
using module Microsoft.AVS.Management
    1. Module VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin should be present
    2. CloudAdmin role is present within vcenter
    3. powershell version > 6

function Get-JetDR {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function downloads JetStream DR software from MMS

    Url of the bundle to download

    .PARAMETER DownloadPath
    Path where the bundle has to be downloaded

    Get-JetDR -Url https://example.com/file.zip -DownloadPath /home/user/downloads

                    HelpMessage="Url of the bundle to download")]

                    HelpMessage="Download location")]

    Process {
        $Filename = Split-Path $Url -Leaf
        $download_file_path = $DownloadPath + '/' + $Filename
        download_jetdr_bundle $Url $download_file_path

function Expand-JetDR {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function unzips JetStream DR software

    .PARAMETER Filename
    Name of the bundle

    .PARAMETER FilePath
    Path where the bundle is located

    .PARAMETER UnzipPath
    Path where bundle will be unzipped

    Expand-JetDR -FileName file.zip -FilePath /home/user/downloads/ -UnzipPath /home/user/downloads/jsdr/

                    HelpMessage="Name of the bundle")]

                    HelpMessage="Bundle location")]

                    HelpMessage="Unzip location")]

    Process {
        $js_download_path = $FilePath + '/' + $Filename
        unzip_ova $js_download_path $UnzipPath

function Deploy-JetDRMSA {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function deploys JetStream DR Management Server Appliance(MSA), powers it on and waits for all services to be running

    .PARAMETER OvfPath
    Full path of the ova file

    .PARAMETER Network
    Network for the MSA, e.g "VM Network"

    .PARAMETER Hostname
    Hostname of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    MSACredential of root user

    .PARAMETER Gateway
    Gateway of MSA

    DNS IP that MSA should use

    IP of MSA

    .PARAMETER Netmask
    Netmask of MSA

    VLAN Tag ID for MSA to be deployed (Leave blank if NA)

    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Cluster name where MSA needs to be deployed

    Name of the MSA VM

    .PARAMETER Datastore
    Datastore where the MSA has to be deployed

    Deploy-JetDRMSA -OvfPath /home/user/downloads/jsdr.ova -Network "VM Network" -Hostname msavm.example.com -MSACredential <root/PSCredential object> -Gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Dns xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VlanId 101 -Cluster Test-Cluster -VmName JS-MSA -Datastore md3817

                    HelpMessage="Location of the ova")]

                    HelpMessage="Location of the ova signature")]

                    HelpMessage="Network device for MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="Hostname of MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="MSA Credentials of root user")]

                    HelpMessage="Gateway for MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="DNS IP that MSA should use")]

                    HelpMessage="IP for MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="Netmask for MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="VLAN Tag ID for MSA VM to be deployed. (Leave blank if NA)")]

                    HelpMessage="Cluster name where MSA will be deployed")]

                    HelpMessage="Vm name for MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="Datastore where MSA will be deployed")]

    Process {
        $SecureFolder = [AVSSecureFolder]::GetOrCreate("js-appliance")
        if ($null -eq $SecureFolder) {
            Write-Error "Could not create secure folder to deploy MSA. Contact JetStream support for help." -ErrorAction Stop
        $mycluster=Get-Cluster -Name $Cluster
        $msa=Get-VM -Name $VmName -Location $mycluster -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -ne $msa) {
            write-host "MSA VM with the same name already exists in the Cluster $Cluster. Skipping creation"
            if($msa.PowerState -eq 'PoweredOff') {
                write-host "MSA VM is powered off, powering it on"
                start-vm $msa -confirm:$false | Out-Null
                if (!$?) {
                    write-host "Starting MSA VM failed"

                $vm_ip=get_vm_ip $VmName 600

                $rc=ms_rest_state $vm_ip "root" $Password 600
                if (!$rc) {
                    write-host "Failed to ping $vm_ip after 600 seconds"
                write-host "Sleep for 2 more minute after Manamgement server becomes pingable"
                start-sleep 120
        else {
            # Deploy the Management server appliance from the ova
            $vm_ip=deploy_ova $OvfPath $SignaturePath $Network $Hostname $Password $Gateway $Dns $Ip  $Netmask $VlanId $Cluster $VmName $Datastore $SecureFolder
        return $vm_ip

function Add-User {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function creates a new sso user

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user

    .PARAMETER Password
    Password of the new sso user

    Add-User -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Password ***

                    HelpMessage="New sso username")]

                    HelpMessage="Password of new sso user")]

    Process {
        $domain = $Username.split("\")[0]
        $user = $Username.split("\")[1]
        $ssouser = Get-SsoPersonUser -Name $user -Domain $domain
        if($ssouser) {
            write-host "User $Username already exists. Deleting before creating again."
            delete_user $Username
            start-sleep 5
        create_user $user $Password

function Remove-User {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function deletes an sso user

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the sso user

    Remove-User -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser

                    HelpMessage="sso username")]

