
Function 2Get-UDSystems ()

    param (


    $PageText = 'Systems'
    $PageName = 'Systems'

    $UDPage = New-UDPage -Name:($PageName) -Content {

        [int]$refreshInterval = $refreshInterval

        $PageLayout = '{"lg":[{"w":12,"h":3,"x":0,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-SystemsDownload"},{"w":4,"h":10,"x":0,"y":5,"i":"grid-element-OS"},{"w":4,"h":10,"x":4,"y":5,"i":"grid-element-SystemsMFA"},{"w":4,"h":10,"x":9,"y":5,"i":"grid-element-NewSystems"},{"w":4,"h":10,"x":0,"y":15,"i":"grid-element-AgentVersion"},{"w":4,"h":10,"x":4,"y":15,"i":"grid-element-OSVersion"},{"w":4,"h":10,"x":9,"y":15,"i":"grid-element-LastContact"}]}'
        $unDrawColor = "#006cac"

        $LegendOptions = New-UDChartLegendOptions -Position bottom
        $CircleChartOptions = New-UDLineChartOptions -LegendOptions $LegendOptions

        $HorizontalBarChartOptions = @{
            legend = @{
                display = $false
            scales = @{
                xAxes = @(
                        ticks      = @{
                            beginAtZero = $true
                        scaleLabel = @{
                            display     = $true
                            labelString = "Number of Systems"

        $VerticalBarChartOptions = @{
            legend = @{
                display = $false
            scales = @{
                yAxes = @(
                        ticks      = @{
                            beginAtZero = $true
                        scaleLabel = @{
                            display     = $true
                            labelString = "Number of Systems"

        New-UDGridLayout -Layout $PageLayout -Content {
            New-UDCard -Horizontal -Title "Systems" -Id "SystemsDownload" -Content {
                $TotalSystems = Get-JCSystem -returnProperties hostname | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
                $ShowingSystems = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count

                New-UDParagraph -Text "Displaying information from systems that have checked in within the last $lastContactDays days. Displaying $ShowingSystems of $TotalSystems systems."
                New-UDButton -Icon 'cloud_download' -Text "Download All System Information" -OnClick {
                    $DownloadsPath = '~' + '\' + 'Downloads'
                    Set-Location $DownloadsPath
                    Get-JCBackup -Systems
                    Show-UDToast -Message "System Information Downloaded To CSV In Downloads" -Duration 10000;

            New-UDElement -Tag "OS" -Id "OS"  -RefreshInterval  $refreshInterval -AutoRefresh -Endpoint {

                New-UDChart -Title "Operating System" -Type Doughnut -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60  -Endpoint {
                        Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object -Property os | Select-object Count, Name | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -BackgroundColor @("#2cc692", "#ffb000", "#006cac", "#e54852", "#9080e0") -HoverBackgroundColor @("#2cc692", "#ffb000", "#006cac", "#e54852", "#9080e0")
                        0 | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name"
                } -Options $CircleChartOptions -OnClick {
                    if ($EventData -ne "[]")
                        $TabNames = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object -Property os | Select-object Name
                        Show-UDModal -Content {
                            New-UDTabContainer -Tabs {
                                foreach ($TabName in $TabNames)
                                    New-UDTab -Text $TabName.Name -Content {
                                        $script:OSType = $TabName.Name
                                        New-UDGrid -Header @("Hostname", "Operating System", "System ID") -Properties @("Hostname", "OS", "SystemID") -Endpoint {
                                            Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Where-Object { $_.os -eq $OSType } | ForEach-Object {
                                                    Hostname = $_.hostname;
                                                    OS       = $_.os + " " + $_.version;
                                                    SystemID = $_._id;
                                            } | Out-UDGridData

            New-UDElement -Tag "SystemsMFA" -Id "SystemsMFA"  -RefreshInterval  $refreshInterval -AutoRefresh -Endpoint {

