1{
    New Jobs
    Queue a new instance of a job type.
.PARAMETER allow_dup
    Whether or not to queue the job if one of the same type is already running or queued.
.PARAMETER changelistcreate_params
    Parameters required for the ChangelistCreate job.
.PARAMETER domainmark_params
    Parameters required for the DomainMark job.
    For jobs which take paths, the IFS paths to pass to the job.
    Impact policy of this job instance.
.PARAMETER prepair_params
    Parameters required for the PermissionRepair job.
.PARAMETER priority
    Priority of this job instance; lower numbers preempt higher numbers.
.PARAMETER smartpoolstree_params
    Optional parameters for the SmartPoolsTree job.
.PARAMETER snaprevert_params
    Parameters required for the SnapRevert job.
    Job type to queue.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/job/jobs" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiJobsv1
Set-Alias New-isiJobs -Value New-isiJobsv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiJobs

function New-isiJobsv3{
    New Job Jobs
    Queue a new instance of a job type.
.PARAMETER allow_dup
    Whether or not to queue the job if one of the same type is already running or queued.
.PARAMETER avscan_params
    Parameters required for the AVScan job.
.PARAMETER changelistcreate_params
    Parameters required for the ChangelistCreate job.
.PARAMETER domainmark_params
    Parameters required for the DomainMark job.
    For jobs which take paths, the IFS paths to pass to the job.
    Impact policy of this job instance.
.PARAMETER prepair_params
    Parameters required for the PermissionRepair job.
.PARAMETER priority
    Priority of this job instance; lower numbers preempt higher numbers.
.PARAMETER smartpoolstree_params
    Optional parameters for the SmartPoolsTree job.
.PARAMETER snaprevert_params
    Parameters required for the SnapRevert job.
    Job type to queue.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/job/jobs" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiJobsv3

function New-isiJobPolicies{
    New Job Policies
    Create a new job impact policy.
.PARAMETER description
    A helpful human-readable description of the impact policy.
.PARAMETER intervals
    The name of the impact policy.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/job/policies" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiJobPolicies

function New-isiLicenses{
    New Licenses
    Install a new license key.
    New license key.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/license/licenses" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiLicenses

function New-isiNetworkDnscacheFlush{
    New Network Dnscache Flush
    Flush the DNSCache.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/network/dnscache/flush" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNetworkDnscacheFlush

function New-isiNetworkGroupnets{
    New Network Groupnets
    Create a new groupnet.
.PARAMETER description
    A description of the groupnet.
.PARAMETER dns_cache_enabled
    DNS caching is enabled or disabled.
.PARAMETER dns_options
    List of DNS resolver options.
.PARAMETER dns_search
    List of DNS search suffixes.
.PARAMETER dns_servers
    List of Domain Name Server IP addresses.
    The name of the groupnet.
.PARAMETER server_side_dns_search
    Enable or disable appending nodes DNS search list to client DNS inquiries directed at SmartConnect service IP.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/network/groupnets" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNetworkGroupnets

function New-isiNetworkGroupnetSubnets{
    New Network Groupnet Subnets
    Create a new subnet.
    Groupnet id
.PARAMETER addr_family
    IP address format.
    Valid inputs: ipv4,ipv6
.PARAMETER description
    A description of the subnet.
.PARAMETER dsr_addrs
    List of Direct Server Return addresses.
.PARAMETER gateway
    Gateway IP address.
.PARAMETER gateway_priority
    Gateway priority.
    MTU of the subnet.
    The name of the subnet.
.PARAMETER prefixlen
    Subnet Prefix Length.
.PARAMETER sc_service_addr
    The address that SmartConnect listens for DNS requests.
.PARAMETER vlan_enabled
    VLAN tagging enabled or disabled.
.PARAMETER vlan_id
    VLAN ID for all interfaces in the subnet.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $parameter1 = $id
            $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/network/groupnets/$parameter1/subnets" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNetworkGroupnetSubnets

function New-isiNetworkGroupnetSubnetPools{
    New Network Groupnet Subnet Pools
    Create a new pool.
.PARAMETER groupnet_id
    Groupnet groupnet_id
.PARAMETER groupnet_name
    Groupnet groupnet_name
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Name of a valid access zone to map IP address pool to the zone.
.PARAMETER aggregation_mode
    OneFS supports the following NIC aggregation modes.
    Valid inputs: roundrobin,failover,lacp,fec
.PARAMETER alloc_method
    Specifies how IP address allocation is done among pool members.
    Valid inputs: dynamic,static
.PARAMETER description
    A description of the pool.
    List of interface members in this pool.
    The name of the pool. It must be unique throughout the given subnet.It's a required field with POST method.
    List of IP address ranges in this pool.
.PARAMETER rebalance_policy
    Rebalance policy..
    Valid inputs: auto,manual
.PARAMETER sc_auto_unsuspend_delay
    Time delay in seconds before a node which has been automatically unsuspended becomes usable in SmartConnect responses for pool zones.
.PARAMETER sc_connect_policy
    SmartConnect client connection balancing policy.
    Valid inputs: round_robin,conn_count,throughput,cpu_usage
.PARAMETER sc_dns_zone
    SmartConnect zone name for the pool.
.PARAMETER sc_dns_zone_aliases
    List of SmartConnect zone aliases (DNS names) to the pool.
.PARAMETER sc_failover_policy
    SmartConnect IP failover policy.
    Valid inputs: round_robin,conn_count,throughput,cpu_usage
.PARAMETER sc_subnet
    Name of SmartConnect service subnet for this pool.
    Time to live value for SmartConnect DNS query responses in seconds.
.PARAMETER static_routes
    List of interface members in this pool.
.PARAMETER enforce
    Force creating this pool even if it causes an MTU conflict.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('groupnet_id')){
                $parameter1 = $groupnet_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('groupnet_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $groupnet_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('groupnet_name') | out-null
            $parameter2 = $id
            $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($enforce){
                $queryArguments += 'force=' + $enforce
                $BoundParameters.Remove('enforce') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/network/groupnets/$parameter1/subnets/$parameter2" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNetworkGroupnetSubnetPools

function New-isiNetworkScRebalanceAll{
    New Network Sc Rebalance All
    Rebalance IP addresses in all pools.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/network/sc-rebalance-all" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNetworkScRebalanceAll

function New-isiHdfsProxyUsers{
    New Hdfs Proxyusers
    Create a new HDFS proxyuser.
    The ID of the role.
.PARAMETER members
    Users or groups impersonated by proxyuser.
    The name of the proxyuser.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiHdfsProxyUsers

function New-isiHdfsProxyUserMembers{
    New Hdfs Proxyuser Members
    Add a member to the HDFS proxyuser.
.PARAMETER proxyuser_id
    Proxyuser proxyuser_id
.PARAMETER proxyuser_name
    Proxyuser proxyuser_name
    Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be 'UID:0', 'USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel', or 'SID:S-1-1'.
    Specifies the persona name, which must be combined with a type.
    Specifies the type of persona, which must be combined with a name.
    Valid inputs: user,group,wellknown
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('proxyuser_id')){
                $parameter1 = $proxyuser_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('proxyuser_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $proxyuser_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('proxyuser_name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/protocols/hdfs/proxyusers/$parameter1/members" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiHdfsProxyUserMembers

function New-isiHdfsRacks{
    New Hdfs Racks
    Create a new HDFS rack.
.PARAMETER client_ip_ranges
    Array of IP ranges. Clients from one of these IP ranges are served by corresponding nodes from ip_pools array.
.PARAMETER ip_pools
    Array of IP pool names to use for serving clients from client_ip_ranges.
    Name of the rack
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/protocols/hdfs/racks" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiHdfsRacks

function New-isiNdmpSettingsVariable{
    New Protocols Ndmp Settings Variable
    Create a preferred NDMP environment variable.
    Path id
    The name of environment variable.
    The backup path.
    The value of environment variable.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $parameter1 = $id
            $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/protocols/ndmp/settings/variables/$parameter1" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNdmpSettingsVariable

function New-isiNdmpUsers{
    New Protocols Ndmp Users
    Created a new user.
    A unique user name for NDMP administrator.
.PARAMETER password
    The password for the NDMP administrator.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/protocols/ndmp/users" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNdmpUsers

function New-isiNfsAliases{
    New Nfs Aliases
    Create a new NFS alias.
    Specifies whether the alias is usable.
    Specifies the name by which the alias can be referenced.
    Specifies the path to which the alias points.
    Specifies the zone in which the alias is valid.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Access zone
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/2/protocols/nfs/aliases" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsAliases

function New-isiNfsExportsv1{
    New Nfs Exports
    Create a new NFS export.
.PARAMETER all_dirs
    If true, all directories under the specified paths are mountable.
.PARAMETER block_size
    The block size returned by the NFS STATFS procedure.
.PARAMETER can_set_time
    If true, the client may set file times using the NFS SETATTR request. This option is advisory and the server always behaves as if it is true.
.PARAMETER clients
    Clients that have access to the export.
.PARAMETER commit_asynchronous
    If true, allows NFS commit requests to execute asynchronously.
.PARAMETER description
    A human readable description of the export.
.PARAMETER directory_transfer_size
    The preferred size for directory read operations. This option is advisory.
.PARAMETER encoding
    The character encoding of clients connecting to the export.
.PARAMETER map_all
    The user and groups that non-root clients are mapped to.
.PARAMETER map_full
    If true, user mappings queries the OneFS user database. If false, only local authentication is queried.
.PARAMETER map_lookup_uid
    If true, incoming UIDs are mapped to users in the OneFS user database. If false, incoming UIDs are applied directly to file operations.
.PARAMETER map_retry
    Determines whether lookups for users specified in map_all or map_root are retried if the look fails.
.PARAMETER map_root
    The user and groups that root clients are mapped to.
.PARAMETER max_file_size
    The maximum file size in the export.
    The paths under /ifs that are exported.
.PARAMETER readdirplus
    If true, readdirplus requests are enabled.
.PARAMETER readdirplus_prefetch
    Sets the number of directory entries that will be prefetched when a readdirplus request is processed.
.PARAMETER read_only
    If true, the export is read-only.
.PARAMETER read_only_clients
    Clients that have read only access to the export.
.PARAMETER read_transfer_max_size
    The maximum buffer size that clients should use on NFS read requests. This option is advisory.
.PARAMETER read_transfer_multiple
    The preferred multiple size for NFS read requests. This option is advisory.
.PARAMETER read_transfer_size
    The optimal size for NFS read requests. This option is advisory.
.PARAMETER read_write_clients
    Clients that have read and write access to the export, even if the export is read-only.
.PARAMETER return_32bit_file_ids
    Limits the size of file identifiers returned by NFSv3+ to 32-bit values.
.PARAMETER root_clients
    Clients that have root access to the export.
.PARAMETER security_flavors
    The authentication flavors that are supported for this export.
.PARAMETER setattr_asynchronous
    If true, allows setattr operations to execute asynchronously.
.PARAMETER snapshot
    Use this snapshot for all mounts.
.PARAMETER symlinks
    If true, paths reachable by symlinks are exported.
.PARAMETER time_delta
    The resolution of all time values that are returned to clients.
.PARAMETER write_datasync_action
    The action to be taken when an NFSv3+ datasync write is requested.
.PARAMETER write_datasync_reply
    The stability disposition returned when an NFSv3+ datasync write is processed.
.PARAMETER write_filesync_action
    The action to be taken when an NFSv3+ filesync write is requested.
.PARAMETER write_filesync_reply
    The stability disposition returned when an NFSv3+ filesync write is processed.
.PARAMETER write_transfer_max_size
    The maximum buffer size that clients should use on NFS write requests. This option is advisory.
.PARAMETER write_transfer_multiple
    The preferred multiple size for NFS write requests. This option is advisory.
.PARAMETER write_transfer_size
    The optimal size for NFS read requests. This option is advisory.
.PARAMETER write_unstable_action
    The action to be taken when an NFSv3+ unstable write is requested.
.PARAMETER write_unstable_reply
    The stability disposition returned when an NFSv3+ unstable write is processed.
.PARAMETER enforce
    If true, the export will be created even if it conflicts with another export.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($enforce){
                $queryArguments += 'force=' + $enforce
                $BoundParameters.Remove('enforce') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/protocols/nfs/exports" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsExportsv1