    Process {
        delete_user $Username
        Write-Host "Script execution has completed. Please check status of the task for success/failure"
function New-Role {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function creates a new role JSDR-elevated and assigns that role to the
    user created by Add-User

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user

    Type of role to be created, elevated or operations

    New-Role -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Role elevated
    New-Role -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Role operations

                    HelpMessage="New sso username")]

                    HelpMessage="Type of role. Either elevated or operations")]

    Begin {
        $extra_full_privilleges = "Maintenance", "Query patch", "CIM interaction", "Profile-driven storage update", "Register extension", "Unregister extension", "Update extension", "Security Profile and Firewall"
        $op_privilleges = "Register extension", "Unregister extension", "Update extension", "CIM interaction"
    Process {
        if($Role -eq 'elevated') {
            $role = "JSDR-elevated"
            $privilleges = $extra_full_privilleges
        elseif($Role -eq 'operations') {
            $role = "JSDR-operations"
            $privilleges = $op_privilleges
        else {
            write-host "Invalid role specified. Must be one of 'elevated' or 'operations'"
        assign_new_role_to_user $role $Username $privilleges

function Register-MS {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function registers JetStream MSA with vCenter

    Management server ip/fqdn

    .PARAMETER MsaUser
    Management server user, e.g root

    .PARAMETER MsaPassword
    Management server password for MsaUser

    vCenter ip/fqdn

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user, e.g vsphere.local\tmpuser

    .PARAMETER Password
    Password of the new sso user

    .PARAMETER RegisterWithIp
    Register MSA with IP instead of hostname

    Mode in which MSA has to be registered, e.g 'C2C'

    Register-MS -MS xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MsaUser root -MsaPassword *** -VC xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Password *** -Mode C2C -RegisterWithIp $true

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="MSA user")]

                    HelpMessage="MSA password")]

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of vCenter")]

                    HelpMessage="sso username with which vCenter will be registered")]

                    HelpMessage="sso user password")]

                    HelpMessage="Register MSA with IP instead of hostname")]

                    HelpMessage="Mode in which MSA will be registered C2C")]

    Process {
        $response = get_ms_state $MS $MsaUser $MsaPassword
        if ($response.configured -eq $True) {
            write-host "MSA $MS already registered to vCenter. Skipping registration"
        else {
            register_ms_with_vc $MS $MsaUser $MsaPassword $VC $Username $Password $Mode $RegisterWithIp
            start-sleep 10

function Unregister-MS {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function unregisters JetStream MSA from vCenter

    Management server ip/fqdn

    vCenter ip/fqdn

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user, e.g vsphere.local\tmpuser

    .PARAMETER Password
    Password of the new sso user

    Unregister-MS -MS xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VC xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Password ***

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of vCenter")]

                    HelpMessage="sso username with which vCenter will be registered")]

                    HelpMessage="sso user password")]

    Process {
        $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MS $VC $Username $Password
        unregister_vcenter_from_ms $MS $VC $Username $Password $fios_session_id
        start-sleep 10

function Install-Cluster {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function installs JetDR software to all hosts in the Cluster

    Management server ip/fqdn

    vCenter ip/fqdn

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user, e.g vsphere.local\tmpuser

    .PARAMETER Password
    Password of the new sso user

    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Cluster name which has to be configured

    Install-Cluster -MS xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VC xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Password *** -Cluster prod-cluster

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of vCenter")]

                    HelpMessage="sso username with which vCenter will be registered")]

                    HelpMessage="sso user password")]

                    HelpMessage="Name of the cluster to be configured")]

    Process {
        $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MS $VC $Username $Password
        configure_cluster $MS $Cluster $fios_session_id

function Uninstall-Cluster {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function uninstalls JetStream software from the cluster

    Management server ip/fqdn

    vCenter ip/fqdn

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user, e.g vsphere.local\tmpuser

    .PARAMETER Password
    Password of the new sso user

    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Cluster name which has to be unconfigured

    Uninstall-Cluster -MS xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VC xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Password *** -Cluster prod-cluster

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of vCenter")]

                    HelpMessage="sso username with which vCenter will be unregistered")]

                    HelpMessage="sso user password")]

                    HelpMessage="Name of the cluster to be unconfigured")]

    Process {
        $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MS $VC $Username $Password
        unconfigure_cluster $MS $Cluster $fios_session_id

function Remove-Role {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function deletes a role from the vCenter and the elevated permissions from
    the sso user

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user

    Type of role to be created, elevated or operations

    Remove-Role -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Role elevated
    Remove-Role -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Role operations

                    HelpMessage="sso username")]

                    HelpMessage="Type of role. Either elevated or operations")]

    Process {
        $user = $Domain + "\" + $Username
        if($Role -eq 'elevated') {
            $role = "JSDR-elevated"
        elseif($Role -eq 'operations') {
            $role = "JSDR-operations"
        else {
            write-host "Invalid role specified. Must be one of 'elevated' or 'operations'"
        $rootfolder = Get-Folder -NoRecursion
        $newly_added_permissions = Get-VIPermission -Entity $rootfolder -Principal $Username
        remove_permissions $newly_added_permissions
        remove_role $role

function Restart-CIM {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc
    This function restarts CIM service on ESX hosts in the Cluster

