
function Start-JobSchedulerJobEditor
Starts the JobScheduler Editor (JOE)
JobScheduler Editor can be started from a JobScheduler Master location or from a JobScheduler Editor location:
* The JobScheduler Master Installation includes the JobScheduler Editor
* The JobScheduler Editor is available from a separate installer
Specifies the ID of a JobScheduler Master.
The installation path is assumed from the -InstallBasePath parameter and the JobScheduler ID,
therefore no -InstallPath parameter has to be specified.
.PARAMETER InstallPath
Specifies the installation path of a JobScheduler Master or JobScheduler Editor.
The installation path is expected to be accessible from the host on which the JobScheduler cmdlets are executed.
.PARAMETER InstallBasePath
Specifies the base path of a JobScheduler Master or JobScheduler Editor installation. This parameter is used in
combination with the -Id parameter to determine the installation path.
Default Value: %ProgramFiles%\\jobscheduler
Specifies the configuration path of a JobScheduler Maser or JobScheduler Dashboard.
The configuration path is expected to be accessible from the host on which the JobScheduler cmdlets are executed.
.PARAMETER ConfigBasePath
Specifies the base path of a JobScheduler Master or JobScheduler Dashboard configuration. This parameter is used in
combination with the -Id parameter to determine the configuration path.
Default Value: %ProgramData%\\jobscheduler
.PARAMETER EnvironmentVariablesScript
Specifies the name of the script that includes environment variables of a JobScheduler Master installation.
Typically the script is available from the "bin" directory of a JobScheduler Master installation directory.
Default Value: jobscheduler_environment_variables.cmd
.PARAMETER EditorEnvironmentVariablesScript
Specifies the name of the script that includes environment variables of a JobScheduler Editor installation.
Typically the script is available
from the "user_bin" directory of a JobScheduler Dashboard installation directory.
Default Value: jobeditor_environment_variables.cmd
Start-JobSchedulerJobEditor -Id scheduler110
Starts the JobScheduler Editor from a local JobScheduler Master installation with the specified id.
Start-JobSchedulerJobEditor -InstallPath c:\Program Files\JOE
Starts JOE from the specified installation directory. This is a suitable option if
JOE has been installed independently from a JobScheduler Master installation.

    [string] $Id,
    [string] $InstallPath,
    [string] $InstallBasePath = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\\jobscheduler",
    [string] $ConfigPath,
    [string] $ConfigBasePath = "$($env:ProgramData)\\jobscheduler",
    [string] $EnvironmentVariablesScript = 'jobscheduler_environment_variables.cmd',
    [string] $EditorEnvironmentVariablesScript = 'jobeditor_environment_variables.cmd'
        $isLocal = $false

        if ( $InstallPath )
            if ( $InstallPath.Substring( $InstallPath.Length-1 ) -eq '/' -or $InstallPath.Substring( $InstallPath.Length-1 ) -eq '\' )
                $InstallPath = $InstallPath.Substring( 0, $InstallPath.Length-1 )

            if ( !(Test-Path $InstallPath -PathType Container) )
                throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): JobScheduler Editor (JOE) installation path not found: $($InstallPath)"

            if ( !$Id )
                $Id = Get-DirectoryName $InstallPath

            $isLocal = $true
        } elseif ( $Id ) {
                Write-Verbose ".. $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): checking implicit installation path: $($InstallBasePath)\$($Id)"
                $isLocal = Test-Path "$($InstallBasePath)\$($Id)" -PathType Container
            } catch {
                throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): error occurred checking installation path '$($InstallBasePath)\$($Id)' from JobScheduler ID. Maybe parameter -Id '$($Id)' was mismatched: $($_.Exception.Message)"

            if ( $isLocal )
                $InstallPath = "$($InstallBasePath)\$($Id)"

        if ( $InstallPath )
            # standalone instance or included with Master
            $editorInstallPath = $InstallPath
        } elseif ( $script:js.Local ) {
            # instance included with Master
            $editorInstallPath = $script:js.Install.Directory
        } elseif ( $InstallBasePath ) {
            # standalone instance without Master
            $editorInstallPath = (Split-Path -Path $InstallBasePath -Parent) + '/JOE'

        if ( !$editorInstallPath )
            throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): no installation path specified, use -Id or -InstallPath parameter or Use-JobSchedulerMaster -InstallPath cmdlet"

        if ( !(Test-Path $editorInstallPath -PathType Container) )
            throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): JobScheduler Editor (JOE) installation path not found: $($editorInstallPath)"