function New-isiNfsExportsv2{
    New Nfs Exports
    Create a new NFS export.
.PARAMETER all_dirs
    True if all directories under the specified paths are mountable.
.PARAMETER block_size
    Specifies the block size returned by the NFS statfs procedure.
.PARAMETER can_set_time
    True if the client can set file times through the NFS set attribute request. This parameter does not affect server behavior, but is included to accommoate legacy client requirements.
.PARAMETER case_insensitive
    True if the case is ignored for file names. This parameter does not affect server behavior, but is included to accommodate legacy client requirements.
.PARAMETER case_preserving
    True if the case is preserved for file names. This parameter does not affect server behavior, but is included to accommodate legacy client requirements.
.PARAMETER chown_restricted
    True if the superuser can change file ownership. This parameter does not affect server behavior, but is included to accommodate legacy client requirements.
.PARAMETER clients
    Specifies the clients with root access to the export.
.PARAMETER commit_asynchronous
    True if NFS commit requests execute asynchronously.
.PARAMETER description
    Specifies the user-defined string that is used to identify the export.
.PARAMETER directory_transfer_size
    Specifies the preferred size for directory read operations. This value is used to advise the client of optimal settings for the server, but is not enforced.
.PARAMETER encoding
    Specifies the default character set encoding of the clients connecting to the export, unless otherwise specified.
.PARAMETER link_max
    Specifies the reported maximum number of links to a file. This parameter does not affect server behavior, but is included to accommodate legacy client requirements.
.PARAMETER map_all
    Specifies the users and groups to which non-root and root clients are mapped.
.PARAMETER map_failure
    Specifies the users and groups to which clients should be mapped to if authentication fails.
.PARAMETER map_full
    True if user mappings query the OneFS user database. When set to false, user mappings only query local authentication.
.PARAMETER map_lookup_uid
    True if incoming user IDs (UIDs) are mapped to users in the OneFS user database. When set to false, incoming UIDs are applied directly to file operations.
.PARAMETER map_non_root
    Specifies the users and groups to which non-root clients are mapped.
.PARAMETER map_retry
    Determines whether searches for users specified in 'map_all', 'map_root' or 'map_nonroot' are retried if the search fails.
.PARAMETER map_root
    Specifies the users and groups to which root clients are mapped.
.PARAMETER max_file_size
    Specifies the maximum file size for any file accessed from the export. This parameter does not affect server behavior, but is included to accommodate legacy client requirements.
.PARAMETER name_max_size
    Specifies the reported maximum length of a file name. This parameter does not affect server behavior, but is included to accommodate legacy client requirements.
.PARAMETER no_truncate
    True if long file names result in an error. This parameter does not affect server behavior, but is included to accommodate legacy client requirements.
    Specifies the paths under /ifs that are exported.
.PARAMETER readdirplus
    True if 'readdirplus' requests are enabled. Enabling this property might improve network performance and is only available for NFSv3.
.PARAMETER readdirplus_prefetch
    Sets the number of directory entries that are prefetched when a 'readdirplus' request is processed. (Deprecated.)
.PARAMETER read_only
    True if the export is set to read-only.
.PARAMETER read_only_clients
    Specifies the clients with read-only access to the export.
.PARAMETER read_transfer_max_size
    Specifies the maximum buffer size that clients should use on NFS read requests. This value is used to advise the client of optimal settings for the server, but is not enforced.
.PARAMETER read_transfer_multiple
    Specifies the preferred multiple size for NFS read requests. This value is used to advise the client of optimal settings for the server, but is not enforced.
.PARAMETER read_transfer_size
    Specifies the preferred size for NFS read requests. This value is used to advise the client of optimal settings for the server, but is not enforced.
.PARAMETER read_write_clients
    Specifies the clients with both read and write access to the export, even when the export is set to read-only.
.PARAMETER return_32bit_file_ids
    Limits the size of file identifiers returned by NFSv3+ to 32-bit values.
.PARAMETER root_clients
    Clients that have root access to the export.
.PARAMETER security_flavors
    Specifies the authentication types that are supported for this export.
.PARAMETER setattr_asynchronous
    True if set attribute operations execute asynchronously.
.PARAMETER snapshot
    Specifies the snapshot for all mounts.
.PARAMETER symlinks
    True if symlinks are supported. This value is used to advise the client of optimal settings for the server, but is not enforced.
.PARAMETER time_delta
    Specifies the resolution of all time values that are returned to the clients
.PARAMETER write_datasync_action
    Specifies the action to be taken when an NFSv3+ datasync write is requested.
.PARAMETER write_datasync_reply
    Specifies the stability disposition returned when an NFSv3+ datasync write is processed.
.PARAMETER write_filesync_action
    Specifies the action to be taken when an NFSv3+ filesync write is requested.
.PARAMETER write_filesync_reply
    Specifies the stability disposition returned when an NFSv3+ filesync write is processed.
.PARAMETER write_transfer_max_size
    Specifies the maximum buffer size that clients should use on NFS write requests. This value is used to advise the client of optimal settings for the server, but is not enforced.
.PARAMETER write_transfer_multiple
    Specifies the preferred multiple size for NFS write requests. This value is used to advise the client of optimal settings for the server, but is not enforced.
.PARAMETER write_transfer_size
    Specifies the preferred multiple size for NFS write requests. This value is used to advise the client of optimal settings for the server, but is not enforced.
.PARAMETER write_unstable_action
    Specifies the action to be taken when an NFSv3+ unstable write is requested.
.PARAMETER write_unstable_reply
    Specifies the stability disposition returned when an NFSv3+ unstable write is processed.
    Specifies the zone in which the export is valid.
.PARAMETER enforce
    If true, the export will be created even if it conflicts with another export.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Access zone
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($enforce){
                $queryArguments += 'force=' + $enforce
                $BoundParameters.Remove('enforce') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/2/protocols/nfs/exports" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsExportsv2
Set-Alias New-isiNfsExports -Value New-isiNfsExportsv2
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiNfsExports

function New-isiNfsNetgroupCheck{
    New Protocols Nfs Netgroup Check
    Update the NFS netgroups in the cache.
    IP address of node to update. If unspecified, the local nodes cache is updated.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($host){
                $queryArguments += 'host=' + $host
                $BoundParameters.Remove('host') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/protocols/nfs/netgroup/check" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsNetgroupCheck

function New-isiNfsNetgroupFlush{
    New Protocols Nfs Netgroup Flush
    Flush the NFS netgroups in the cache.
    IP address of node to flush. If unspecified, all nodes on the cluster are flushed.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($host){
                $queryArguments += 'host=' + $host
                $BoundParameters.Remove('host') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/protocols/nfs/netgroup/flush" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsNetgroupFlush

function New-isiNfsNlmSessionsCheck{
    New Protocols Nfs Nlm Sessions Check
    Perform an active scan for lost NFSv3 locks.
    An IP address for which NSM has client records
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Represents an extant auth zone
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($ip){
                $queryArguments += 'ip=' + $ip
                $BoundParameters.Remove('ip') | out-null
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/protocols/nfs/nlm/sessions-check" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsNlmSessionsCheck

function New-isiNfsReloadv1{
    New Nfs Reload
    Reload default NFS export configuration.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/protocols/nfs/reload" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsReloadv1

function New-isiNfsReloadv2{
    New Nfs Reload
    Reload default NFS export configuration.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/2/protocols/nfs/reload" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsReloadv2
Set-Alias New-isiNfsReload -Value New-isiNfsReloadv2
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiNfsReload

function New-isiNfsReloadv3{
    New Protocols Nfs Reload
    Reload default NFS export configuration.
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Access zone
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/protocols/nfs/reload" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNfsReloadv3

function New-isiNtpServers{
    New Protocols Ntp Servers
    Create an NTP server entry.
    Key value from key_file that maps to this server.
    NTP server name.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/protocols/ntp/servers" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiNtpServers

function New-isiSmbLogLevelFilters{
    New Protocols Smb Log Level Filters
    Add an SMB log filter.
.PARAMETER ip_addrs
    Array of client IP addresses to filter against.
    Logging level of the filter.
    Valid inputs: always,error,warning,info,verbose,debug,trace
    Array of SMB operations to filter against.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/protocols/smb/log-level/filters" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSmbLogLevelFilters

function New-isiSmbSharesv1{
    New Smb Shares
    Create a new share.
.PARAMETER access_based_enumeration
    Only enumerate files and folders the requesting user has access to.
.PARAMETER access_based_enumeration_root_only
    Access-based enumeration on only the root directory of the share.
.PARAMETER allow_delete_readonly
    Allow deletion of read-only files in the share.
.PARAMETER allow_execute_always
    Allows users to execute files they have read rights for.
.PARAMETER allow_variable_expansion
    Allow automatic expansion of variables for home directories.
.PARAMETER auto_create_directory
    Automatically create home directories.
.PARAMETER browsable
    Share is visible in net view and the browse list.
.PARAMETER change_notify
    Level of change notification alerts on the share.
    Valid inputs: all,norecurse,none
.PARAMETER create_path
    Create path if does not exist.
.PARAMETER create_permissions
    Create permissions for new files and directories in share.
    Valid inputs: default acl,inherit mode bits,use create mask and mode
.PARAMETER csc_policy
    Client-side caching policy for the shares.
    Valid inputs: manual,documents,programs,none
.PARAMETER description
    Description for this SMB share.
.PARAMETER directory_create_mask
    Directory create mask bits.
.PARAMETER directory_create_mode
    Directory create mode bits.
.PARAMETER file_create_mask
    File create mask bits.
.PARAMETER file_create_mode
    File create mode bits.
.PARAMETER hide_dot_files
    Hide files and directories that begin with a period '.'.
.PARAMETER host_acl
    An ACL expressing which hosts are allowed access. A deny clause must be the final entry.
.PARAMETER impersonate_guest
    Specify the condition in which user access is done as the guest account.
    Valid inputs: always,bad user,never
.PARAMETER impersonate_user
    User account to be used as guest account.
.PARAMETER inheritable_path_acl
    Set the inheritable ACL on the share path.
.PARAMETER mangle_byte_start
    Specifies the wchar_t starting point for automatic byte mangling.
.PARAMETER mangle_map
    Character mangle map.
    Share name.
.PARAMETER ntfs_acl_support
    Support NTFS ACLs on files and directories.
.PARAMETER oplocks
    Support oplocks.
    Path of share within /ifs.
.PARAMETER permissions
    Specifies an ordered list of permission modifications.
.PARAMETER run_as_root
    Allow account to run as root.
.PARAMETER strict_flush
    Handle SMB flush operations.
.PARAMETER strict_locking
    Specifies whether byte range locks contend against SMB I/O.
    Name of the access zone to which to move this SMB share
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Zone which contains this share.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$False,Position=9)][ValidateSet('default acl','inherit mode bits','use create mask and mode')][string]$create_permissions,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$False,Position=18)][ValidateSet('always','bad user','never')][string]$impersonate_guest,
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/protocols/smb/shares" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSmbSharesv1
Set-Alias New-isiSmbShares -Value New-isiSmbSharesv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiSmbShares

function New-isiSmbSharesv3{
    New Protocols Smb Shares
    Create a new share.
.PARAMETER access_based_enumeration
    Only enumerate files and folders the requesting user has access to.
.PARAMETER access_based_enumeration_root_only
    Access-based enumeration on only the root directory of the share.
.PARAMETER allow_delete_readonly
    Allow deletion of read-only files in the share.
.PARAMETER allow_execute_always
    Allows users to execute files they have read rights for.
.PARAMETER allow_variable_expansion
    Allow automatic expansion of variables for home directories.
.PARAMETER auto_create_directory
    Automatically create home directories.
.PARAMETER browsable
    Share is visible in net view and the browse list.
.PARAMETER ca_timeout
    Persistent open timeout for the share.
.PARAMETER ca_write_integrity
    Specify the level of write-integrity on continuously available shares.
    Valid inputs: none,write-read-coherent,full
.PARAMETER change_notify
    Level of change notification alerts on the share.
    Valid inputs: all,norecurse,none
.PARAMETER continuously_available
    Specify if persistent opens are allowed on the share.
.PARAMETER create_path
    Create path if does not exist.
.PARAMETER create_permissions
    Create permissions for new files and directories in share.
    Valid inputs: default acl,inherit mode bits,use create mask and mode
.PARAMETER csc_policy
    Client-side caching policy for the shares.
    Valid inputs: manual,documents,programs,none
.PARAMETER description
    Description for this SMB share.
.PARAMETER directory_create_mask
    Directory create mask bits.
.PARAMETER directory_create_mode
    Directory create mode bits.
.PARAMETER file_create_mask
    File create mask bits.
.PARAMETER file_create_mode
    File create mode bits.
.PARAMETER file_filtering_enabled
    Enables file filtering on this zone.
.PARAMETER file_filter_extensions
    Specifies the list of file extensions.
.PARAMETER file_filter_type
    Specifies if filter list is for deny or allow. Default is deny.
    Valid inputs: deny,allow
.PARAMETER hide_dot_files
    Hide files and directories that begin with a period '.'.
.PARAMETER host_acl
    An ACL expressing which hosts are allowed access. A deny clause must be the final entry.
.PARAMETER impersonate_guest
    Specify the condition in which user access is done as the guest account.
    Valid inputs: always,bad user,never
.PARAMETER impersonate_user
    User account to be used as guest account.
.PARAMETER inheritable_path_acl
    Set the inheritable ACL on the share path.
.PARAMETER mangle_byte_start
    Specifies the wchar_t starting point for automatic byte mangling.
.PARAMETER mangle_map
    Character mangle map.
    Share name.
.PARAMETER ntfs_acl_support
    Support NTFS ACLs on files and directories.
.PARAMETER oplocks
    Support oplocks.
    Path of share within /ifs.
.PARAMETER permissions
    Specifies an ordered list of permission modifications.
.PARAMETER run_as_root
    Allow account to run as root.
.PARAMETER strict_ca_lockout
    Specifies if persistent opens would do strict lockout on the share.
.PARAMETER strict_flush
    Handle SMB flush operations.
.PARAMETER strict_locking
    Specifies whether byte range locks contend against SMB I/O.
    Name of the access zone to which to move this SMB share
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Zone which contains this share.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$False,Position=12)][ValidateSet('default acl','inherit mode bits','use create mask and mode')][string]$create_permissions,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$False,Position=24)][ValidateSet('always','bad user','never')][string]$impersonate_guest,
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/protocols/smb/shares" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSmbSharesv3

function New-isiSwiftAccounts{
    New Protocols Swift Accounts
    Create a new Swift account
    Unique id of swift account
    Name of Swift account
.PARAMETER swiftgroup
    Group with filesystem ownership of this account
.PARAMETER swiftuser
    User with filesystem ownership of this account
    Users who are allowed to access Swift account
    Name of access zone for account
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/protocols/swift/accounts" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSwiftAccounts

function New-isiQuotas{
    New Quotas
    Create a new quota.
.PARAMETER container
    If true, SMB shares using the quota directory see the quota thresholds as share size.
.PARAMETER enforced
    True if the quota provides enforcement, otherwise a accounting quota.
    Force creation of quotas on the root of /ifs.
.PARAMETER include_snapshots
    If true, quota governs snapshot data as well as head data.
    The /ifs path governed.
.PARAMETER persona
    Specifies properties for a persona, which consists of either a 'type' and a 'name' or an 'ID'.
.PARAMETER thresholds
.PARAMETER thresholds_include_overhead
    If true, thresholds apply to data plus filesystem overhead required to store the data (i.e. 'physical' usage).
    The type of quota.
    Valid inputs: directory,user,group,default-user,default-group
.PARAMETER access_zone
    Optional named zone to use for user and group resolution.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($access_zone){
                $queryArguments += 'zone=' + $access_zone
                $BoundParameters.Remove('access_zone') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/1/quota/quotas" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiQuotas

function New-isiQuotaNotifications{
    New Quota Notifications
    Create a new notification rule specific to this quota.
.PARAMETER quota_id
    Quota quota_id
.PARAMETER quota_name
    Quota quota_name
.PARAMETER action_alert
    Send alert when rule matches.
.PARAMETER action_email_address
    Email a specific email address when rule matches.
.PARAMETER action_email_owner
    Email quota domain owner when rule matches.
.PARAMETER condition
    The condition detected.
    Valid inputs: exceeded,denied,violated,expired
.PARAMETER email_template
    Path of optional /ifs template file used for email actions.
.PARAMETER holdoff
    Time to wait between detections for rules triggered by user actions.
.PARAMETER schedule
    Schedule for rules that repeatedly notify.
.PARAMETER threshold
    The quota threshold detected.
    Valid inputs: hard,soft,advisory
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('quota_id')){
                $parameter1 = $quota_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('quota_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $quota_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('quota_name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/quota/quotas/$parameter1/notifications" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiQuotaNotifications

function New-isiQuotaReports{
    New Quota Reports
    Create a new report. The type of this report is 'manual'; it is also sometimes called 'live' or 'ad-hoc'.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/quota/reports" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiQuotaReports

function New-isiQuotaSettingsMappings{
    New Quota Settings Mappings
    Create a new rule. The new rule must not conflict with an existing rule (e.g. match both the type and domain fields).
    The FQDN of the source domain to map.
.PARAMETER mapping
    The FQDN of destination domain to map to.
    The authentication provider type.
    Valid inputs: ad,local,nis,ldap
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/quota/settings/mappings" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiQuotaSettingsMappings

function New-isiQuotaSettingsNotifications{
    New Quota Settings Notifications
    Create a new global notification rule.
.PARAMETER action_alert
    Send alert when rule matches.
.PARAMETER action_email_address
    Email a specific email address when rule matches.
.PARAMETER action_email_owner
    Email quota domain owner when rule matches.
.PARAMETER condition
    The condition detected.
    Valid inputs: exceeded,denied,violated,expired
.PARAMETER email_template
    Path of optional /ifs template file used for email actions.
.PARAMETER holdoff
    Time to wait between detections for rules triggered by user actions.
.PARAMETER schedule
    Schedule for rules that repeatedly notify.
.PARAMETER threshold
    The quota threshold detected.
    Valid inputs: hard,soft,advisory
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/quota/settings/notifications" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiQuotaSettingsNotifications

function New-isiSnapshotAliases{
    New Snapshot Aliases
    Create a new snapshot alias.
    The user or system supplied snapshot name.
    Snapshot name target for the alias.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/snapshot/aliases" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject.aliases