    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Name of the cluster

    Restart-CIM -Cluster prod-cluster

                    HelpMessage="Name of the cluster")]

    Process {
        restart_cim $Cluster

function Install-JetDRWithStaticIP {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Deploys JetDr Management Server Appliance(MSA) with Static network IP configuration and configures one cluster

    .PARAMETER Network
    Network mapping for the MSA to be deployed, e.g 'VM Network'"

    .PARAMETER HostName
    Hostname of the MSA to be deployed

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    root user credential of the MSA to be deployed

    .PARAMETER Gateway
    Gateway of the MSA to be deployed

    DNS IP that MSA should use

    Ip of the MSA to be deployed

    .PARAMETER Netmask
    Netmask of the MSA to be deployed

    VLAN Tag ID for MSA to be deployed (Leave blank if NA)

    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Cluster where the MSA will be deployed

    Name of the MSA VM

    .PARAMETER Datastore
    Datastore where MSA will be deployed

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster
    Cluster to be protected

    .PARAMETER RegisterWithIp
    Register MSA with IP instead of hostname


    Install-JetDRWithStaticIP -Network "VM Network" -HostName "jsdr-msa.example.com" -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -Gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Dns xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VlanId 101 -Cluster MSA-Cluster -VMName jsdr-msa -Datastore shared-ds -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster -RegisterWithIp $true


    Install-JetDRWithStaticIP -Network "VM Network" -HostName "jsdr-msa.example.com" -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -Gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Dns xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VlanId 101 -Cluster MSA-Cluster -VMName jsdr-msa -Datastore shared-ds -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster


    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $True)]
                    HelpMessage="Network mapping for the MSA to be deployed, e.g 'VM Network'")]
                    HelpMessage="Hostname(fqdn) of the MSA to be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Credentials of root user of the MSA to be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Gateway of the MSA to be deployed.")]
                    HelpMessage="DNS IP that MSA should use.")]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA to be deployed.")]
                    HelpMessage="Netmask of the MSA to be deployed.")]
                    HelpMessage="VLAN Tag ID for MSA VM to be deployed. (Leave blank if NA)")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster where MSA will be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Name of the MSA VM")]
                    HelpMessage="Datastore where MSA will be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster to be protected")]
                    HelpMessage="Register MSA with Ip instead of hostname.")]
    Begin {
        $Mode = "C2C"
        # Script assumes that directory it is executed in is temporary
        $DownloadPath = "."

        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrusr"
        $js_download_path = $DownloadPath
        $js_destination_folder = $js_download_path + "/js_unzipped/"
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        # Run Preflight before install
        Invoke-PreflightJetDRInstall -ProtectedCluster $ProtectedCluster -Cluster $Cluster -VMName $VMName -Datastore $Datastore -Network $Network
        # Download JetDR bundle from MMS
        $js_url = "https://jsmms.blob.core.windows.net/jsdrmms/JSDR-GA-"
        $js_zip = Split-Path $js_url -Leaf
        Get-JetDR -Url $js_url -DownloadPath $js_download_path

        # Unzip JetDR bundle to specified location
        Expand-JetDR -FileName $js_zip -FilePath $js_download_path -UnzipPath $js_destination_folder

        $ovf_path = Get-ChildItem -Path $js_destination_folder -Filter "jetstream*ova" -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}
        $signature_path = Get-ChildItem -Path $js_destination_folder -Filter "signature" -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}

        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            try {
                # Create JSDR-elevated role and assign it to the newly created sso user
                New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

                # Deploy JetStream MSA
                $MSAIp=Deploy-JetDRMSA -OvfPath $ovf_path -SignaturePath $signature_path -Network $Network -Hostname $HostName -MSACredential $MSACredential -Gateway $Gateway -Dns $Dns -Ip $MSAIp -Netmask $Netmask -VlanId $VlanId -Cluster $Cluster -VmName $VMName -Datastore $Datastore

                # Register JetStream MSA with vCenter
                Register-MS -MS $MSAIp -MsaUser $UserName -MsaPassword $Password -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Mode $Mode -RegisterWithIp $RegisterWithIp

                # Configure cluster with JetStream software
                Install-Cluster -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Cluster $ProtectedCluster

                # Restart CIM service on hosts
                Restart-CIM $ProtectedCluster

                # Unregister JetStream MSA from vCenter
                Unregister-MS -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd
            } finally {
                # Delete permissions of JSDR-elevated role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
                Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated
            try {
                # Create JSDR-operations role and assign it to the newly created sso user
                New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role operations

                # Register JetStream MSA with vCenter
                Register-MS -MS $MSAIp -MsaUser $UserName -MsaPassword $Password -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Mode $Mode -RegisterWithIp $RegisterWithIp
            } finally {
                # Delete permissions of JSDR-operations role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
                Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role operations
        } finally {
            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Install-JetDRWithDHCP {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Deploys JetDr Management Server Appliance(MSA) with Dynamic network IP configurations and configures one cluster

