
    Containst the Get-JCSysprep command which creates a unique JCSysprep.exe
    The Get-JCSysprep command connects to the JumpCloud API using a JumpCloud
    administrator API key and creates a unique JCSysprep application '.exe'
    package locally which contains the authenticated JumpCloud administrators
    system 'connect key'.
    This 'connect key' is used by the application and allows for the silent
    installation of the JumpCloud agent.
    The output of this command, the JumpCloud Sysprep (System Preparation)
    application (JCSysprep.exe), prepares a Windows machine for installation of
    the JumpCloud agent.
    With the JCSysprep application administrators can update the usernames of
    existing local user accounts to match the usernames of the corresponding
    JumpCloud user accounts.
    Using the JCSysprep application to update and match the local account
    usernames to the naming convention of the JumpCloud usernames will ensure
    that local account takeover occurs on JumpCloud managed systems when user to
    system associations are made within the JumpCloud admin console.
    Account name updates with the application can be made before or after
    JumpCloud agent installation but must be made prior to any user to system
    associations within the JumpCloud admin console where there is a mismatch
    between the JumpCloud username and the local account username.
    Administrators can also use the JCSysprep application to rename the
    hostnames of target machines and install or uninstall the JumpCloud agent.
    Get-JCSysprep -JumpCloudAPIKey lu8792c9d4y2398is1tb6h0b83ebf0e92s97t382
    Would you like to create the EXE file: JCSysprep.exe
    In the directory: C:\Users\buster
    Enter Y for 'Yes' or N for 'No': y
    Reading input file C:\Users\buster\JCSysprep_072418T124152.ps1
    Compiling file...
    Output file C:\Users\buster\JCSysprep.exe written
    Authenticates the Get-JCSysprep command with the JumpCloudAPIKey
    'lu8792c9d4y2398is1tb6h0b83ebf0e92s97t382'. The JCSysprep.exe application is
    created in the current working directory where the command is run. In this
    case the current working directory is 'C:\Users\buster'. By entering 'Y' at
    the prompt the JCSysprep.exe file is created in this directory.