
function get-JWTDetails {
    param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$token)

Decode a JWT Access Token and convert to a PowerShell Object.
JWT Access Token updated to include the JWT Signature (sig), JWT Token Expiry (expiryDateTime) and JWT Token time to expiry (timeToExpiry).
Decode a JWT Access Token and convert to a PowerShell Object.
JWT Access Token updated to include the JWT Signature (sig), JWT Token Expiry (expiryDateTime) and JWT Token time to expiry (timeToExpiry).
The JWT Access Token to decode and udpate with expiry time and time to expiry
None. You cannot pipe objects to get-JWTDetails.
PowerShell Object
PS> Get-JWTDetails('eyJ0eXAiOi........XmN4GnWQAw7OwMA')
aud : https://graph.microsoft.com
iss : https://sts.windows.net/74ea519d-1234-4aa9-86d9-b7cab8204aaa/
iat : 1564472277
nbf : 1564472277
exp : 1564476177
acct : 0
acr : 1
aio : AVQAq/8MAAAAAzB0vSr6FzZdn+4Rl0mv/akAo4CoJGUOzDRebOAz2s8IgJyRK7IONYU/57PHkLZYUswizziQS7QQ5l9w0DrqH4urxrexTpLbagQHvJlEaD6c=
amr : {pwd, mfa}
app_displayname : Reporting
appid : 2c29e80e-ec64-43f7-b07a-137ae9c1d70c
appidacr : 1
ipaddr :
name : Darren J Robinson
oid : 5fddc979-ef08-4947-abcd-2430bc1234e0
platf : 3
puid : C1373BFDAE1A48F6
scp : AuditLog.Read.All Directory.Read.All Reports.Read.All
                  User.Read User.Read.All
sub : _31PG9C137LXuAkWDB93YM_eoRl9auP21qHOn5hO-s9w
tid : 74ea519d-9792-4aa9-c137-b7cab8204aaa
unique_name : darren@mytenant.onmicrosoft.com
upn : darren@mytenant.onmicrosoft.com
uti : eoWKGl9uZ0Gnc13715Qdff
ver : 1.0
wids : {4a5d8f65-41da-4de4-c137-f035b65339ca, c4e39bd9-c137-46d3-8c65-fb160df0071a, 5d6b6bb7-c137-4623-bafa-96380f352509}
xms_tcdt : 1341026666
sig : PUpl4F61Ql12nfxkLDeTA2Tucb7KfzrfbmI1+gNDPFfbe8WD3wlfr0EK2M89JNPJ1Z8H7Z8/JVU9Jbat2u+657D8IM81+NhnCpMvEWyC5565ZmIgE3vQKlBK3wD24kSzEFj6J2yL
expiryDateTime : 30/07/2019 6:42:57 PM
timeToExpiry : -00:32:56.1103767
PS> Get-JWTDetails($myAccessToken)
tenant_id : cd988f3c-710c-43eb-9e25-123456789
internal : False
pod : uswest2
org : myOrd
identity_id : 1c818084624f8babcdefgh9a4
user_name : adminDude
strong_auth_supported : True
user_id : 100666
scope : {read, write}
exp : 1564474732
jti : 1282411c-ffff-1111-a9d0-f9314a123c7a
sig : SWPhCswizzleQWdM4K8A8HotX5fP/PT8kBWnaaAf2g6k=
expiryDateTime : 30/07/2019 6:18:52 PM
timeToExpiry : -00:57:37.4457299

    if (!$token.Contains(".") -or !$token.StartsWith("eyJ")) { Write-Error "Invalid token" -ErrorAction Stop }

    # Token
    foreach ($i in 0..1) {
        $data = $token.Split('.')[$i].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
        switch ($data.Length % 4) {
            0 { break }
            2 { $data += '==' }
            3 { $data += '=' }

    $decodedToken = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([convert]::FromBase64String($data)) | ConvertFrom-Json 
    Write-Verbose "JWT Token:"
    Write-Verbose $decodedToken 

    # Signature
    foreach ($i in 0..2) {
        $sig = $token.Split('.')[$i].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
        switch ($sig.Length % 4) {
            0 { break }
            2 { $sig += '==' }
            3 { $sig += '=' }
    Write-Verbose "JWT Signature:"
    Write-Verbose $sig  
    $decodedToken | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "sig" -Value $sig 

    # Convert Expiry time to PowerShell DateTime
    $orig = (Get-Date -Year 1970 -Month 1 -Day 1 -hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0)         
    $timeZone = Get-TimeZone     
    $utcTime = $orig.AddSeconds($decodedToken.exp)    
    $localTime = $utcTime.AddHours($timeZone.BaseUtcOffset.Hours)     # Return local time
    $decodedToken | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "expiryDateTime" -Value $localTime 
    # Time to Expiry
    $timeToExpiry = ($localTime - (get-date))
    $decodedToken | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "timeToExpiry" -Value $timeToExpiry 

    return $decodedToken    

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'get-JWTDetails'