    .PARAMETER Network
    Network mapping for the MSA to be deployed, e.g 'VM Network'"

    .PARAMETER HostName
    Hostname of the MSA to be deployed

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    root user credential of the MSA to be deployed

    VLAN Tag ID for MSA to be deployed (Leave blank if NA)

    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Cluster where the MSA will be deployed

    Name of the MSA VM

    .PARAMETER Datastore
    Datastore where MSA will be deployed

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster
    Cluster to be protected

    .PARAMETER RegisterWithIp
    Register MSA with IP instead of hostname


    Install-JetDRWithDHCP -Network "VM Network" -HostName "jsdr-msa.example.com" -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -VlanId 101 -Cluster MSA-Cluster -VMName jsdr-msa -Datastore shared-ds -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster

    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $True)]
                    HelpMessage="Network mapping for the MSA to be deployed, e.g 'VM Network'")]
                    HelpMessage="Hostname(fqdn) of the MSA to be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Credentials of root user of the MSA to be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="VLAN Tag ID for MSA VM to be deployed. (Leave blank if NA)")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster where MSA will be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Name of the MSA VM")]
                    HelpMessage="Datastore where MSA will be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster to be protected")]
                    HelpMessage="Register MSA with Ip instead of hostname.")]
    Begin {
        $Mode = "C2C"
        # Script assumes that directory it is executed in is temporary
        $DownloadPath = "."

        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrusr"
        $js_download_path = $DownloadPath
        $js_destination_folder = $js_download_path + "/js_unzipped/"
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS
        $Gateway = ''
        $Dns = ''
        $MSAIp = ''
        $Netmask = ''

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        # Run Preflight before install
        Invoke-PreflightJetDRInstall -ProtectedCluster $ProtectedCluster -Cluster $Cluster -VMName $VMName -Datastore $Datastore -Network $Network
        # Download JetDR bundle from MMS
        $js_url = "https://jsmms.blob.core.windows.net/jsdrmms/JSDR-GA-"
        $js_zip = Split-Path $js_url -Leaf
        Get-JetDR -Url $js_url -DownloadPath $js_download_path

        # Unzip JetDR bundle to specified location
        Expand-JetDR -FileName $js_zip -FilePath $js_download_path -UnzipPath $js_destination_folder

        $ovf_path = Get-ChildItem -Path $js_destination_folder -Filter "jetstream*ova" -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}
        $signature_path = Get-ChildItem -Path $js_destination_folder -Filter "signature" -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}

        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            try {
                # Create JSDR-elevated role and assign it to the newly created sso user
                New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

                # Deploy JetStream MSA
                $MSAIp=Deploy-JetDRMSA -OvfPath $ovf_path -SignaturePath $signature_path -Network $Network -Hostname $HostName -MSACredential $MSACredential -Gateway $Gateway -Dns $Dns -Ip $MSAIp -Netmask $Netmask -VlanId $VlanId -Cluster $Cluster -VmName $VMName -Datastore $Datastore

                # Commenting these as they may not be required any more.
                #Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMName -ScriptText 'echo "jss.dr.vc.forceUnregister=true" >> /var/lib/vme2/conf/server.properties' -GuestUser $UserName -GuestPassword $Password | Out-Null
                #Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMName -ScriptText '/etc/init.d/vme2 restart' -GuestUser $UserName -GuestPassword $Password | Out-Null

                # Register JetStream MSA with vCenter
                Register-MS -MS $MSAIp -MsaUser $UserName -MsaPassword $Password -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Mode $Mode -RegisterWithIp $RegisterWithIp

                # Configure cluster with JetStream software
                Install-Cluster -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Cluster $ProtectedCluster

                # Restart CIM service on hosts
                Restart-CIM $ProtectedCluster

                # Unregister JetStream MSA from vCenter
                Unregister-MS -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd
            } finally {
                # Delete permissions of JSDR-elevated role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
                Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated
            try {
                # Create JSDR-operations role and assign it to the newly created sso user
                New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role operations

                # Register JetStream MSA with vCenter
                Register-MS -MS $MSAIp -MsaUser $UserName -MsaPassword $Password -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Mode $Mode -RegisterWithIp $RegisterWithIp
            } finally {
                # Delete permissions of JSDR-operations role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
                Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role operations
        } finally {
            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Uninstall-JetDR {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Unconfigures cluster, unregisters vCenter from the JetDr MSA

    MSA IP

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    Credential of root user of MSA(root or PSCredential Object)

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster
    Cluster to be unconfigured

    Name of the MSA VM


    Uninstall-JetDR -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster -VMName jsdr-msa


    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $True)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster to be unconfigured")]
                    HelpMessage="Name of the MSA VM")]
    Begin {
        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrusr"
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())

