
JumpCloud's System Insights feature provides admins with the ability to easily interrogate their
fleet of systems to find important pieces of information. Using this function you
can easily gather heightened levels of information from your fleet of JumpCloud managed
Using Get-JCSystemInsights will allow you to easily query JumpCloud's RESTful API to return information from your fleet of JumpCloud managed
PS C:\> Get-JCSystemInsights -Table:('App');
Get all Apps from systems with system insights enabled.
PS C:\> Get-JCSystemInsights -Table:('App') -SystemId:('5d66e0ac51db1e789bb17c77', '5e0e19831bc893319ae068b6');
Get all Apps from the specific systems.
PS C:\> Get-JCSystemInsights -Table:('App') -Filter:('system_id:eq:5d66e0ac51db1e789bb17c77', 'bundle_name:eq:storeuid');
Get systems that have a specific App on a specific system where the filter is multiple strings.
PS C:\> Get-JCSystemInsights -Table:('App') -Filter:('system_id:eq:5d66e0ac51db1e789bb17c77, bundle_name:eq:storeuid');
Get systems that have a specific App on a specific system where the filter is a string.

Function Get-JCSystemInsights
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'List', PositionalBinding = $false)]
        # Name of the SystemInsights table to query.
        # See for list of available table endpoints.
        # Use TAB to see a list of available tables ex: Get-JCSystemInsights -Table <TAB>
        # Output:
        # Alf FirefoxAddon Shadow
        # AlfException Group SharedFolder
        # AlfExplicitAuth IeExtension SharedResource
        # App InterfaceAddress SharingPreference
        # AppCompatShim InterfaceDetail SipConfig
        # AuthorizedKey KernelInfo StartupItem
        # Battery Launchd SystemControl
        # BitlockerInfo LoggedinUser SystemInfo
        # BrowserPlugin LogicalDrive Uptime
        # Certificate ManagedPolicy UsbDevice
        # ChromeExtension Mount User
        # Connectivity OSVersion UserGroup
        # Crash Patch UserSshKey
        # CupDestination Program WifiNetwork
        # DiskEncryption PythonPackage WifiStatus
        # DiskInfo SafariExtension WindowSecurityProduct
        # DnsResolver ScheduledTask
        # EtcHost Service

        [Alias('_id', 'id', 'system_id')]
        # Id of system to filter on.

        # Supported values and operators are specified for each table.
        # See and search for specific table for a list of available filter options.
        # Use tab complete to see available filters.

        # Set to $true to return all results. This will overwrite any skip and limit parameter.
        $Paginate = $true
        Connect-JCOnline -force | Out-Null
        $CommandTemplate = "JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Get-JcSdkSystemInsight{0} @PSBoundParameters"
        $Results = @()
        If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PSBoundParameters.Filter))
            $PSBoundParameters.Filter = $PSBoundParameters.Filter -replace (', ', ',') -join ','
        If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PSBoundParameters.SystemId))
            $SystemIdFilter = $PSBoundParameters.SystemId | ForEach-Object {
                $SystemIdFilterString = "system_id:eq:$($_)"
                If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PSBoundParameters.Filter))
        $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Table') | Out-Null
        $PSBoundParameters.Remove('SystemId') | Out-Null
        $Results = If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SystemIdFilter))
            $SystemIdFilter | ForEach-Object {
                $PSBoundParameters.Filter = $_
                Invoke-Expression -Command:($CommandTemplate -f $Table)
            Invoke-Expression -Command:($CommandTemplate -f $Table)
        Return $Results