
# Variables for testing:
$testUserPassword = '$T#st1234'
# Region for test user generation
$userTestingHash = @{
    testCase1 = @{
        Description    = 'Test that user can be converted with different name'
        Username       = 'test_case_1';
        UserSID        = '';
        Password       = $testUserPassword;
        JCUsername     = 'test_case_1_migrated';
        JCUserSID      = '';
        UpdateHomePath = $false
    testCase2 = @{
        Description    = 'Test that user can be converted with different name x2s'
        Username       = 'test_case_2';
        UserSID        = '';
        Password       = $testUserPassword;
        JCUsername     = 'test_case_2_migrated';
        JCUserSID      = '';
        UpdateHomePath = $true

$JCCommandTestingHash = @{
    testCase1 = @{
        Description    = 'Test that user can be converted with different name'
        Username       = 'ADMU_tester';
        UserSID        = '';
        Password       = $testUserPassword;
        JCUsername     = 'ADMU_migrated';
        JCUserSID      = '';
        UpdateHomePath = $false
    # testCase2 = @{
    # Description = 'Test that user can be converted with different name x2'
    # Username = 'ADMU_tester_two';
    # UserSID = '';
    # Password = $testUserPassword;
    # JCUsername = 'ADMU_migrated_two';
    # JCUserSID = '';
    # }
$JCFunctionalHash = @{
    testCase1 = @{
        Description    = 'Test that user is jumpcloud bound to system after migration'
        Username       = 'ADMU_bind_1';
        UserSID        = '';
        Password       = $testUserPassword;
        JCUsername     = 'ADMU_bind_1_migrated';
        UpdateHomePath = $false
        BindAsAdmin    = $false
        JCSystemUsername = $null
    testCase2 = @{
        Description    = 'Test that user is jumpcloud bound AS ADMIN to system after migration'
        Username       = 'ADMU_bind_2';
        UserSID        = '';
        Password       = $testUserPassword;
        JCUsername     = 'ADMU_bind_2_migrated';
        UpdateHomePath = $false
        BindAsAdmin    = $true
        JCSystemUsername = $null
    testCase3 = @{
        Description    = 'Test that user is jumpcloud local username is set'
        Username       = 'ADMU_bind_3';
        UserSID        = '';
        Password       = $testUserPassword;
        JCUsername     = 'ADMU_bind_localuser';
        UpdateHomePath = $false
        BindAsAdmin    = $true
        JCSystemUsername = "ADMU_SystemUser"

$JCReversionHash = @{
    testCase1 = @{
        Description    = 'Reverse'
        Username       = 'ADMU_newUserInit';
        UserSID        = '';
        Password       = $testUserPassword;
        JCUsername     = 'ADMU_newUserInit2';
        UpdateHomePath = $true;

$JCExistingHash = @{
    renameOriginalFiles = @{
        Description    = 'Existing'
        Username       = 'ADMU_ExistingUser';
        UserSID        = '';
        Password       = $testUserPassword;
        JCUsername     = 'ADMU_ADMU_ExistingUser2';
        UpdateHomePath = $false