        $SecureFolder = [AVSSecureFolder]::GetOrCreate("js-appliance")
        if ('' -eq $VMName) {
            $msa_vms = Get-VM -Location $SecureFolder -Name msa@*+jetdr*
        else {
            $msa_vms = Get-VM -Location $SecureFolder -Name $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($null -eq $msa_vms) {
                $msa_vms = Get-VM $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -eq $msa_vms) {
            Write-Error "Could not find MSA VM. Please rerun providing the correct VM name." -ErrorAction Stop
        $msa_exists = $false
        foreach ($msa_vm in $msa_vms) {
            $vm_ip = (Get-VMGuest -VM (Get-VM -Name $msa_vm)).IPAddress
            if ($vm_ip -Contains $MSAIp) {
                Write-Host "IP of $msa_vm matches with provided $MSAIp"
                $msa_exists = $true
        if ($msa_exists -eq $false) {
            Write-Error "The MSA Ip $MSAIp provided doesn't match with the ip of MSA VM" -ErrorAction Stop
    Process {
        # Run Preflight before uninstall
        Invoke-PreflightJetDRUninstall -MSAIp $MSAIp -MSACredential $MSACredential -ProtectedCluster $ProtectedCluster

        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            # Create JSDR-elevated role and assign it to the newly created sso user
            New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Check for presence of DR Virtual appliance before unregistering
            $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MSAIp $VCIp $sso_user_name $sso_user_pwd
            get_drvas $MSAIp $fios_session_id

            # Unconfigure JetStream software from cluster
            Uninstall-Cluster -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Cluster $ProtectedCluster

            # Unregister JetStream MSA from vCenter
            Unregister-MS -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            # Poweroff and delete MSA VM
            Write-Host "Powering off MSA VM $msa_vm"
            Stop-VM -VM $msa_vm -Confirm:$false
            Write-Host "Deleting MSA VM $msa_vm"
            Remove-VM -VM $msa_vm -Confirm:$false

        } finally {
            # Delete permissions of JSDR-elevated role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
            Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Invoke-PreflightJetDRInstall {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Checks to display current state of the system and minimum requirement are met before deploying JeDR. It also checks for minimum of 3 hosts in a cluster, jetdr plugin if already present in vcenter and if a vm exists with same name as MSA

    Name of the MSA VM

    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Cluster where the MSA will be deployed

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster
    Cluster to be protected

    .PARAMETER Datastore
    Datastore where MSA will be deployed

    .PARAMETER Network
    Network mapping for the MSA to be deployed, e.g 'VM Network'


    Invoke-PreflightJetDRInstall -VMName jsdr-msa -Cluster MSA-Cluster -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster -Datastore datastore-name -Network network-name


    [AVSAttribute(5, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]
                    HelpMessage="Name of MSA VM")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster Name where MSA will be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster to be protected")]
                    HelpMessage="Datastore where MSA will be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Network mapping for the MSA to be deployed, e.g 'VM Network'")]

    #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
    foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
        if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
            $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
            Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())

    get_system_state_install $VMName $Cluster $ProtectedCluster $Datastore $Network

function Invoke-PreflightJetDRUninstall {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Checks to display current state of the system and minimum requirement are met before uninstalling JeDR. It also checks for minimum of 4 hosts in a cluster


    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential

    root credentials of MSA

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster

    Cluster to be protected


    Invoke-PreflightJetDRUninstall -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster


    [AVSAttribute(5, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]
                    HelpMessage="IP of MSA VM")]
                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Protected Cluster")]

    if (!$MSACredential) {
        write-error "Please provide MSA credential, -MSACredential <root/PS Credential Object>" -ErrorAction Stop
    else {
        $MSaUser = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $MSaPassword = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()

    #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
    foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
        if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
            $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
            Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())

    get_system_state_uninstall $MSAIp $ProtectedCluster $MSaUser $MSaPassword

function Invoke-PreflightJetDRSystemCheck {
    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    This Cmdlet checks and displays current state of the system
    It checks whether the minimal requirements for the script to run are met.



    Begin {
        $role = "CloudAdmin"
    Process {
        checkRole $role
        checkModule "VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin"
        checkModule "VMware.VimAutomation.Core"
        Write-Host "Invoke-PreflightJetDRSystemCheck option only checks required configuration in the system to execute other Cmdlets. For more detailed check, try running Invoke-PreflightJetDRInstall/Invoke-PreflightJetDRUninstall."

function Enable-JetDRForCluster {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Configures an additional cluster for protection. installs vib to all hosts in the cluster and creates storage policies.