                $Script:MFASystems = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | ? { $_.allowMultiFactorAuthentication }
                if ($MFASystems)
                    New-UDChart -Title "MFA Enabled Systems"  -Type Doughnut -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60  -Endpoint {
                            Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object allowMultiFactorAuthentication | Select-object Count, Name | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -BackgroundColor @("#e54852", "#2cc692") -HoverBackgroundColor @("#e54852", "#2cc692")
                            0 | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name"
                    } -Options $CircleChartOptions -OnClick {
                        if ($EventData -ne "[]")
                            $TabNames = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object allowMultiFactorAuthentication | Select-object Name
                            Show-UDModal -Content {
                                New-UDTabContainer -Tabs {
                                    foreach ($TabName in $TabNames)
                                        New-UDTab -Text $TabName.Name -Content {
                                            $script:MFAEnabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($TabName.Name)
                                            New-UDGrid -Header @("Hostname", "Operating System", "System ID") -Properties @("Hostname", "OS", "SystemID") -Endpoint {
                                                Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Where-Object { $_.allowMultiFactorAuthentication -eq $MFAEnabled } | ForEach-Object {
                                                        Hostname = $_.hostname;
                                                        OS       = $_.os + " " + $_.version;
                                                        SystemID = $_._id;
                                                } | Out-UDGridData
                    New-UDCard -Title "MFA Enabled Systems" -Content {
                        New-UDunDraw -Name "authentication" -Color $unDrawColor
                        New-UDParagraph -Text "None of your systems have MFA enabled."

            New-UDElement -Tag "AgentVersion" -Id "AgentVersion"  -RefreshInterval  $refreshInterval -AutoRefresh -Endpoint {

                $AgentVersionCount = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object -Property agentVersion | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
                $Script:AgentVersionColors = Get-AlternatingColors -Rows:("$AgentVersionCount") -Color1:('#006cac') -Color2:('#2cc692')
                New-UDChart -Title "Agent Version" -Type HorizontalBar -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60  -Endpoint {
                        Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object -Property agentVersion | Select-object Count, Name | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -BackgroundColor $AgentVersionColors -HoverBackgroundColor $AgentVersionColors
                        0 | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name"
                } -Options $HorizontalBarChartOptions -OnClick {
                    if ($EventData -ne "[]")
                        $TabNames = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object agentVersion | Select-object Name
                        Show-UDModal -Content {
                            New-UDTabContainer -Tabs {
                                foreach ($TabName in $TabNames)
                                    New-UDTab -Text $TabName.Name -Content {
                                        $script:AgentVersion = $TabName.Name
                                        New-UDGrid -Headers @("Hostname", "Operating System", "Agent Version", "System ID") -Properties @("Hostname", "OS", "AgentVersion", "SystemID") -Endpoint {
                                            Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Where-Object { $_.agentVersion -eq $AgentVersion } | ForEach-Object {
                                                    Hostname     = $_.hostname;
                                                    OS           = $_.os + " " + $_.version;
                                                    AgentVersion = $_.agentVersion;
                                                    SystemID     = $_._id;
                                            } | Out-UDGridData

            New-UDElement -Tag "OSVersion" -Id "OSVersion"  -RefreshInterval  $refreshInterval -AutoRefresh -Endpoint {

                $OSVersionCount = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object -Property version | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
                $Script:OSVersionColors = Get-AlternatingColors -Rows:("$OSVersionCount") -Color1:('#2cc692') -Color2:('#006cac')
                New-UDChart -Title "OS Version" -Type HorizontalBar -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60  -Endpoint {
                        Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object -Property version | Select-object Count, Name | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -BackgroundColor $OSVersionColors -HoverBackgroundColor $OSVersionColors
                        0 | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name"

