
enum Ensure

$modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) -ChildPath 'Modules'

Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath DscResource.Common)
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path JeaDsc.Common -ChildPath JeaDsc.Common.psm1))

$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -DefaultUICulture en-US

class JeaRoleCapabilities

    [Ensure]$Ensure = [Ensure]::Present

    # Where to store the file.

    # Specifies the modules that are automatically imported into sessions that use the role capability file.
    # By default, all of the commands in listed modules are visible. When used with VisibleCmdlets or VisibleFunctions,
    # the commands visible from the specified modules can be restricted. Hashtable with keys ModuleName, ModuleVersion and GUID.

    # Limits the aliases in the session to those aliases specified in the value of this parameter,
    # plus any aliases that you define in the AliasDefinition parameter. Wildcard characters are supported.
    # By default, all aliases that are defined by the Windows PowerShell engine and all aliases that modules export are
    # visible in the session.

    # Limits the cmdlets in the session to those specified in the value of this parameter.
    # Wildcard characters and Module Qualified Names are supported.

    # Limits the functions in the session to those specified in the value of this parameter,
    # plus any functions that you define in the FunctionDefinitions parameter. Wildcard characters are supported.

    # Limits the external binaries, scripts and commands that can be executed in the session to those specified in
    # the value of this parameter. Wildcard characters are supported.

    # Limits the Windows PowerShell providers in the session to those specified in the value of this parameter.
    # Wildcard characters are supported.

    # Specifies scripts to add to sessions that use the role capability file.

    # Adds the specified aliases to sessions that use the role capability file.
    # Hashtable with keys Name, Value, Description and Options.

    # Adds the specified functions to sessions that expose the role capability.
    # Hashtable with keys Name, Scriptblock and Options.

    # Specifies variables to add to sessions that use the role capability file.
    # Hashtable with keys Name, Value, Options.

    # Specifies the environment variables for sessions that expose this role capability file.
    # Hashtable of environment variables.

    # Specifies type files (.ps1xml) to add to sessions that use the role capability file.
    # The value of this parameter must be a full or absolute path of the type file names.

    # Specifies the formatting files (.ps1xml) that run in sessions that use the role capability file.
    # The value of this parameter must be a full or absolute path of the formatting files.

    # Specifies the assemblies to load into the sessions that use the role capability file.

    # Description of the role

    hidden [boolean] ValidatePath()
        $fileObject = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new($this.Path)
        Write-Verbose -Message "Validating Path: $($fileObject.Fullname)"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Checking file extension is psrc for: $($fileObject.Fullname)"
        if ($fileObject.Extension -ne '.psrc')
            Write-Verbose -Message "Doesn't have psrc extension for: $($fileObject.Fullname)"
            return $false

        Write-Verbose -Message "Checking parent forlder is RoleCapabilities for: $($fileObject.Fullname)"
        if ($fileObject.Directory.Name -ne 'RoleCapabilities')
            Write-Verbose -Message "Parent folder isn't RoleCapabilities for: $($fileObject.Fullname)"
            return $false

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Path is a valid psrc path. Returning true.'
        return $true

    [JeaRoleCapabilities] Get()
        $currentState = [JeaRoleCapabilities]::new()
        $currentState.Path = $this.Path
        if (Test-Path -Path $this.Path)
            $currentStateFile = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.Path

            'Copyright', 'GUID', 'Author', 'CompanyName' | Foreach-Object {

            foreach ($property in $currentStateFile.Keys)
                $propertyType = ($this | Get-Member -Name $property -MemberType Property).Definition.Split(' ')[0]
                $currentState.$property = foreach ($propertyValue in $currentStateFile[$property])
                    if ($propertyValue -is [hashtable] -and $propertyType -ne 'hashtable')
                        if ($propertyValue.ScriptBlock -is [scriptblock])
                            $code = $propertyValue.ScriptBlock.Ast.Extent.Text
                            $code -match '(?<=\{)(?<Code>((.|\s)*))(?=\})' | Out-Null
                            $propertyValue.ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($Matches.Code)

                        ConvertTo-Expression -Object $propertyValue
                    elseif ($propertyValue -is [hashtable] -and $propertyType -eq 'hashtable')
            $currentState.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $currentState.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

        return $currentState

    [void] Set()
        $invalidConfiguration = $false

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            $desiredState = Convert-ObjectToHashtable -Object $this

            foreach ($parameter in $desiredState.Keys.Where( { $desiredState[$_] -match '@{' }))
                $desiredState[$parameter] = Convert-StringToObject -InputString $desiredState[$parameter]

            $desiredState = Sync-Parameter -Command (Get-Command -Name New-PSRoleCapabilityFile) -Parameters $desiredState

            if ($desiredState.ContainsKey('FunctionDefinitions'))
                foreach ($functionDefinitionName in $desiredState['FunctionDefinitions'].Name)
                    if ($functionDefinitionName -notin $desiredState['VisibleFunctions'])
                        Write-Verbose -"Function defined but not visible to Role Configuration: $functionDefinitionName"
                        Write-Error "Function defined but not visible to Role Configuration: $functionDefinitionName"
                        $invalidConfiguration = $true

            if (-not $invalidConfiguration)
                $parentPath = Split-Path -Path $desiredState.Path -Parent
                mkdir -Path $parentPath -Force

                $fPath = $desiredState.Path
                $content = $desiredState | ConvertTo-Expression
                $content | Set-Content -Path $fPath -Force
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent -and (Test-Path -Path $this.Path))
            Remove-Item -Path $this.Path -Confirm:$false -Force


    [bool] Test()
        if (-not ($this.ValidatePath()))
            Write-Error -Message "Invalid path specified. It must point to a Module folder, be a psrc file and the parent folder must be called RoleCapabilities"
            return $false
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present -and -not (Test-Path -Path $this.Path))
            return $false
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present -and (Test-Path -Path $this.Path))

            $currentState = Convert-ObjectToHashtable -Object $this.Get()
            $desiredState = Convert-ObjectToHashtable -Object $this

            $cmdlet = Get-Command -Name New-PSRoleCapabilityFile
            $desiredState = Sync-Parameter -Command $cmdlet -Parameters $desiredState
            $currentState = Sync-Parameter -Command $cmdlet -Parameters $currentState
            $propertiesAsObject = $cmdlet.Parameters.Keys |
                Where-Object { $_ -in $desiredState.Keys } |
                    Where-Object { $cmdlet.Parameters.$_.ParameterType.FullName -in 'System.Collections.IDictionary', 'System.Collections.Hashtable', 'System.Collections.IDictionary[]', 'System.Object[]' }
            foreach ($p in $propertiesAsObject)
                if ($cmdlet.Parameters.$p.ParameterType.FullName -in 'System.Collections.Hashtable', 'System.Collections.IDictionary', 'System.Collections.IDictionary[]', 'System.Object[]')
                    $desiredState."$($p)" = $desiredState."$($p)" | Convert-StringToObject
                    $currentState."$($p)" = $currentState."$($p)" | Convert-StringToObject

            $compare = Test-DscParameterState -CurrentValues $currentState -DesiredValues $desiredState -SortArrayValues -TurnOffTypeChecking -ReverseCheck

            return $compare
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent -and (Test-Path -Path $this.Path))
            return $false
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent -and -not (Test-Path -Path $this.Path))
            return $true

        return $false