    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential

    root credentials of MSA

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster

    Cluster to be protected


    Enable-JetDRForCluster -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster


    [AVSAttribute(20, UpdatesSDDC = $True)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Credentials of root user of the MSA to be deployed")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster to be protected")]
    Begin {
        $Mode = "C2C"
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        # Preflight checks for cluster configure
        get_system_state_configure $ProtectedCluster

        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            # Create JSDR-elevated role and assign it to the newly created sso user
            New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Configure cluster with JetStream software
            Install-Cluster -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Cluster $ProtectedCluster

            # Restart CIM service on hosts
            Restart-CIM $ProtectedCluster
        } finally {
            # Delete permissions of JSDR-elevated role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
            Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Disable-JetDRForCluster {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Unconfigures a cluster, uninstalls vibs from all hosts in the cluster and removes storage policies. It will not uninstall JetDR completely


    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential

    root credentials of MSA

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster

    Cluster to be unconfigured


    Disable-JetDRForCluster -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster


    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $True)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster to be unconfigured")]
    Begin {
        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrelevatedusr"
        $Mode = "C2C"
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        # Preflight check for cluster unconfigure
        Invoke-PreflightJetDRUninstall -MSAIp $MSAIp -MSACredential $MSACredential -ProtectedCluster $ProtectedCluster

        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            # Create JSDR-elevated role and assign it to the newly created sso user
            New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Unconfigure JetStream software from cluster
            Uninstall-Cluster -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Cluster $ProtectedCluster
        } finally {
            # Delete permissions of JSDR-elevated role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
            Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Update-JetDRMSA {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Upgrades JetDR MSA and plugin to latest available update.

    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    root credentials of MSA

    .PARAMETER Datacenter
    Datacenter which manages the clusters

    .PARAMETER Datastore
    Datastore where upgrade iso will be copied

    MSA VM name where upgrade iso will be mounted


    Update-JetDRMSA -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -Datacenter Datacenter -Datastore shared-ds -VMName js-dr


    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Datacenter name")]
                    HelpMessage="Datastore where upgrade iso will be copied")]
                    HelpMessage="MSA VM name where upgrade iso will be mounted")]
    Begin {
        # Script assumes that directory it is executed in is temporary
        $DownloadPath = "."

        $js_download_path = $DownloadPath
        $js_destination_folder = $js_download_path + "/js_unzipped/"
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        # Download JetDR bundle from MMS
        $js_url = "https://jsmms.blob.core.windows.net/jsdrmms/JSDR-GA-"
        $js_zip = Split-Path $js_url -Leaf
        Get-JetDR -Url $js_url -DownloadPath $js_download_path

        # Unzip JetDR bundle to specified location
        Expand-JetDR -FileName $js_zip -FilePath $js_download_path -UnzipPath $js_destination_folder

        $iso_path = Get-ChildItem -Path $js_destination_folder -Filter "jetstream*iso" -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}
        $signature_path = Get-ChildItem -Path $js_destination_folder -Filter "signature_iso" -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}
        updateMSA $MSAIp $UserName $Password $Datacenter $Datastore $VMName $iso_path $signature_path $VCIp

function Update-DRVAs {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Upgrades JetDR DRVAs to latest available update.

    Ip of the MSA

    vCenter ip/fqdn

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user, e.g vsphere.local\tmpuser

    .PARAMETER Password
    Password of the new sso user


    Update-DRVAs -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VC xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Password ***


    [AVSAttribute(60, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of vCenter")]

                    HelpMessage="sso username with which vCenter will be registered")]

                    HelpMessage="sso user password")]
    Process {
            $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MSAIp $VC $Username $Password
            upgrade_drvas $MSAIp $fios_session_id

function Update-ROCVAs {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Upgrades JetDR ROCVAs to latest available update.

    Ip of the MSA

    vCenter ip/fqdn

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user, e.g vsphere.local\tmpuser

    .PARAMETER Password
    Password of the new sso user


    Update-ROCVAs -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VC xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Password ***


    [AVSAttribute(60, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of vCenter")]

                    HelpMessage="sso username with which vCenter will be registered")]

                    HelpMessage="sso user password")]
    Process {
            $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MSAIp $VC $Username $Password
            upgrade_rocvas $MSAIp $fios_session_id

function Update-JetDRCluster {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Upgrades JetDR iofilter to latest available update.

    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    Credentials of root user of MSA

    MSA VM Name

    vCenter ip/fqdn

    .PARAMETER Username
    Username of the new sso user, e.g vsphere.local\tmpuser

    .PARAMETER Password
    Password of the new sso user


    Update-JetDRCluster -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -VC xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Username vsphere.local\tmpuser -Password *** -MSAUser root -MSAPassword *** -VMName js-dr


    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $True)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]

                    HelpMessage="MSA VM name")]

                    HelpMessage="ip/fqdn of vCenter")]

                    HelpMessage="sso username with which vCenter will be registered")]

                    HelpMessage="sso user password")]
    Begin {
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()
    Process {
        $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MSAIp $VC $sso_user_name $sso_user_pwd
        update_clusters $MSAIp $fios_session_id $UserName $Password $VMName

function Update-JetDR {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Upgrades JetDR components to latest available update.