                } -Options $HorizontalBarChartOptions -OnClick {
                    if ($EventData -ne "[]")
                        $TabNames = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Group-Object version | Select-object Name
                        Show-UDModal -Content {
                            New-UDTabContainer -Tabs {
                                foreach ($TabName in $TabNames)
                                    New-UDTab -Text $TabName.Name -Content {
                                        $script:OSVersion = $TabName.Name
                                        New-UDGrid -Header @("Hostname", "Operating System", "System ID") -Properties @("Hostname", "OS", "SystemID") -Endpoint {
                                            Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Where-Object { $_.version -eq $OSVersion } | ForEach-Object {
                                                    Hostname = $_.hostname;
                                                    OS       = $_.os + " " + $_.version;
                                                    SystemID = $_._id;
                                            } | Out-UDGridData
            New-UDElement -Tag "LastContact" -Id "LastContact"  -RefreshInterval  $refreshInterval -AutoRefresh -Endpoint {

                $LastContactCount = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Select-Object -Property lastContact | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Count"
                $Script:LastContactColors = Get-AlternatingColors -Rows:("$LastContactCount") -Color1:('#006cac') -Color2:('#2cc692')
                New-UDChart -Title "Last Contact Date" -Type Bar -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60  -Endpoint {
                        Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Select-Object -Property lastContact | ForEach-Object {
                                LastContactDate = (Get-Date($_.lastContact)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                        } | Group-Object -Property LastContactDate | Select-Object Name, Count | Out-UDChartData -LabelProperty "Name" -DataProperty "Count" -BackgroundColor $LastContactColors -HoverBackgroundColor $LastContactColors
                        0 | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name"
                } -Options $VerticalBarChartOptions -OnClick {
                    $TabNames = Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | Select-Object -Property lastContact | ForEach-Object {
                            LastContactDate = (Get-Date($_.lastContact)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                    } | Group-Object -Property LastContactDate | Select-Object Name
                    Show-UDModal -Content {
                        New-UDTabContainer -Tabs {
                            foreach ($TabName in $TabNames)
                                New-UDTab -Text $TabName.Name -Content {
                                    $script:LastContact = $TabName.Name
                                    New-UDGrid -Header @("Hostname", "Operating System", "Last Contact Date", "System ID") -Properties @("Hostname", "OS", "LastContactDate", "SystemID") -Endpoint {
                                        Get-SystemsWithLastContactWithinXDays -days $lastContactDays | ? { (Get-Date($_.lastContact)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") -like $LastContact } | ForEach-Object {
                                                Hostname        = $_.hostname;
                                                OS              = $_.os + " " + $_.version;
                                                LastContactDate = (Get-Date($_.lastContact)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                                                SystemID        = $_._id;
                                        } | Out-UDGridData

            New-UDElement -Tag "NewSystems" -Id "NewSystems"  -RefreshInterval  $refreshInterval -AutoRefresh -Endpoint {
                $Script:NewSystems = Get-JCSystem -filterDateProperty created -dateFilter after  -date (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)
                if ($NewSystems)
                    New-UDGrid -Title "New Systems (Created in the last 7 days)" -Properties @("Hostname", "OS", "Created") -Headers @("Hostname", "OS", "Created") -Endpoint {
                        Get-JCSystem -filterDateProperty created -dateFilter after  -date (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) | Sort-Object created -Descending | ForEach-Object {
                                Hostname = (New-UDLink -Text $_.hostname -Url "$($_._id)/details" -OpenInNewWindow);
                                Created  = $_.created;
                                OS       = $_.os + " " + $_.version;
                        } | Out-UDGridData
                    } -NoExport
                    New-UDCard -Title "New Systems (Created in the last 7 days)" -Content {
                        New-UDunDraw -Name "operating-system" -Color $unDrawColor
                        New-UDParagraph -Text "No new systems have been added to your JumpCloud Organization in the past 7 days."

    #$UDSideNavItem = New-UDSideNavItem -Text:($PageText) -PageName:($PageName) -Icon:('Laptop')
    Return [PSCustomObject]@{
        'UDPage' = $UDPage;
        # 'UDSideNavItem' = $UDSideNavItem;