
function Format-Jira {
       Converts an object into a table formatted according to JIRA's markdown syntax
       This function converts a PowerShell object into a table using JIRA's markdown syntax. This can then be added to a JIRA issue description or comment.
       Like the native Format-* cmdlets, this is a destructive operation, so as always, remember to "filter left, format right!"
       Get-Process | Format-Jira | Add-JiraIssueComment -Issue TEST-001
       This example illustrates converting the output from Get-Process into a JIRA table, which is then added as a comment to issue TEST-001.
       Get-Process chrome | Format-Jira Name,Id,VM
       This example obtains all Google Chrome processes, then creates a JIRA table with only the Name,ID, and VM properties of each object.
       [System.Object[]] - accepts any Object via pipeline
       This is a destructive operation, since it permanently reduces InputObjects to Strings. Remember to "filter left, format right."

        # List of properties to display. If omitted, only the default properties will be shown.
        # To display all properties, use -Property *.
            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $false
        [Object[]] $Property,

        # Object to format.
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true
        [PSObject[]] $InputObject

    begin {
        $headers = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
        $thisLine = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
        $allText = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder

        $headerDefined = $false

        $n = [System.Environment]::NewLine

        if ($Property) {
            if ($Property -eq '*') {
                Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] -Property * was passed. Adding all properties."
            else {

                foreach ($p in $Property) {
                    Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Adding header [$p]"
                    [void] $headers.Add($p.ToString())

                $headerString = "||$(($headers.ToArray()) -join '||')||"
                Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Full header: [$headerString]"
                [void] $allText.Append($headerString)
                $headerDefined = $true
        else {
            Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Property parameter was not specified. Checking first InputObject for property names."

    process {
        foreach ($i in $InputObject) {
            if (-not ($headerDefined)) {
                # This should only be called if Property was not supplied and this is the first object in the InputObject array.
                if ($Property -and $Property -eq '*') {
                    Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Adding all properties from object [$i]"
                    $allProperties = Get-Member -InputObject $i -MemberType '*Property'
                    foreach ($a in $allProperties) {
                        Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Adding header [$($a.Name)]"
                        [void] $headers.Add($a.Name)
                else {

                    # TODO: find a way to format output objects based on PowerShell's own Format-Table
                    # Identify default table properties if possible and use them to create a Jira table

                    if ($i.PSStandardMembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet) {
                        Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Identifying default properties for object [$i]"
                        $propertyNames = $i.PSStandardMembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet.ReferencedPropertyNames
                        foreach ($p in $propertyNames) {
                            Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Adding header [$p]"
                            [void] $headers.Add($p)
                    else {
                        Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] No default format data exists for object [$i] (type=[$($i.GetType())]). All properties will be used."
                        $allProperties = Get-Member -InputObject $i -MemberType '*Property'
                        foreach ($a in $allProperties) {
                            Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Adding header [$($a.Name)]"
                            [void] $headers.Add($a.Name)

                $headerString = "||$(($headers.ToArray()) -join '||')||"
                Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Full header: [$headerString]"
                [void] $allText.Append($headerString)
                $headerDefined = $true

            Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Processing object [$i]"
            [void] $thisLine.Clear()
            [void] $thisLine.Append("$n|")

            foreach ($h in $headers) {
                $value = $InputObject.$h
                if ($value) {
                    Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Adding property (name=[$h], value=[$value])"
                    [void] $thisLine.Append("$value|")
                else {
                    Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Property [$h] does not exist on this object."
                    [void] $thisLine.Append(' |')

            $thisLineString = $thisLine.ToString()
            Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Completed line: [$thisLineString]"
            [void] $allText.Append($thisLineString)

    end {
        $allTextString = $allText.ToString()
        Write-Output $allTextString
        Write-Debug "[Format-Jira] Complete"