    .PARAMETER Resume
    Resume upgrade

    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    root credentials of MSA

    .PARAMETER Datacenter
    Datacenter which manages the clusters

    .PARAMETER Datastore
    Datastore where upgrade iso will be copied

    MSA VM name where upgrade iso will be mounted


    Update-JetDR -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -Datacenter Datacenter -Datastore shared-ds -MSAVMName js-dr


    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Resume upgrade if it failed at some point after upgrading MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Datacenter name")]
                    HelpMessage="Datastore where upgrade iso will be copied")]
                    HelpMessage="MSA VM name where upgrade iso will be mounted")]
    Begin {
        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrelevatedusr"
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())

        $SecureFolder = [AVSSecureFolder]::GetOrCreate("js-appliance")
        if ('' -eq $MSAVMName) {
            $MSAVMName = 'msa@*+jetdr*'
            $msa_vms = Get-VM -Location $SecureFolder -Name $MSAVMName
        else {
            $msa_vms = Get-VM -Location $SecureFolder -Name $MSAVMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($null -eq $msa_vms) {
                $msa_vms = Get-VM $MSAVMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -eq $msa_vms) {
            Write-Error "Could not find MSA VM. Please rerun providing the correct VM name." -ErrorAction Stop
        $msa_exists = $false
        foreach ($msa_vm in $msa_vms) {
            $vm_ip = (Get-VMGuest -VM (Get-VM -Name $msa_vm)).IPAddress
            if ($vm_ip -Contains $MSAIp) {
                Write-Host "IP of $msa_vm matches with provided $MSAIp"
                $msa_exists = $true
                $MSAVMName = $msa_vm
        if ($msa_exists -eq $false) {
            Write-Error "The MSA Ip $MSAIp provided doesn't match with the ip of MSA VM" -ErrorAction Stop
    Process {
        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            # Create JSDR-elevated role and assign it to the newly created sso user
            New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated
            if ($Resume -eq $False) {
                Update-JetDRMSA -MSAIp $MSAIp -MSACredential $MSACredential -Datacenter $Datacenter -Datastore $Datastore -VMName $MSAVMName
            Update-DRVAs -MSAIp $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd
            Update-ROCVAs -MSAIp $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd
            Update-JetDRCluster -MSAIp $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -MSACredential $MSACredential -VMName $MSAVMName
        } finally {
            # Delete permissions of JSDR-elevated role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
            Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Resolve-HostIssue {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Resolves last failed vCenter task on the host.

    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    root credentials of MSA

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster
    Cluster where the host resides

    Host where resolve issue will be done


    Resolve-HostIssue -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster -ESXHost esxi-host-name


    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $True)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster where the host resides")]
                    HelpMessage="Host where resolve issue will be done")]
    Begin {
        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrelevatedusr"
        $Mode = "C2C"
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        Invoke-PreflightJetDRUninstall -MSAIp $MSAIp -MSACredential $MSACredential -ProtectedCluster $ProtectedCluster
        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            # Create JSDR-elevated role and assign it to the newly created sso user
            New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MSAIp $VCIp $sso_user_name $sso_user_pwd
            $status = resolveHostIssue $MSAIp $ProtectedCluster $ESXHost $fios_session_id

            if ($status -eq 0) {
                # Restart CIM service on hosts
                Get-VMHost -name $ESXhost | Get-VMHostService | where {$_.key -eq 'sfcbd-watchdog'} | Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$false
                Get-VMHost -name $ESXhost | Get-VMHostService | where {$_.key -eq 'sfcbd-watchdog'} | Start-VMHostService -Confirm:$false
        } finally {
            # Delete permissions of JSDR-elevated role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
            Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Resolve-ClusterIssue {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc


    Resolves the errors occured during an install/uninstall/upgrade operation of an IO Filter on a cluster.

    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    root credentials of MSA

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster
    Cluster where resolve issue will be done


    Resolve-ClusterIssue -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster


    [AVSAttribute(30, UpdatesSDDC = $True)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster where resolve issue will be done")]
    Begin {
        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrelevatedusr"
        $Mode = "C2C"
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        Invoke-PreflightJetDRUninstall -MSAIp $MSAIp -MSACredential $MSACredential -ProtectedCluster $ProtectedCluster
        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            # Create JSDR-elevated role and assign it to the newly created sso user
            New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            $fios_session_id = refresh_vc_session $MSAIp $VCIp $sso_user_name $sso_user_pwd
            $status = resolveClusterIssue $MSAIp $ProtectedCluster $fios_session_id

            if ($status -eq 0) {
                # Restart CIM service on all hosts
                restart_cim $ProtectedCluster

        } finally {
            # Delete permissions of JSDR-elevated role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
            Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role elevated

            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Register-JetDRPlugin {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc

    Registers JetDR plugin to vCenter

    Ip of the MSA

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    root credentials of MSA

    .PARAMETER RegisterWithIp
    Register MSA with Ip instead of hostname


    Register-JetDRPlugin -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -MSACredential <root/PSCredential Object> -RegisterWithIp:$true


    [AVSAttribute(5, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Credential of the root user of MSA")]
                    HelpMessage="Register MSA with Ip instead of hostname.")]
    Begin {
        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrusr"
        $Mode = "C2C"
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()

        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        try {
            # Create a new sso user
            Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

