
function JsonMenu.Functions.Expand {
        Expands all the variables in a string or executes the script is the string starts and ends with curly brackets
        In the context of the running application, there are a lot of variables set.
        this function replaces all the referenced context variables in a string with
        their actual value.
        The function is a recursive function that recursivly loop till it finds a string.
        This string is expanded for the possible variables that are in the string
        $MyWisdom = "Hello World"
        $json = @{
                "WhatAWiseManOnceSaid": "I said: $MyWisdom"
        $wisdom = $json | Convert-FromJson
        Write-Host $wisdom.WhatAWiseManOnceSaid | JsonMenu.Functions.Expand
        [PSCustomObject] $strubg
        Articles (and therefor credits) that helped me on this are

    param (

    process {
        # return nothing if there is no input
        if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return $null }

        if ( $InputObject.StartsWith("{") -and $InputObject.EndsWith("}") ) {
            # remove brackets
            $script = $InputObject.Substring(1, $InputObject.Length - 2)
            # convert to scriptblock
            $scriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($script)
            # execute scriptblock in current scope
            . $scriptBlock
        else {