
.GUID f50d40a4-5ab1-4a3b-9294-4cbe60197c8b
.AUTHOR Horacio Hoyos
.COPYRIGHT Kinori tech
.TAGS Laravel Sail Docker
.LICENSEURI https://opensource.org/license/mit/
.PROJECTURI https://github.com/KinoriTech/jib
.RELEASENOTES Initial Release
Jib provides a Docker powered local development experience for Laravel that is compatible with Windows using PowerShell

Import-Module PSWriteColor

function Invoke-Jib {
    Jib is PowerShell replacement for the Laravel Sail bash/shell command.
    Laravel Sail is a light-weight command-line interface for interacting with
    Laravel's default Docker development environment. Sail provides a great
    starting point for building a Laravel application using PHP, MySQL, and
    Redis without requiring prior Docker experience.
    At its heart, Sail is the docker-compose.yml file and the sail script that
    is stored at the root of your project. The sail script provides a CLI with
    convenient methods for interacting with the Docker containers defined by
    the docker-compose.yml file.
    NOTE: When passing 'dash' paramters, e.g. -d, you need to scape the dash
    with a backtick: `-d.
    PS> Invoke-Jib help
    Invoke-Jib -[Command] <String> [options] [arguments]
    Unknown commands are passed to the docker-compose binary.
    docker-compose Commands:
    Invoke-Jib up Start the application
    Invoke-Jib up `-d Start the application in the background
    Invoke-Jib stop Stop the application
    Invoke-Jib restart Restart the application
    Invoke-Jib ps Display the Status of all containers
    PS> Invoke-Jib up
    Setting the ENVIRONMENT from the '.env' file
    Deciding what docker compose to use.
    Ensure that Docker is running...
    Determine if Sail is currently up...
    Pass thru to docker-compose up
    Executing command in container: docker compose up
    [+] Running 4/0
    ✔ Container app-mailhog-1 Running 0.0s
    ✔ Container app-redis-1 Running 0.0s
    ✔ Container app-mariadb-1 Running 0.0s
    ✔ Container app-laravel.test-1 Running 0.0s
    Attaching to app-laravel.test-1, app-mailhog-1, app-mariadb-1, app-redis-1
    app-laravel.test-1 |
    app-laravel.test-1 | INFO Server running on [].
    app-laravel.test-1 |
    app-laravel.test-1 | Press Ctrl+C to stop the server
    app-laravel.test-1 |

    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory=$true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]

    function Show-Help {

        Write-Host "Jib`n"
        Write-Color -Text "Usage:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Host "Invoke-Jib -[Command] <String> [options] [arguments]`n"
        Write-Host "Unknown commands are passed to the docker-compose binary.`n"
        Write-Color -Text "docker-compose Commands:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib up", " Start the application" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib up `-d", " Start the application in the background" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib stop", " Stop the application" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib restart", " Restart the application" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib ps", " Display the Status of all containers" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Artisan Commands:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib artisan ...", " Run an Artisan command" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib artisan queue:work", "" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "PHP Commands:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib php ...", " Run a snippet of PHP code" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib php -v", "" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Composer Commands:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib composer ...", " Run a Composer command" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib composer require laravel/sanctum", "" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Node Commands:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib node ...", " Run a Node command" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib node --version", "" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "NPM Commands:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib npm ...", " Run a npm command" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib npx", " Run a npx command" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib npm run prod", "" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Yarn Commands:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib yarn ...", " Run a Yarn command" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib yarn run prod", "" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Database Commands:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib mysql", " Start a MySQL CLI session within the 'mysql' container" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib mariadb", " Start a MySQL CLI session within the 'mariadb' container" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib psql", " Start a PostgreSQL CLI session within the 'pgsql' container" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib redis", " Start a Redis CLI session within the 'redis' container" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Debugging:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib debug ...", " Run an Artisan command in debug mode" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib debug queue:work", "" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Running Tests:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib test", " Run the PHPUnit tests via the Artisan test command" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib phpunit ...", " Run PHPUnit" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib pest ...", " Run Pest" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib pint ...", " Run Pint" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib dusk", " Run the Dusk tests (Requires the laravel/dusk package)" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib dusk:fails", " Re-run previously failed Dusk tests (Requires the laravel/dusk package)" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Container CLI:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib shell", " Start a shell session within the application container" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib bash", " Alias for 'sail shell'" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib root-shell", " Start a root shell session within the application container" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib root-bash", " Alias for 'sail root-shell'" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib tinker", " Start a new Laravel Tinker session" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Sharing:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib share", " Share the application publicly via a temporary URL" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib open", " Open the site in your browser" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Binaries:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib bin ...", " Run Composer binary scripts from the vendor/bin directory" -Color Green, White -LinesAfter 1
        Write-Color -Text "Customization:" -Color Yellow
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib artisan sail:publish", " Publish the Sail configuration files" -Color Green, White
        Write-Color "Invoke-Jib build --no-cache", " Rebuild all of the Sail containers" -Color Green, White