        if ( $ConfigPath )
            # standalone instance or included with Master
            $editorConfigPath = $ConfigPath
        } elseif ( $script:js.Local ) {
            # instance included with Master
            $editorConfigPath = $script:js.Config.Directory
        } elseif ( $ConfigBasePath -and $Id ) {
            # instance included with Master
            $editorConfigPath = $ConfigBasePath + '/' + $Id
        } elseif ( $ConfigBasePath ) {
            # standalone instance without Master
            $editorConfigPath = (Split-Path -Path $ConfigBasePath -Parent) + '/JOE'

        if ( !$editorConfigPath )
            throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): no configuration path specified, use -ConfigPath parameter or Use-JobSchedulerMaster cmdlet"

        if ( !(Test-Path $editorConfigPath -PathType Container) )
            throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): JobScheduler Editor (JOE) configuration path not found: $($editorConfigPath)"

        $environmentVariablesScriptPath = $editorInstallPath + '/bin/' + $EnvironmentVariablesScript
        if ( Test-Path $environmentVariablesScriptPath -PathType Leaf )
            Write-Debug ".. $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): importing settings from $($environmentVariablesScriptPath)"
            Invoke-CommandScript $environmentVariablesScriptPath

        $environmentVariablesScriptPath = $editorInstallPath + '/user_bin/' + $EditorEnvironmentVariablesScript
        if ( Test-Path $environmentVariablesScriptPath -PathType Leaf )
            Write-Debug ".. $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): importing settings from $($environmentVariablesScriptPath)"
            Invoke-CommandScript $environmentVariablesScriptPath

        $envSchedulerHome = if ( $script:jsEnv['SCHEDULER_HOME'] ) { $script:jsEnv['SCHEDULER_HOME'] } else { $editorInstallPath }

        $envSchedulerData = if ( $script:jsEnv['SCHEDULER_DATA'] ) { $script:jsEnv['SCHEDULER_DATA'] } else { $editorConfigPath }

        $envSchedulerHotFolder = if ( $script:jsEnv['SCHEDULER_HOT_FOLDER'] ) { $script:jsEnv['SCHEDULER_HOT_FOLDER'] } else { "$($envSchedulerData)/config/live" }

        # $envSosJoeHome = if ( $script:jsEnv['SOS_JOE_HOME'] ) { $script:jsEnv['SOS_JOE_HOME'] } else { $editorConfigPath }

        $envJavaHome = if ( $script:jsEnv['JAVA_HOME'] ) { $script:jsEnv['JAVA_HOME'] } else { "$($env:ProgramFiles)\Java\jre8" }

        $envJavaOptions = if ( $script:jsEnv['JAVA_OPTIONS'] ) { $script:jsEnv['JAVA_OPTIONS'] }

        $envLogBridge = if ( $script:jsEnv['LOG_BRIDGE'] ) { $script:jsEnv['LOG_BRIDGE'] }

        if ( !$script:jsEnv['LOG4JPROP'] -and ( Test-Path -Path "$($editorInstallPath)\lib\" -PathType Leaf ) )
            $envLog4JProp = "-Dlog4j.configuration=`"file:///$($editorInstallPath -replace "\\","/")/lib/`""
        } else {
            $envLog4JProp = $script:jsEnv['LOG4JPROP']

        # $envCairoJavaOptions = if ( $script:jsEnv['CAIRO_JAVA_OPTION'] ) { $script:jsEnv['CAIRO_JAVA_OPTION'] } else { '-Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.cairoGraphics=false' }

        if ( $DebugPreferences -eq "Continue" )
            $javaExecutableFile = "$($envJavaHome)\bin\java.exe"
        } else {
            $javaExecutableFile = "$($envJavaHome)\bin\javaw.exe"

        if ( -Not (Test-Path -Path "$($javaExecutableFile)" -PathType Leaf) )
            $javaExecutableFile = Split-Path -Path "$($javaExecutableFile)" -Leaf

        $javaClassPath = "patches/*;user_lib/*;log/$($envLogBridge)/*;3rd-party/*;sos/*"
        $javaArguments = "-classpath `"$($javaClassPath)`" $($envLog4JProp) $($envJavaOptions) -DSCHEDULER_HOME=`"$($envSchedulerHome)`" -DSCHEDULER_DATA=`"$($envSchedulerData)`" -DSCHEDULER_HOT_FOLDER=`"$envSchedulerHotFolder`""

        $currentLocation = $pwd
        Set-Location -Path "$($editorInstallPath)/lib"

        $command = """$($javaExecutableFile)"" $($javaArguments)"
        Write-Debug ".. $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): start by command: $command"
        Write-Verbose ".. $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): starting JobScheduler Editor: $($command)"

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( 'job editor' ) )
            Start-Process -FilePath "$($javaExecutableFile)" "$($javaArguments)"

        Set-Location -Path $currentLocation