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSnapshotAliases

function New-isiSnapshotChangelists{
    New Snapshot Changelists
    Create a new changelist.
    The system ID given to the changelist.
    The ID of the job which created the changelist.
.PARAMETER num_entries
    Number of LIN entries in changelist.
.PARAMETER root_path
    Root path of all LINs in changelist.
    The lower snapid used to compute the changelist.
    The higher snapid used to compute the changelist.
    Status of changelist.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/snapshot/changelists" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSnapshotChangelists

function New-isiSnapshotRepstates{
    New Snapshot Repstates
    Create a new repstates.
    The system ID given to the repstate.
    The lower snapid used to compute the repstate.
    The higher snapid used to compute the repstate.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/snapshot/repstates" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSnapshotRepstates

function New-isiSnapshotSchedulesv1{
    New Snapshot Schedules
    Create a new schedule.
    Alias name to create for each snapshot.
.PARAMETER duration
    Time in seconds added to creation time to construction expiration time.
    The schedule name.
    The /ifs path snapshotted.
.PARAMETER pattern
    Pattern expanded with strftime to create snapshot names.
.PARAMETER schedule
    The isidate compatible natural language description of the schedule.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/snapshot/schedules" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSnapshotSchedulesv1
Set-Alias New-isiSnapshotSchedules -Value New-isiSnapshotSchedulesv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiSnapshotSchedules

function New-isiSnapshotSchedulesv3{
    New Snapshot Schedules
    Create a new schedule.
    Alias name to create for each snapshot.
.PARAMETER duration
    Time in seconds added to creation time to construction expiration time.
    The schedule name.
    The /ifs path snapshotted.
.PARAMETER pattern
    Pattern expanded with strftime to create snapshot names.
.PARAMETER schedule
    The isidate compatible natural language description of the schedule.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/snapshot/schedules" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSnapshotSchedulesv3

function New-isiSnapshots{
    New Snapshots
    Create a new snapshot.
    Alias name to create for this snapshot. If null, remove any alias.
.PARAMETER expires
    The Unix Epoch time the snapshot will expire and be eligible for automatic deletion.
    The user or system supplied snapshot name. This will be null for snapshots pending delete.
    The /ifs path snapshotted.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/snapshot/snapshots" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSnapshots

function New-isiSnapshotLocks{
    New Snapshot Locks
    Create a new lock on this snapshot.
.PARAMETER snapshot_id
    Snapshot snapshot_id
.PARAMETER snapshot_name
    Snapshot snapshot_name
.PARAMETER comment
    Free form comment.
.PARAMETER expires
    The Unix Epoch time the snapshot lock will expire and be eligible for automatic deletion.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('snapshot_id')){
                $parameter1 = $snapshot_id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('snapshot_id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $snapshot_name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('snapshot_name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/snapshot/snapshots/$parameter1/locks" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSnapshotLocks

function New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesClassActive{
    New Storagepool Compatibilities Class Active
    Create a new compatibility
    Do not create compatibility, only assess if creation is possible.
.PARAMETER class_1
    The first class in the desired compatibility
.PARAMETER class_2
    The second class in the desired compatibility
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/class/active" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesClassActive

function New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesSSDActivev1{
    New Storagepool Compatibilities SSD Active
    Create a new ssd compatibility
    Do not create ssd compatibility, only assess if creation is possible.
.PARAMETER class_1
    The node class of the desired ssd compatibility
.PARAMETER class_2
    The optional second node class to turn on ssd compatibility
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesSSDActivev1
Set-Alias New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesSSDActive -Value New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesSSDActivev1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesSSDActive

function New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesSSDActivev3{
    New Storagepool Compatibilities Ssd Active
    Create a new ssd compatibility
    Do not create ssd compatibility, only assess if creation is possible.
.PARAMETER class_1
    The node class of the desired ssd compatibility
.PARAMETER class_2
    The optional second node class to turn on ssd compatibility
    Is this SSD Compatibility Count Compatible.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/storagepool/compatibilities/ssd/active" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiStoragepoolCompatibilitiesSSDActivev3

function New-isiStoragepoolNodepoolsv1{
    New Storagepool Nodepools
    Create a new node pool.
    Use SSDs in this node pool for L3 cache.
    The nodes that are part of this node pool.
    The node pool name.
.PARAMETER protection_policy
    The node pool protection policy.
    The name or ID of the node pool's tier, if it is in a tier.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/storagepool/nodepools" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiStoragepoolNodepoolsv1
Set-Alias New-isiStoragepoolNodepools -Value New-isiStoragepoolNodepoolsv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiStoragepoolNodepools

function New-isiStoragepoolNodepoolsv3{
    New Storagepool Nodepools
    Create a new node pool.
    Use SSDs in this node pool for L3 cache.
    The nodes that are part of this node pool.
    The node pool name.
.PARAMETER protection_policy
    The node pool protection policy.
    The name or ID of the node pool's tier, if it is in a tier.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/storagepool/nodepools" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiStoragepoolNodepoolsv3

function New-isiStoragepoolTiers{
    New Storagepool Tiers
    Create a new tier.
.PARAMETER children
    The names or IDs of the tier's children.
    The tier name.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/storagepool/tiers" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiStoragepoolTiers

function New-isiSyncJobsv1{
    New Sync Jobs
    Start a SyncIQ job.
    The action to be taken by this job.
    Valid inputs: resync_prep,allow_write,allow_write_revert,test
    The ID or Name of the policy
.PARAMETER log_level
    Only valid for allow_write, and allow_write_revert; specify the desired logging level, will be stored in the logs for isi_migrate, defaults to 'info'.
    Valid inputs: fatal,error,notice,info,copy,debug,trace
.PARAMETER source_snapshot
    An optional snapshot to copy/sync from.
.PARAMETER workers_per_node
    Only valid for allow_write, and allow_write_revert; specify the desired workers per node, defaults to 3.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/sync/jobs" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncJobsv1
Set-Alias New-isiSyncJobs -Value New-isiSyncJobsv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiSyncJobs

function New-isiSyncJobsv3{
    New Sync Jobs
    Start a SyncIQ job.
    The action to be taken by this job.
    Valid inputs: resync_prep,allow_write,allow_write_revert,test
    The ID or Name of the policy
.PARAMETER log_level
    Only valid for allow_write, and allow_write_revert; specify the desired logging level, will be stored in the logs for isi_migrate, defaults to 'info'.
    Valid inputs: fatal,error,notice,info,copy,debug,trace
.PARAMETER source_snapshot
    An optional snapshot to copy/sync from.
.PARAMETER workers_per_node
    Only valid for allow_write, and allow_write_revert; specify the desired workers per node, defaults to 3.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/sync/jobs" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncJobsv3