    function Set-Environemnt() {
        Sets environment variables' values from the provided file

        param (
            # Specifies a path to the file with the environment variables' values
        if (Test-Path -Path $EnvFile -PathType leaf) {
            Get-Content -Path $EnvFile | ForEach-Object {
            $name, $value = $_.split('=')
            if($value) {[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($name, $value)}
            return $true
        } else {
            $Cause = "Could not find the '.env' file.`n"
            $Help = "If this is a new Laravel project, you can use the provided 'example' file as a startpoint:`n`n"
            $Copy = " Copy-Item `".env.example`" -Destination `".env`"`n`n"
            $Info = "For details about how to configure the Laravel Application, go to:`n"
            $URL = "https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/configuration#environment-configuration"
            Write-Color -Text $Cause, $Help, $Copy, $Info, $URL -Color Red, White, Green, White, Blue
            return $false

    function Show-InactiveLaravel() {
        Write-Color -Text "Sail is not running." -Color Magenta
        Write-Color "You may run Sail using the following commands: ", "'Invoke-Jib up' or 'Invoke-Jib up -d'" -Color Magenta, Green

    # Proxy the "help" command...
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Command')) {
        if($Command -eq "help" -or $Command -eq "-h" -or $Command -eq "-help" -or $Command -eq "--help") {
    } else {

    # Source the ".env" file so Laravel's environment variables are available...
    Write-Color -Text "Setting the ENVIRONMENT from the '.env' file" -Color Cyan
    $Loaded = $false
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:APP_ENV) -and (Test-Path -Path "./.env.$env:APP_ENV" -PathType Leaf) ) {
        $Loaded = Set-Environemnt -EnvFile "./.env.$env:APP_ENV"
    } else {
    $Loaded = Set-Environemnt -EnvFile "./.env"
    if (-Not $Loaded) {
    # Define environment variables...
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:APP_PORT)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("APP_PORT", 80)
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:APP_SERVICE)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("APP_SERVICE", "laravel.test")
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:DB_PORT)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("DB_PORT", 3306)
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:WWWUSER)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("WWWUSER", 1000)
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:WWWGROUP)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("WWWGROUP", 1000)
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SAIL_FILES)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SAIL_FILES", "")
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SAIL_SHARE_DASHBOARD)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SAIL_SHARE_DASHBOARD", 4040)
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SAIL_SHARE_SERVER_HOST)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SAIL_SHARE_SERVER_HOST", "laravel-sail.site")
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SAIL_SHARE_SERVER_PORT)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SAIL_SHARE_SERVER_PORT", 8080)
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SAIL_SHARE_SUBDOMAIN)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SAIL_SHARE_SUBDOMAIN", "")
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SAIL_SHARE_DOMAIN)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SAIL_SHARE_DOMAIN", $env:SAIL_SHARE_SERVER_HOST)
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SAIL_SHARE_SERVER)) {
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SAIL_SHARE_SERVER", "")

