
function JsonMenu.UserInteraction.WriteHeader {
        Writes header block from json menu
        The steps are:
        - check is a linebreak shouuld be added
        - loop throug the lines of the header
        - if a line starts and ends with curly brackets
          evaluate it as scriptblock
        - Otherwise replace context variables and write output
        - check if a linebreak should added at the end
        "header": [
            "this is a line",
            "and this is a line to",
            "{ Write-Ouput 'And this is a scriptblock' }"
        [PSCustomObject] Header
        [Bool] AddLineBreakBefore
        [Bool] AddLineBreakafter
        The Boolean type of the linebreaks are on purpose because
        they're set in code.

    param (
        $AddLineBreakBefore = $false,
        $AddLineBreakAfter = $false

    process {
        if ( $Header ) {
            if ( $AddLineBreakBefore ) {
                Write-Host " "

            # $Header = $Header | JsonMenu.Functions.Expand
            foreach ($line in $Header) {
                $line = $line | JsonMenu.Functions.Expand
                Write-Host $line

            if ( $AddLineBreakAfter ) {
                Write-Host " "