
# This file should build the env needed to test on a windows agent.

# Dot-source the variables for setupAgent/ migration tests:
. $PSScriptRoot\BuildVariables.ps1
# Dot-source start-migration
. $PSScriptRoot\..\Start-Migration.ps1

# This helper function creates new local users and initializes their home directories
# If the user exists and was created by the ADMU, the tool will attempt to remove the profile
Function InitUser {
    param (
        Write-Host "Building Profile for $($UserName)"
        if ((Get-LocalUser | Select-Object Name) -match $($UserName))
            Remove-LocalUserProfile $($UserName)
        $newUserPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$($Password)" -AsPlainText -Force
        New-localUser -Name "$($UserName)" -password $newUserPassword -ErrorVariable userExitCode -Description "Created By JumpCloud ADMU"
        if ($userExitCode)
            Write-Log -Message:("$userExitCode")
            Write-Log -Message:("The user: $($UserName) could not be created, exiting")
            exit 1
        # Initialize the Profile
        New-LocalUserProfile -username "$($UserName)" -ErrorVariable profileInit
        if ($profileInit)
            Write-Log -Message:("$profileInit")
            Write-Log -Message:("The user: $($UserName) could not be initalized, exiting")
            exit 1

# For each user in testing hash, create new user with the specified password and init the account
forEach ($User in $userTestingHash.Values)
    InitUser -UserName $($User.Username) -Password $($User.Password)
forEach ($User in $JCCommandTestingHash.Values)
    InitUser -UserName $($User.Username) -Password $($User.Password)
ForEach ($User in $JCFunctionalHash.Values)
    InitUser -UserName $($User.Username) -Password $($User.Password)
ForEach ($User in $JCReversionHash.Values)
    InitUser -UserName $($User.Username) -Password $($User.Password)
ForEach ($User in $JCExistingHash.Values)
    InitUser -UserName $($User.Username) -Password $($User.Password)
# End region for test user generation