
Extract -Jojoba parameters passed to the function calling Jojoba.
Jojoba doesn't accept parameters directly, instead any parameters passed to
the calling function with a -Jojoba prefix are picked up.
The top-level $PSCmdlet variable as it exists in Jojoba, before this function
is called.
$configuration = Get-JojobaConfiguration $PSCmdlet
This is for internal use by Jojoba and should not be called externally.

function Get-JojobaConfiguration {
    param (

    begin {

    process {
        $callerModule = $Caller.GetVariableValue("MyInvocation").MyCommand.ModuleName
        $callerFunction = $Caller.GetVariableValue("MyInvocation").MyCommand.Name
        if ($callerFunction) {
            $callerCommand = $Caller.GetVariableValue("MyInvocation").MyCommand
            if (!$callerCommand) {
                Write-Error "Could not find the function which called Jojoba"

            $inputName = $null
            $argumentName = $null

            foreach ($key in $callerCommand.Parameters.Keys.GetEnumerator()) {
                if ($callerCommand.Parameters[$key].ParameterSets.ContainsKey($Caller.ParameterSetName)) {
                    if ($callerCommand.Parameters[$key].ParameterSets[$Caller.ParameterSetName].ValueFromPipeline) {
                        if (!$inputName -or
                            $callerCommand.Parameters[$key].Name -eq "InputObject" -or
                            $callerCommand.Parameters[$key].Aliases -contains "InputObject") {
                            $inputName = $Key

                    if ($callerCommand.Parameters[$key].ParameterSets[$Caller.ParameterSetName].ValueFromRemainingArguments) {
                        $argumentName = $Key

            if (!$inputName) {
                Write-Error "Jojoba requires a parameter with ValueFromPipeline"
            if (!$argumentName) {
                Write-Error "Jojoba requires a parameter with ValueFromRemainingArguments"

            # Load the remaining arguments variable contents, it may be an empty
            # array
            $arguments = $Caller.GetVariableValue($argumentName)
        } else {
            Write-Error "Jojoba can only be used from within functions"

        # If this is the first run, generate and store the batch number
        if ($arguments -notcontains "-JojobaBatch") {
            $arguments += "-JojobaBatch", [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
            $Caller.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($argumentName, $arguments)

        $settings = @{
            # Internal use
            Module       = $callerModule
            Function     = $callerFunction
            InputName    = $inputName
            ArgumentName = $argumentName
            Unsafe       = $false
            OutString    = if ($host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize) {
                @{ Width = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 12 }
            } else {
                @{ }

            # Automatic populations
            Suite        = $callerModule
            ClassName    = $callerFunction
            Name         = $Caller.GetVariableValue($inputName)

            # Manual switches
            Verbose      = $false
            Quiet        = $false
            PassThru     = $false
            Throttle     = $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
            Jenkins      = if ($env:JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE) {
            } else {
            Callback     = $null

        1. On the first run, any parameters that were passed directly to
            Start-Jojoba and Publish-Jojoba are populated.
        2. On the second run any parameters passed to the function itself
            will override anything else.

        foreach ($parameterList in @($PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("Jojoba"), $arguments)) {
            for ($i = 0; $parameterList -and $i -lt $parameterList.Count; $i++) {
                if ($parameterList[$i] -and $parameterList[$i] -match '^-Jojoba(.*?)(?::?)$') {
                    if (($i + 1) -eq $parameterList.Count -or $parameterList[$i + 1] -like "-*") {
                        $settings[$Matches[1]] = $true
                    } else {
                        $settings[$Matches[1]] = $parameterList[++$i]

        # Resolve full path of any XML file we need to generate for Jenkins
        if ($settings.Jenkins) {
            $settings.Jenkins = Join-Path (Resolve-Path (Split-Path $settings.Jenkins)) (Split-Path $settings.Jenkins -Leaf)


    end {