    Write-Color -Text "Deciding what docker compose to use." -Color Cyan
    docker compose | out-null
    if ($?) {
        $DockerCompose = "docker", "compose"
    } else {
        $DockerCompose = ,"docker-compose"

    if ($env:SAIL_FILES) {
        # Convert SAIL_FILES to an array...
        Write-Color -Text "Using provided sail files." -Color Cyan
        $SailFiles = $env:SAIL_FILES.Split(":")
        Foreach ($File in $SailFiles) {
            if (Test-Path -Path $File -PathType Leaf) {
                $DockerCompose = $DockerCompose -join " -f $File"
            } else {
                Write-Color -Text "Unable to find Docker Compose file: $File referenced in the SAIL_FILES env variable." -Color Magenta


    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SAIL_SKIP_CHECKS)) {
        # Ensure that Docker is running...
        Write-Color -Text "Ensure that Docker is running..." -Color Cyan
        docker info 2>&1>$null
        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
            Write-Color -Text "Docker is not running. You need to start Docker Desktop in order to use Jib." -Color Magenta
        # Determine if Sail is currently up...
        Write-Color -Text "Determine if Sail is currently up..." -Color Cyan
        $CmdExpr = "$DockerCompose ps $env:APP_SERVICE"
        $Status = Invoke-Expression $CmdExpr | Select-String -Pattern "Exit\|exited"
        if($Status) {
            Write-Color -Text "Shutting down old Sail processes..." -Color Magenta
            $CmdExpr = "$DockerCompose down"
            Invoke-Expression $CmdExpr
        } else {
            $CmdExpr = "$DockerCompose ps -q"
            $Status = Invoke-Expression $CmdExpr
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Status)) {

    $SAIL_ARGS = @()

    # Proxy PHP commands to the "php" binary on the application container...
    if ($Command -eq "php") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy PHP commands" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy vendor binary commands on the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "bin") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy vendor binary commands" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $binCmd = $Remaining -join ' '
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "./vendor/bin/$binCmd"
        } else {


    # Proxy docker-compose commands to the docker-compose binary on the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "docker-compose") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy docker-compose commands" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $dockerCmd = $DockerCompose -join ' '
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, $dockerCmd
        } else {


    # Proxy Composer commands to the "composer" binary on the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "composer") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy Composer commands" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "composer"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy Artisan commands to the "artisan" binary on the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "artisan" -or $Command -eq "art") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy Artisan commands to the 'artisan' binary" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php artisan"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy the "debug" command to the "php artisan" binary on the application container with xdebug enabled...
    elseif ($Command -eq "debug") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy the 'debug' command to the 'artisan' binary with xdebug enabled" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php artisan"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy the "test" command to the "php artisan test" Artisan command...
    elseif ($Command -eq "test") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy the 'test' command to the 'artisan' binary" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php artisan test"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy the "phpunit" command to "php vendor/bin/phpunit"...
    elseif ($Command -eq "phpunit") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy the 'debug' command to the 'phpunit' binary in the vendor folder" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php vendor/bin/phpunit"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy the "pest" command to "php vendor/bin/pest"...
    elseif ($Command -eq "pest") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy the 'pest' command to the 'pest' binary in the vendor folder" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php vendor/bin/pest"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy the "pint" command to "php vendor/bin/pint"...
    elseif ($Command -eq "pint") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy the 'pint' command to the 'pint' binary in the vendor folder" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php vendor/bin/pint"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy the "dusk" command to the "php artisan dusk" Artisan command...
    elseif ($Command -eq "dusk") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy the 'dusk' command to the 'artisan' binary" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "-e", "APP_URL=http://$env:APP_SERVICE"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "-e", "DUSK_DRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php artisan dusk"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy the "dusk:fails" command to the "php artisan dusk" Artisan command...
    elseif ($Command -eq "dusk:fails") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy the 'dusk:fails' command to the 'artisan' binary" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "-e", "APP_URL=http://$env:APP_SERVICE"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "-e", "DUSK_DRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, " php artisan dusk:fails"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Initiate a Laravel Tinker session within the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "tinker") {
        Write-Color -Text "Initiate a Laravel Tinker session" -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "php artisan tinker"
        } else {

