
Backup your JumpCloud organization to local json files
This function exports objects and associations from your JumpCloud organization to local json files.
Association takes a significant amount of time to gather.
The -Format:('csv') is slower than standard json output.
Backup all available JumpCloud objects and their associations
PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp')
Backup all available JumpCloud objects and their associations to CSV (default json)
PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -Format:('csv')
Backup UserGroups and Users with their associations
PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -Type:('UserGroup','User') -Association
Backup UserGroups and Users without their associations
PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -Type:('UserGroup','User')
Backup all available JumpCloud objects with their associations and return metadata
PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults = Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -PassThru
PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults.Keys
PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults.User

Function Backup-JCOrganization {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All', PositionalBinding = $false)]
        # File directory for backup output

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')]
        # Backup all available types and associations

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Type')]
        [ValidateSet('ActiveDirectory', 'AppleMdm', 'Application', 'AuthenticationPolicy', 'Command', 'Directory', 'Group', 'GSuite', 'IPList', 'LdapServer', 'Office365', 'Organization', 'Policy', 'RadiusServer', 'SoftwareApp', 'System', 'SystemGroup', 'User', 'UserGroup')]
        # JumpCloud objects that you want to backup

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Type')]
        # Use to backup relationship data between diffrent types

        [ValidateSet('json', 'csv')]
        # The format of the output files
        ${Format} = 'json',

