


.GUID 7917df3f-978f-4246-8e61-2fd55f1075f1

.AUTHOR Solution Architecture Team














 Used to start the JumpCloud Dashboard instance.


Function Start-JCDashboard
    [CmdletBinding(HelpURI = "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Please enter your JumpCloud API key. This can be found in the JumpCloud admin console within "API Settings" accessible from the drop down icon next to the admin email address in the top right corner of the JumpCloud admin console.')]
        [ValidateLength(40, 40)]

        , [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Include systems that have contacted the JumpCloud directory within this number of days')]

        , [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Refresh the components on the dashboard measured in seconds')]

        # Auto Update - If update occurs rerun existing command
        If (Update-ModuleToLatest -Name:($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Name))
            Invoke-Expression -Command:($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ' ' + (($PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { If ($_.Value -in ('true', 'false')) { "-$($_.Key):(`$$($_.Value))" }Else { "-$($_.Key):('$($_.Value -join ''',''')')" } }) -join ' '))
            # Authentication
            if ($JumpCloudApiKey)
                Connect-JCOnline -JumpCloudApiKey:($JumpCloudApiKey) -force
                if ($JCAPIKEY.length -ne 40) { Connect-JCOnline }

            $InstalledModuleLocation = $PSScriptRoot

            ## Gather org name
            ## Pulled from the global $JCSettings variable popuplated by Connect-JCOnline
            $OrgName = $

            ## Call API
            $SettingsURL = "$JCUrlBasePath" + '/api/settings'
            $hdrs = @{

                'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
                'Accept'       = 'application/json'
                'X-API-KEY'    = $JCAPIKEY

            if ($JCOrgID)
                $hdrs.Add('x-org-id', "$($JCOrgID)")

            $APICall = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri  $SettingsURL -Headers $hdrs -UserAgent:(Get-JCUserAgent)

            ## Stop existing dashboards
            Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard

            # ## Import Settings File
            $DashboardSettings = Get-Content -Raw -Path:($InstalledModuleLocation + '/' + 'DashboardSettings.json') | ConvertFrom-Json

            if ($LastContactDays)
                $DashboardSettings.'2Get-UDsystems'.Settings.lastContactDays = $LastContactDays

            if ($RefreshInterval)
                $DashboardSettings.'1Get-UDSystemUsers'.Settings.refreshInterval = $RefreshInterval
                $DashboardSettings.'2Get-UDsystems'.Settings.refreshInterval = $RefreshInterval


            ## Declare container variables for dashboard items
            $UDPages = @()
            #$UDSideNavItems = @()
            $Scripts = @()
            $Stylesheets = @()

            ## Get files from "Content-Pages" folder
            $PublishedFolder = Publish-UDFolder -Path:($InstalledModuleLocation + '/Private/' + 'Images') -RequestPath "/Images"

            if ($Beta)
                # If Beta Selected Then Load All Content-Pages
                $ContentPagesFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path:($InstalledModuleLocation + '/Private/' + 'Content-Pages/*.ps1') -Recurse
                $ContentPagesFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path:($InstalledModuleLocation + '/Private/' + 'Content-Pages/Default/*.ps1') -Recurse
            ## Call functions to build dashboard
            $Theme = Get-JCTheme
            $NavBarLinks = Get-JCNavBarLinks

            [int]$ProgressCounter = 0

            $ContentPagesFiles | ForEach-Object {

                ## Load functions from "Content-Pages" folder
                Write-Verbose "Loading $($_.BaseName)"

                ## Write progress logic
                $PageName = ($($_.BaseName) -split '-UD')[1]

                $PageProgressParams = @{

                    Activity        = "Loading the $PageName dashboard components"
                    Status          = "Dashboard $ProgressCounter of $($ContentPagesFiles.count)"
                    PercentComplete = ($ProgressCounter / $($ContentPagesFiles.count)) * 100


                Write-Progress @PageProgressParams

                ## Load the Page Settings
                $PageSettings = $($DashboardSettings."$($_.BaseName)".'Settings')

                ## Compile the parameters
                $commandParams = ''

                $($PageSettings).PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
                    $commandParams = $commandParams + '-' + "$($_.Name) " + "'$($_.Value)' "
                Write-Debug $commandParams

                ## Run function to load the page
                $CommandResults = Invoke-Expression "$($_.BaseName) $commandParams"

                ## Add the output to the container variable
                $UDPages += $CommandResults.UDPage
                #$UDSideNavItems += $CommandResults.UDSideNavItem
            # Build dashboard
            $Navigation = New-UDSideNav -None
            $Pages = $UDPages
            $Dashboard = New-UDDashboard `
                -Title:("$($OrgName) Dashboard") `
                -Theme:($Theme) `
                -Pages:($Pages) `
                -Navigation:($Navigation) `
                -NavbarLinks:($NavBarLinks) `
                -NavBarLogo:(New-UDImage -Url:('/images/jumpcloud.svg') -Height 42 -Width 56)

            # -Scripts:($Scripts) `
            # -Stylesheets:($Stylesheets) `
            # -Footer:($Footer)

            ## Start the dashboard
            Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard:($Dashboard) -Port:(8003) -ListenAddress:('') -PublishedFolder $PublishedFolder -Force

            ## Opens the dashboard
            Start-Process -FilePath ''
        Write-Error ($_)