    # Proxy Node commands to the "node" binary on the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "node") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy Node commands to the 'node' binary on the container..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "node"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy NPM commands to the "npm" binary on the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "npm") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy NPM commands to the 'npm' binary on the container..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "npm"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy NPX commands to the "npx" binary on the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "npx") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy NPX commands to the 'npx' binary on the container..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "npx"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Proxy YARN commands to the "yarn" binary on the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "yarn") {
        Write-Color -Text "Proxy YARN commands to the 'yarn' binary on the container..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += $env:APP_SERVICE, "yarn"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Initiate a MySQL CLI terminal session within the "mysql" container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "mysql") {
        Write-Color -Text "Initiate a MySQL CLI terminal session in mysql..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "mysql", "bash", "-c"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "MYSQL_PWD=\$env:MYSQL_PASSWORD mysql -u \$env:MYSQL_USER \$env:MYSQL_DATABASE"
        } else {

    # Initiate a MySQL CLI terminal session within the "mariadb" container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "mysql") {
        Write-Color -Text "Initiate a MySQL CLI terminal session in mariadb..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "mariadb", "bash", "-c"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "MYSQL_PWD=\$env:MYSQL_PASSWORD mysql -u \$env:MYSQL_USER \$env:MYSQL_DATABASE"
        } else {

    # Initiate a PostgreSQL CLI terminal session within the "pgsql" container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "mysql") {
        Write-Color -Text "Initiate a PostgreSQL CLI terminal session in pgsql..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "pgsql", "bash", "-c"
        } else {

    # Initiate a Bash shell within the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "shell" -or $Command -eq "bash") {
        Write-Color -Text "Initiate a Bash shell within the application container..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "bash"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Initiate a root user Bash shell within the application container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "root-shell" -or $Command -eq "root-bash") {
        Write-Color -Text "Initiate a Bash shell within the application container..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "bash"
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
        } else {

    # Initiate a Redis CLI terminal session within the "redis" container...
    elseif ($Command -eq "redis") {
        Write-Color -Text "Initiate a Redis CLI terminal session within the 'redis' container..." -Color Cyan

        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS += "exec"
            $SAIL_ARGS += "redis", "redis-cli"
        } else {

    # Share the site...
    elseif ($Command -eq "share") {
        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            $SAIL_ARGS =@'
             docker run --init --rm -p "$SAIL_SHARE_DASHBOARD":4040 -t beyondcodegmbh/expose-server:latest share http://host.docker.internal:"$APP_PORT" \
            --server-host="$SAIL_SHARE_SERVER_HOST" \
            --server-port="$SAIL_SHARE_SERVER_PORT" \
            --auth="$SAIL_SHARE_TOKEN" \
            --server="$SAIL_SHARE_SERVER" \
            --subdomain="$SAIL_SHARE_SUBDOMAIN" \
            --domain="$SAIL_SHARE_DOMAIN" \

             for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
                $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]
            Invoke-Expression $SAIL_ARGS
            return 0
        } else {

    # Open the site...
    elseif ($Command -eq "open") {
        if ($Exec -eq "yes") {
            Start-Process $env:APP_URL
            return 0
        } else {

    # Pass unknown commands to the "docker-compose" binary...
    else {
        Write-Color -Text "Pass thru to docker-compose $Command $Remaining" -Color Cyan
        $SAIL_ARGS += $Command
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) {
            $SAIL_ARGS += $Remaining[$i]

    $DockerCmd = "$DockerCompose $SAIL_ARGS"
    Write-Color -Text "Executing command in container: ", $DockerCmd -Color Cyan, Yellow
    Invoke-Expression $DockerCmd