function New-isiSyncPoliciesv1{
    New Sync Policies
    Create a SyncIQ policy.
    If 'copy', source files will be copied to the target cluster. If 'sync', the target directory will be made an image of the source directory: Files and directories that have been deleted on the source, have been moved within the target directory, or no longer match the selection criteria will be deleted from the target directory.
    Valid inputs: copy,sync
.PARAMETER burst_mode
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Enable/disable UDP-based data transfer.
.PARAMETER changelist
    If true, retain previous source snapshot and incremental repstate, both of which are required for changelist creation.
.PARAMETER check_integrity
    If true, the sync target performs cyclic redundancy checks (CRC) on the data as it is received.
.PARAMETER description
    User-assigned description of this sync policy.
.PARAMETER disable_file_split
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. If true, the 7.2+ file splitting capability will be disabled.
.PARAMETER disable_fofb
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Enable/disable sync failover/failback.
.PARAMETER disable_stf
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Enable/disable the 6.5+ STF based data transfer and uses only treewalk.
.PARAMETER enabled
    If true, jobs will be automatically run based on this policy, according to its schedule.
.PARAMETER expected_dataloss
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Continue sending files even with the corrupted filesystem.
.PARAMETER file_matching_pattern
    A file matching pattern, organized as an OR'ed set of AND'ed file criteria, for example ((a AND b) OR (x AND y)) used to define a set of files with specific properties. Policies of type 'sync' cannot use 'path' or time criteria in their matching patterns, but policies of type 'copy' can use all listed criteria.
.PARAMETER force_interface
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Determines whether data is sent only through the subnet and pool specified in the "source_network" field. This option can be useful if there are multiple interfaces for the given source subnet. If you enable this option, the net.inet.ip.choose_ifa_by_ipsrc sysctl should be set.
.PARAMETER log_level
    Severity an event must reach before it is logged.
    Valid inputs: fatal,error,notice,info,copy,debug,trace
.PARAMETER log_removed_files
    If true, the system will log any files or directories that are deleted due to a sync.
    User-assigned name of this sync policy.
.PARAMETER password
    The password for the target cluster. This field is not readable.
.PARAMETER report_max_age
    Length of time (in seconds) a policy report will be stored.
.PARAMETER report_max_count
    Maximum number of policy reports that will be stored on the system.
.PARAMETER restrict_target_network
    If you specify true, and you specify a SmartConnect zone in the "target_host" field, replication policies will connect only to nodes in the specified SmartConnect zone. If you specify false, replication policies are not restricted to specific nodes on the target cluster.
.PARAMETER schedule
    The schedule on which new jobs will be run for this policy.
.PARAMETER source_exclude_directories
    Directories that will be excluded from the sync. Modifying this field will result in a full synchronization of all data.
.PARAMETER source_include_directories
    Directories that will be included in the sync. Modifying this field will result in a full synchronization of all data.
.PARAMETER source_network
    Restricts replication policies on the local cluster to running on the specified subnet and pool.
.PARAMETER source_root_path
    The root directory on the source cluster the files will be synced from. Modifying this field will result in a full synchronization of all data.
.PARAMETER source_snapshot_archive
    If true, archival snapshots of the source data will be taken on the source cluster before a sync.
.PARAMETER source_snapshot_expiration
    The length of time in seconds to keep snapshots on the source cluster.
.PARAMETER source_snapshot_pattern
    The name pattern for snapshots taken on the source cluster before a sync.
.PARAMETER target_compare_initial_sync
    If true, the target creates diffs against the original sync.
.PARAMETER target_detect_modifications
    If true, target cluster will detect if files have been changed on the target by legacy tree walk syncs.
.PARAMETER target_host
    Hostname or IP address of sync target cluster. Modifying the target cluster host can result in the policy being unrunnable if the new target does not match the current target association.
.PARAMETER target_path
    Absolute filesystem path on the target cluster for the sync destination.
.PARAMETER target_snapshot_alias
    The alias of the snapshot taken on the target cluster after the sync completes. A value of @DEFAULT will reset this field to the default creation value.
.PARAMETER target_snapshot_archive
    If true, archival snapshots of the target data will be taken on the target cluster after successful sync completions.
.PARAMETER target_snapshot_expiration
    The length of time in seconds to keep snapshots on the target cluster.
.PARAMETER target_snapshot_pattern
    The name pattern for snapshots taken on the target cluster after the sync completes. A value of @DEFAULT will reset this field to the default creation value.
.PARAMETER workers_per_node
    The number of worker threads on a node performing a sync.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/sync/policies" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncPoliciesv1
Set-Alias New-isiSyncPolicies -Value New-isiSyncPoliciesv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiSyncPolicies

function New-isiSyncPoliciesv3{
    New Sync Policies
    Create a SyncIQ policy.
.PARAMETER accelerated_failback
    If set to true, SyncIQ will perform failback configuration tasks during the next job run, rather than waiting to perform those tasks during the failback process. Performing these tasks ahead of time will increase the speed of failback operations.
    If 'copy', source files will be copied to the target cluster. If 'sync', the target directory will be made an image of the source directory: Files and directories that have been deleted on the source, have been moved within the target directory, or no longer match the selection criteria will be deleted from the target directory.
    Valid inputs: copy,sync
.PARAMETER burst_mode
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Enable/disable UDP-based data transfer.
.PARAMETER changelist
    If true, retain previous source snapshot and incremental repstate, both of which are required for changelist creation.
.PARAMETER check_integrity
    If true, the sync target performs cyclic redundancy checks (CRC) on the data as it is received.
.PARAMETER cloud_deep_copy
    If set to deny, replicates all CloudPools smartlinks to the target cluster as smartlinks; if the target cluster does not support the smartlinks, the job will fail. If set to force, replicates all smartlinks to the target cluster as regular files. If set to allow, SyncIQ will attempt to replicate smartlinks to the target cluster as smartlinks; if the target cluster does not support the smartlinks, SyncIQ will replicate the smartlinks as regular files.
    Valid inputs: deny,allow,force
.PARAMETER description
    User-assigned description of this sync policy.
.PARAMETER disable_file_split
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. If true, the 7.2+ file splitting capability will be disabled.
.PARAMETER disable_fofb
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Enable/disable sync failover/failback.
.PARAMETER disable_stf
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Enable/disable the 6.5+ STF based data transfer and uses only treewalk.
.PARAMETER enabled
    If true, jobs will be automatically run based on this policy, according to its schedule.
.PARAMETER expected_dataloss
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Continue sending files even with the corrupted filesystem.
.PARAMETER file_matching_pattern
    A file matching pattern, organized as an OR'ed set of AND'ed file criteria, for example ((a AND b) OR (x AND y)) used to define a set of files with specific properties. Policies of type 'sync' cannot use 'path' or time criteria in their matching patterns, but policies of type 'copy' can use all listed criteria.
.PARAMETER force_interface
    NOTE: This field should not be changed without the help of Isilon support. Determines whether data is sent only through the subnet and pool specified in the "source_network" field. This option can be useful if there are multiple interfaces for the given source subnet. If you enable this option, the net.inet.ip.choose_ifa_by_ipsrc sysctl should be set.
.PARAMETER job_delay
    If --schedule is set to When-Source-Modified, the duration to wait after a modification is made before starting a job (default is 0 seconds).
.PARAMETER log_level
    Severity an event must reach before it is logged.
    Valid inputs: fatal,error,notice,info,copy,debug,trace
.PARAMETER log_removed_files
    If true, the system will log any files or directories that are deleted due to a sync.
    User-assigned name of this sync policy.
.PARAMETER password
    The password for the target cluster. This field is not readable.
.PARAMETER priority
    Determines the priority level of a policy. Policies with higher priority will have precedence to run over lower priority policies. Valid range is [0, 1]. Default is 0.
.PARAMETER report_max_age
    Length of time (in seconds) a policy report will be stored.
.PARAMETER report_max_count
    Maximum number of policy reports that will be stored on the system.
.PARAMETER restrict_target_network
    If you specify true, and you specify a SmartConnect zone in the "target_host" field, replication policies will connect only to nodes in the specified SmartConnect zone. If you specify false, replication policies are not restricted to specific nodes on the target cluster.
.PARAMETER rpo_alert
    If --schedule is set to a time/date, an alert is created if the specified RPO for this policy is exceeded. The default value is 0, which will not generate RPO alerts.
.PARAMETER schedule
    The schedule on which new jobs will be run for this policy.
.PARAMETER skip_lookup
    Skip DNS lookup of target IPs.
.PARAMETER skip_when_source_unmodified
    If true and --schedule is set to a time/date, the policy will not run if no changes have been made to the contents of the source directory since the last job successfully completed.
.PARAMETER snapshot_sync_existing
    If true, snapshot-triggered syncs will include snapshots taken before policy creation time (requires --schedule when-snapshot-taken).
.PARAMETER snapshot_sync_pattern
    The naming pattern that a snapshot must match to trigger a sync when the schedule is when-snapshot-taken (default is "*").
.PARAMETER source_exclude_directories
    Directories that will be excluded from the sync. Modifying this field will result in a full synchronization of all data.
.PARAMETER source_include_directories
    Directories that will be included in the sync. Modifying this field will result in a full synchronization of all data.
.PARAMETER source_network
    Restricts replication policies on the local cluster to running on the specified subnet and pool.
.PARAMETER source_root_path
    The root directory on the source cluster the files will be synced from. Modifying this field will result in a full synchronization of all data.
.PARAMETER source_snapshot_archive
    If true, archival snapshots of the source data will be taken on the source cluster before a sync.
.PARAMETER source_snapshot_expiration
    The length of time in seconds to keep snapshots on the source cluster.
.PARAMETER source_snapshot_pattern
    The name pattern for snapshots taken on the source cluster before a sync.
.PARAMETER target_compare_initial_sync
    If true, the target creates diffs against the original sync.
.PARAMETER target_detect_modifications
    If true, target cluster will detect if files have been changed on the target by legacy tree walk syncs.
.PARAMETER target_host
    Hostname or IP address of sync target cluster. Modifying the target cluster host can result in the policy being unrunnable if the new target does not match the current target association.
.PARAMETER target_path
    Absolute filesystem path on the target cluster for the sync destination.
.PARAMETER target_snapshot_alias
    The alias of the snapshot taken on the target cluster after the sync completes. A value of @DEFAULT will reset this field to the default creation value.
.PARAMETER target_snapshot_archive
    If true, archival snapshots of the target data will be taken on the target cluster after successful sync completions.
.PARAMETER target_snapshot_expiration
    The length of time in seconds to keep snapshots on the target cluster.
.PARAMETER target_snapshot_pattern
    The name pattern for snapshots taken on the target cluster after the sync completes. A value of @DEFAULT will reset this field to the default creation value.
.PARAMETER workers_per_node
    The number of worker threads on a node performing a sync.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/sync/policies" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncPoliciesv3

function New-isiSyncPolicyReset{
    New Sync Policy Reset
    Reset a SyncIQ policy incremental state and force a full sync/copy.
    Policy id
    Policy name
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/sync/policies/$parameter1/reset" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncPolicyReset

function New-isiSyncReportsRotate{
    New Sync Reports Rotate
    Rotate the records in the database(s).
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/sync/reports-rotate" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject.message

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncReportsRotate

function New-isiSyncRulesv1{
    New Sync Rules
    Create a new SyncIQ performance rule.
.PARAMETER description
    User-entered description of this performance rule.
.PARAMETER enabled
    Whether this performance rule is currently in effect during its specified intervals.
    Amount the specified system resource type is limited by this rule. Units are kb/s for bandwidth, files/s for file-count, or processing percentage used for cpu.
.PARAMETER schedule
    A schedule defining when during a week this performance rule is in effect. If unspecified or null, the schedule will always be in effect.
    The type of system resource this rule limits.
    Valid inputs: bandwidth,file_count,cpu
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/sync/rules" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncRulesv1
Set-Alias New-isiSyncRules -Value New-isiSyncRulesv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiSyncRules

function New-isiSyncRulesv3{
    New Sync Rules
    Create a new SyncIQ performance rule.
.PARAMETER description
    User-entered description of this performance rule.
.PARAMETER enabled
    Whether this performance rule is currently in effect during its specified intervals.
    Amount the specified system resource type is limited by this rule. Units are kb/s for bandwidth, files/s for file-count, processing percentage used for cpu, or percentage of maximum available workers.
.PARAMETER schedule
    A schedule defining when during a week this performance rule is in effect. If unspecified or null, the schedule will always be in effect.
    The type of system resource this rule limits.
    Valid inputs: bandwidth,file_count,cpu,worker
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/sync/rules" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncRulesv3

function New-isiSyncTargetPolicyCancel{
    New Sync Target Policy Cancel
    Cancel the most recent SyncIQ job for this policy from the target side.
    Policy id
    Policy name
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('id')){
                $parameter1 = $id
                $BoundParameters.Remove('id') | out-null
            } else {
                $parameter1 = $name
                $BoundParameters.Remove('name') | out-null
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/sync/target/policies/$parameter1/cancel" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiSyncTargetPolicyCancel

function New-isiUpgradeClusterAddRemainingNodes{
    New Upgrade Cluster Add Remaining Nodes
    Let system absorb any remaining or new nodes inside the existing upgrade.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/add_remaining_nodes" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterAddRemainingNodes

function New-isiUpgradeClusterArchive{
    New Upgrade Cluster Archive
    Start an archive of an upgrade.
    If set to true the currently running upgrade will be cleared
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/archive" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterArchive

function New-isiUpgradeClusterAssess{
    New Upgrade Cluster Assess
    Start upgrade assessment on cluster.
.PARAMETER install_image_path
    The location (path) of the upgrade image which must be within /ifs.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/assess" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterAssess

function New-isiUpgradeClusterCommit{
    New Upgrade Cluster Commit
    Commit the upgrade of a cluster.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/commit" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterCommit

function New-isiUpgradeClusterFirmwareAssess{
    New Upgrade Cluster Firmware Assess
    Start firmware upgrade assessment on cluster.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/firmware/assess" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterFirmwareAssess

function New-isiUpgradeClusterFirmwareUpgrade{
    New Upgrade Cluster Firmware Upgrade
    The settings necessary to start a firmware upgrade.
.PARAMETER exclude_device
    Exclude the specified devices in the firmware upgrade.
.PARAMETER exclude_type
    Include the specified device type in the firmware upgrade.
.PARAMETER include_device
    Include the specified devices in the firmware upgrade.
.PARAMETER include_type
    Include the specified device type in the firmware upgrade.
.PARAMETER nodes_to_upgrade
    The nodes scheduled for upgrade. Order in array determines queue position number. 'All' and null option will upgrade all nodes in <lnn> order.
.PARAMETER no_burn
    Do not burn the firmware.
.PARAMETER no_reboot
    Do not reboot the node after an upgrade
.PARAMETER no_verify
    Do not verify the firmware upgrade after an upgrade.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/firmware/upgrade" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterFirmwareUpgrade

function New-isiUpgradeClusterPatchAbort{
    New Upgrade Cluster Patch Abort
    Abort the previous action performed by the patch system.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/patch/abort" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterPatchAbort

function New-isiUpgradeClusterPatchPatches{
    New Upgrade Cluster Patch Patches
    Install a patch.
.PARAMETER location
    The path location of the patch file.
    The name or path of the patch to install.
.PARAMETER override
    Whether to ignore patch system validation and force the installation.
.PARAMETER rolling
    Whether to install the patch on one node at a time. Defaults to true.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $queryArguments = @()
            if ($override){
                $queryArguments += 'override=' + $override
                $BoundParameters.Remove('override') | out-null
            if ($rolling){
                $queryArguments += 'rolling=' + $rolling
                $BoundParameters.Remove('rolling') | out-null
            if ($queryArguments) {
                $queryArguments = '?' + [String]::Join('&',$queryArguments)
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource ("/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/patch/patches" + "$queryArguments") -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterPatchPatches

function New-isiUpgradeClusterRetryLastAction{
    New Upgrade Cluster Retry Last Action
    Retry the last upgrade action, in-case the previous attempt failed.
    List of the nodes or "all" where the last upgrade action can be retried.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/retry_last_action" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterRetryLastAction

function New-isiUpgradeClusterRollback{
    New Upgrade Cluster Rollback
    Rollback the upgrade of a cluster.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/rollback" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterRollback

function New-isiUpgradeClusterUpgrade{
    New Upgrade Cluster Upgrade
    The settings necessary to start an upgrade.
.PARAMETER install_image_path
    The location (path) of the upgrade image which must be within /ifs.
.PARAMETER nodes_to_rolling_upgrade
    The nodes (to be) scheduled for upgrade ordered by queue position number. Null if the cluster_state is 'partially upgraded' or upgrade_type is 'simultaneous'. One of the following values: [<lnn-1>, <lnn-2>, ... ], 'All', null
.PARAMETER skip_optional
    Used to indicate that the pre-upgrade check should be skipped
.PARAMETER upgrade_type
    The type of upgrade to perform. One of the following values: 'rolling', 'simultaneous'
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/upgrade/cluster/upgrade" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiUpgradeClusterUpgrade

function New-isiWormDomains{
    New Worm Domains
    Create a WORM domain.
.PARAMETER autocommit_offset
    Specifies the autocommit time period for the domain in seconds. After a file is in the domain without being modified for the specified time period, the file is automatically committed. If this parameter is set to null, there is no autocommit time, and files must be committed manually.
.PARAMETER default_retention
    Specifies the default amount of time, in seconds, that a file in this domain will be protected for. The default retention period is applied if no retention date is manually set on the file. This parameter can also be set to 'forever', 'use_min' (which applies the 'min_retention' option), or 'use_max' (which applies the 'max_retention' option).
.PARAMETER max_retention
    Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that a file in this domain will be protected. This setting will override the retention period of any file committed with a longer retention period. If this parameter is set to null, an infinite length retention period is set.
.PARAMETER min_retention
    Specifies the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that a file in this domain will be protected. This setting will override the retention period of any file committed with a shorter retention period. If this parameter is set to null, this minimum value is not enforced. This parameter can also be set to 'forever'.
.PARAMETER override_date
    Specifies the override retention date for the domain. If this date is later than the retention date for any committed file, the file will remain protected until the override retention date.
    Specifies the root path of this domain. Files in this directory and all sub-directories will be protected.
.PARAMETER privileged_delete
    When this value is set to 'on', files in this domain can be deleted through the privileged delete feature. If this value is set to 'disabled', privileged file deletes are permanently disabled and cannot be turned on again.
    Valid inputs: on,off,disabled
    Specifies whether the domain is an enterprise domain or a compliance domain. Compliance domains can not be created on enterprise clusters. Enterprise and compliance domains can be created on compliance clusters.
    Valid inputs: enterprise,compliance
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/worm/domains" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $ISIObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiWormDomains

function New-isiZonesv1{
    New Zones
    Create a new access zone.
.PARAMETER all_auth_providers
    Enables all available authentication providers.
.PARAMETER alternate_system_provider
    Specifies an alternate system provider.
.PARAMETER audit_failure
    Specifies a list of failed operations to audit.
.PARAMETER audit_success
    Specifies a list of successful operations to audit.
.PARAMETER auth_providers
    Specifies the list of authentication providers available on this access zone.
.PARAMETER create_path
    Determines if a path is created when a path does not exist.
.PARAMETER hdfs_ambari_namenode
    Specifies the SmartConnect name of the cluster that will be used for the HDFS service.
.PARAMETER hdfs_ambari_server
    Specifies the valid hostname, FQDN, IPv4, or IPv6 string of the Ambari server.
.PARAMETER hdfs_authentication
    Specifies the authentication type for HDFS protocol.
    Valid inputs: all,simple_only,kerberos_only
.PARAMETER hdfs_root_directory
    Specifies the root directory for the HDFS protocol.
.PARAMETER home_directory_umask
    Specifies the permissions set on automatically created user home directories.
.PARAMETER ifs_restricted
    Specifies a list of users and groups that have read and write access to /ifs.
.PARAMETER map_untrusted
    Maps untrusted domains to this NetBIOS domain during authentication.
    Specifies the access zone name.
.PARAMETER netbios_name
    Specifies the NetBIOS name.
    Specifies the access zone base directory path.
.PARAMETER protocol_audit_enabled
    Determines if I/O auditing is enabled on this access zone.
.PARAMETER skeleton_directory
    Specifies the skeleton directory that is used for user home directories.
.PARAMETER syslog_audit_events
    Specifies a list of audit operations to forward to the syslog.
.PARAMETER syslog_forwarding_enabled
    Determines if access zone events are forwarded to the syslog.
.PARAMETER system_provider
    Specifies the system provider for the access zone.
.PARAMETER user_mapping_rules
    Specifies the current ID mapping rules.
.PARAMETER webhdfs_enabled
    True if WebHDFS is enabled on this access zone.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/1/zones" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiZonesv1
Set-Alias New-isiZones -Value New-isiZonesv1
Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-isiZones

function New-isiZonesv3{
    New Zones
    Create a new access zone.
.PARAMETER alternate_system_provider
    Specifies an alternate system provider.
.PARAMETER auth_providers
    Specifies the list of authentication providers available on this access zone.
.PARAMETER cache_entry_expiry
    Specifies amount of time in seconds to cache a user/group.
.PARAMETER create_path
    Determines if a path is created when a path does not exist.
.PARAMETER force_overlap
    Allow for overlapping base path.
.PARAMETER groupnet
    Groupnet identitier
.PARAMETER home_directory_umask
    Specifies the permissions set on automatically created user home directories.
.PARAMETER ifs_restricted
    Specifies a list of users and groups that have read and write access to /ifs.
.PARAMETER map_untrusted
    Maps untrusted domains to this NetBIOS domain during authentication.
    Specifies the access zone name.
.PARAMETER netbios_name
    Specifies the NetBIOS name.
    Specifies the access zone base directory path.
.PARAMETER skeleton_directory
    Specifies the skeleton directory that is used for user home directories.
.PARAMETER system_provider
    Specifies the system provider for the access zone.
.PARAMETER user_mapping_rules
    Specifies the current ID mapping rules.
    Name of Isilon Cluster

        param (
            $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters | SanitizeBoundParameters
            $ISIObject = Send-isiAPI -Method POST -Resource "/platform/3/zones" -body (convertto-json -depth 40 $BoundParameters) -Cluster $Cluster
            return $

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-isiZonesv3