            # Create JSDR-operations role and assign it to the newly created sso user
            New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role operations

            # Register JetStream MSA with vCenter
            Register-MS -MS $MSAIp -MsaUser $UserName -MsaPassword $Password -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd -Mode $Mode -RegisterWithIp $RegisterWithIp
        } finally {
            # Delete permissions of JSDR-operations role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
            Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role operations

            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Unregister-JetDRPlugin {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc

    Unregisters JetDR plugin from vCenter

    Ip of the MSA


    Unregister-JetDRPlugin -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


    [AVSAttribute(5, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Ip of the MSA. Leave blank if MSA is not available.")]
    Begin {
        $sso_user_name = "vsphere.local\jetdrusr"
        $VCIp = $VC_ADDRESS
        #Trimming string parameters for any leading and trailing spaces
        foreach ($key in $($PSBoundParameters.keys)) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$key].GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
                $PSBoundParameters[$key] = $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
                Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $($PSBoundParameters[$key].trim())
    Process {
        try {
                # Create a new sso user
                Add-User -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd

                # Create JSDR-operations role and assign it to the newly created sso user
                New-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role operations

                if ( $MSAIp -ne "") {
                    # Unregister JetStream MSA from vCenter
                    Unregister-MS -MS $MSAIp -VC $VCIp -Username $sso_user_name -Password $sso_user_pwd
                else {
                    # Force unregister JetStream MSA from vCenter
        } finally {
            # Delete permissions of JSDR-operations role from sso user and delete the role from vCenter
            Remove-Role -Username $sso_user_name -Role operations

            # Delete the sso user created for this task
            Remove-User -Username $sso_user_name

function Restart-JetDRDaemon {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc

    Restarts JetDR daemon on every host in the cluster

    .PARAMETER ProtectedCluster
    Cluster where daemon should be restarted for all hosts

    Restart-JetDRDaemon -ProtectedCluster Src-Cluster


    [AVSAttribute(5, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Cluster where daemon should be restarted for all hosts")]
    Process {
        restart_jetdr $ProtectedCluster

function Test-JetDRApplianceConnection {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc

    Checks connection from Run Cmd infra to JetSream MSA

    MSA Ip

    Test-JetDRApplianceConnection -MSAIp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


    [AVSAttribute(5, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="IP of the MSA")]
    Process {
        test_jetdr_conn $MSAIp

function Enable-JetDRSshd {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc

    Starts sshd on JetSream MSA

    MSA VM Name

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    MSACredential of root user

    Enable-JetDRSshd -VMName JS-MSA -MSACredential xxx


    [AVSAttribute(5, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Name of the MSA VM")]

                    HelpMessage="MSA Credentials of root user")]
    Begin {
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()
    Process {
        $msa_vm = Get-VM $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -eq $msa_vm) {
            Write-Error "Could not find MSA VM. Please rerun providing the correct VM name." -ErrorAction Stop
        $status_out = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMName -ScriptText 'service sshd status' -GuestUser $UserName -GuestPassword $Password
        if($status_out.ExitCode -ne 0) {
            Write-Host "sshd service is not running on $VMName. Starting the service..."
            $start_out = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMName -ScriptText 'service sshd start' -GuestUser $UserName -GuestPassword $Password
            if($start_out.ExitCode -eq 0) {
                Write-Host "Successfully started sshd on $VMName. For security reasons, please make sure to stop it once you are done by calling Disable-JetDRSshd"
            else {
                Write-Error "Could not start sshd on $VMName" -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
            Write-Host "sshd service is already running on $VMname. For security reasons, please make sure to stop it if it is not needed by calling Disable-JetDRSshd."

function Disable-JetDRSshd {

    Created by: JetStream Software Inc

    Stops sshd on JetSream MSA

    MSA VM Name

    .PARAMETER MSACredential
    MSACredential of root user

    Disable-JetDRSshd -VMName JS-MSA -MSACredential xxx


    [AVSAttribute(5, UpdatesSDDC = $False)]
                    HelpMessage="Name of the MSA VM")]

                    HelpMessage="MSA Credentials of root user")]
    Begin {
        $UserName = $MSACredential.UserName.trim()
        $Password = $MSACredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.trim()
    Process {
        $msa_vm = Get-VM $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -eq $msa_vm) {
            Write-Error "Could not find MSA VM. Please rerun providing the correct VM name." -ErrorAction Stop
        $status_out = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMName -ScriptText 'service sshd status' -GuestUser $UserName -GuestPassword $Password
        if($status_out.ExitCode -eq 0) {
            Write-Host "sshd service is running on $VMName. Stopping the service..."
            $stop_out = Invoke-VMScript -VM $VMName -ScriptText 'service sshd stop' -GuestUser $UserName -GuestPassword $Password
            if($stop_out.ExitCode -eq 0) {
                Write-Host "Successfully stopped sshd on $VMName."
            else {
                Write-Error "Could not stop sshd on $VMName" -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
            Write-Host "sshd service is already stopped on $VMname."