
function Get-JS7AgentReport
Returns reporting information about job executions from a JS7 Agent
Reporting information about job executions is returned from a JS7 Agent.
Reporting information includes e.g. the number of successfully executed tasks with an Agent.
The following REST Web Service API resources are used:
* /agents/report
Optionally specifies the unique identifier of an Agent. More than one Agent identifier can be specified using a comma.
Without the -AgentId and -AgentUrl parameters the report is created for all Agents registered with a Controller.
Optionally specifies the URL that points to an Agent. More than one Agent URL can be specified using a comma.
Without the -AgentId and -AgentUrl parameters the report is created for all Agents registered with a Controller.
.PARAMETER ControllerId
Optionally limits reporting results to Agents that are registered with the specified Controller.
Specifies the date starting from which job executions are reported.
Specifies the date up to which job executions are reported.
Optionally specifies formatted output to be displayed.
Get-JS7AgentReport -Display -DateFrom 2020-01-01
Displays reporting information about job executions with any Agents since first of January 2020.
Get-JS7AgentReport -AgentUrl http://host-a:4445,http://host-b:4445 -Display
Returns reporting information about job executions with the indicated Agents for today. Formatted output is displayed.
$report = Get-JS7AgentReport -DateFrom 2020-04-01 -DateTo 2020-06-30
Returns an object that includes reporting information for the second quarter 2020.

    [string[]] $AgentId,
    [Uri[]] $AgentUrl,
    [string] $ControllerId,
    [DateTime] $DateFrom = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 00 -Second 00).ToUniversalTime(),
    [DateTime] $DateTo = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime(),
    [switch] $Display
        Approve-JS7Command $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $stopWatch = Start-JS7StopWatch

        $agentIds = @()
        $agentUrls = @()

        if ( $AgentId )
            $agentIds += $AgentId

        if ( $AgentUrl )
            $agentUrls += $AgentUrl

        $body = New-Object PSObject

        if ( $agentIds )
            Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'agentIds' -value $agentIds -InputObject $body

        if ( $agentUrls )
            Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'urls' -value $agentUrls -InputObject $body

        if ( $DateFrom )
            Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'dateFrom' -value ( Get-Date (Get-Date $DateFrom).ToUniversalTime() -Format 'u').Replace(' ', 'T') -InputObject $body

        if ( $DateTo )
            Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'dateTo' -value ( Get-Date (Get-Date $DateTo).ToUniversalTime() -Format 'u').Replace(' ', 'T') -InputObject $body

        if ( $ControllerId )
            Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'controllerId' -value $ControllerId -InputObject $body

        [string] $requestBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
        $response = Invoke-JS7WebRequest -Path '/agents/report' -Body $requestBody

        if ( $response.StatusCode -eq 200 )
            $returnReport = ( $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json )
        } else {
            throw ( $response | Format-List -Force | Out-String )

        if ( $Display -and $returnReport.agents )
            $totalNumOfJobs = 0
            $totalnumOfSuccessfulTasks = 0

            foreach( $reportAgent in $returnReport.agents )
                $totalNumOfJobs += $reportAgent.numOfJobs
                $totalNumOfSuccessfulTasks += $reportAgent.numOfSuccessfulTasks
                $output = "
............ Agent URL: $($reportAgent.url)
............. Agent ID: $($reportAgent.agentId)
........ Controller ID: $($reportAgent.controllerId)
................. jobs: $($reportAgent.numOfJobs)
..... successful tasks: $($reportAgent.numOfSuccessfulTasks)

                Write-Output $output

            $output = "
........... Total Jobs: $($totalNumOfJobs)
. Total Job Executions: $($totalNumOfSuccessfulTasks)

            Write-Output $output
        } elseif ( !$Display ) {
            return $returnReport

        if ( $returnReport.agents )
            Write-Verbose ".. $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): $($returnReport.agents.count) Agents found"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose ".. $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): no Agents found"

        Trace-JS7StopWatch -CommandName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -StopWatch $stopWatch