        # Return object metadata to pipeline
    Begin {
        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:JCApiKey) -or [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:JCOrgId)) {
        $TimerTotal = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
        $Date = Get-Date -Format:("yyyyMMddTHHmmssffff")
        $ChildPath = "JumpCloud_$($Date)"
        $Path = Resolve-Path -Path:($Path)
        $TempPath = Join-Path -Path:($Path) -ChildPath:($ChildPath)
        $ArchivePath = Join-Path -Path:($Path) -ChildPath:("$($ChildPath).zip")
        $OutputHash = [ordered]@{}
        # If the backup directory does not exist, create it
        If (-not (Test-Path $TempPath)) {
            $BackupLocation = New-Item -Path:($TempPath) -Name:$($TempPath.BaseName) -ItemType:('directory')
            $OutputHash.Add('BackupLocation', $BackupLocation)
        # When -All is provided use all type options and Association
        $Types = If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All') {
            $Association = $true
            (Get-Command $MyInvocation.MyCommand).Parameters.Type.Attributes.ValidValues
        } Else {
        # Map to define how JCAssociation & JcSdk types relate
        $JcTypesMap = @{
            ActiveDirectory      = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'active_directory'; AssociationTargets = @('user', 'user_group'); };
            AppleMdm             = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'apple_mdm'; AssociationTargets = @(); };
            Application          = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'application'; AssociationTargets = @('user', 'user_group'); };
            AuthenticationPolicy = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'authentication_policy'; AssociationTargets = @(); };
            Command              = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'command'; AssociationTargets = @('system', 'system_group'); };
            Directory            = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'directory'; AssociationTargets = @(); };
            Group                = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'group'; AssociationTargets = @(); };
            GSuite               = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'g_suite'; AssociationTargets = @( 'user', 'user_group'); };
            IPList               = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'ip_list'; AssociationTargets = @(); };
            LdapServer           = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'ldap_server'; AssociationTargets = @('user', 'user_group'); };
            Office365            = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'office_365'; AssociationTargets = @('user', 'user_group'); };
            Organization         = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'organization'; AssociationTargets = @(); };
            Policy               = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'policy'; AssociationTargets = @( 'system', 'system_group'); };
            RadiusServer         = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'radius_server'; AssociationTargets = @('user', 'user_group'); };
            SoftwareApp          = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'software_app'; AssociationTargets = @( 'system', 'system_group'); };
            System               = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'system'; AssociationTargets = @( 'command', 'policy', 'system_group', 'user', 'user_group'); };
            SystemGroup          = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'system_group'; AssociationTargets = @( 'command', 'policy', 'system', 'user', 'user_group'); };
            User                 = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'user'; AssociationTargets = @('active_directory', 'application', 'g_suite', 'ldap_server', 'office_365', 'radius_server', 'system', 'system_group', 'user_group'); };
            UserGroup            = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'user_group'; AssociationTargets = @('active_directory', 'application', 'g_suite', 'ldap_server', 'office_365', 'radius_server', 'system', 'system_group', 'user'); };
    Process {
        $TimerObject = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
        # Foreach type start a new job and retrieve object records
        $OutputResults = @()
        $ObjectJobs = @()
        Write-Debug "Backing up the following types of JC Objects:"
        ForEach ($JumpCloudType In $Types) {
            $OutputResults += [PSCustomObject]@{
                JobName   = ""
                JobStatus = ""
                JCType    = $JumpCloudType
            Write-Debug "[Backup] $JumpCloudType"
            $SourceTypeMap = $JcTypesMap.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $JumpCloudType }
            $ObjectBaseName = "{0}" -f $SourceTypeMap.Key
            $ObjectFileName = "{0}.{1}" -f $ObjectBaseName, $Format
            $ObjectFullName = "{0}/{1}" -f $TempPath, $ObjectFileName
            $ObjectJobs += Start-Job -Name ("$Date-Base-$($JumpCloudType)") -ScriptBlock:( { Param ($SourceTypeMap, $ObjectBaseName, $ObjectFileName, $ObjectFullName, $Format, $Debug, $JumpCloudType);
                    # Logic to handle directories
                    $Command = If ($SourceTypeMap.Key -eq 'GSuite') {
                        "(Get-JcSdkDirectory | Where-Object { `$_.Type -eq '$($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name)' }) | ForEach-Object { Get-JcSdk$($SourceTypeMap.Key) -Id:(`$_.Id)} -ErrorAction Stop"
                    } ElseIf ($SourceTypeMap.Key -eq 'Office365') {
                        "(Get-JcSdkDirectory | Where-Object { `$_.Type -eq '$($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name)' }) | ForEach-Object { Get-JcSdk$($SourceTypeMap.Key) -$($SourceTypeMap.Key)Id:(`$_.Id)} -ErrorAction Stop"
                    } ElseIf ($SourceTypeMap.Key -eq 'Organization') {
                        "Get-JcSdk{0} -Id:('{1}') -ErrorAction Stop" -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $env:JCOrgId
                    } Else {
                        "Get-JcSdk{0} -ErrorAction Stop" -f $SourceTypeMap.Key
                    If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) {
                        Write-Host ("DEBUG: Running: $Command") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow')
                    try {
                        $Result = Invoke-Expression -Command:($Command)
                        If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result)) {
                            # Write output to file
                            If ($Format -eq 'json') {
                                $Result | ConvertTo-Json -Depth:(100) | Out-File -FilePath:($ObjectFullName) -Force
                            } ElseIf ($Format -eq 'csv') {
                                # Convert object properties of objects to compressed json strings
                                $Result | ForEach-Object {
                                    $NewRecord = [PSCustomObject]@{}
                                    $_.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
                                        If ($_.TypeNameOfValue -like '*.Models.*' -or $_.TypeNameOfValue -like '*Object*' -or $_.TypeNameOfValue -like '*String`[`]*') {
                                            Add-Member -InputObject:($NewRecord) -MemberType:('NoteProperty') -Name:($_.Name) -Value:($_.Value | ConvertTo-Json -Depth:(100) -Compress)
                                        } Else {
                                            Add-Member -InputObject:($NewRecord) -MemberType:('NoteProperty') -Name:($_.Name) -Value:($_.Value)
                                    Return $NewRecord
                                } | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path:($ObjectFullName) -Force
                            } Else {
                                Write-Error ("Unknown format: $Format")
                            # TODO: Potential use for restore function
                            #| ForEach-Object { $_ | Select-Object *, @{Name = 'JcSdkModel'; Expression = { $_.GetType().FullName } } } `
                            # Build hash to return data
                            Return @{$ObjectBaseName = $Result }
                    } Catch {
                        throw "[Job Status] $JumpCloudType backup failed"
                }) -ArgumentList:($SourceTypeMap, $ObjectBaseName, $ObjectFileName, $ObjectFullName, $Format, $PSBoundParameters.Debug, $JumpCloudType)
        $ObjectJobStatus = Wait-Job -Id:($ObjectJobs.Id)
        $ObjectJobStatus | ForEach-Object {
            $JobName = $($_.Name.split('-')[-1])
            If ($_.State -ne 'Completed') {
                Write-Error "[Status] Backup of type: $JobName Failed with state: $($_.State)"
                ($OutputResults | Where-Object { $_.JCType -eq $JobName }).JobStatus = $_.State
                ($OutputResults | Where-Object { $_.JCType -eq $JobName }).JobName = $_.Name
            } elseif ($_.State -eq 'Completed') {
                Write-Debug "Job with name: $($_.Name) Completed sucessfully"
                ($OutputResults | Where-Object { $_.JCType -eq $JobName }).JobStatus = $_.State
                ($OutputResults | Where-Object { $_.JCType -eq $JobName }).JobName = $_.Name
        $ObjectJobResults = $ObjectJobStatus | Receive-Job -Keep
        # Add the results of objects to outputhash results
        $ObjectJobResults | ForEach-Object {
            $_.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
                $OutputHash.Add($_.Key, $_.Value)
        # Foreach type start a new job and retrieve object association records
        If ($Association) {
            $AssociationJobs = @()
            $TimerAssociations = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
            # Get the backup files we created earlier
            $BackupFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path:($TempPath) | Where-Object { $_.BaseName -in $Types }
            ForEach ($BackupFile In $BackupFiles) {
                # Type mapping lookup
                $SourceTypeMap = $JcTypesMap.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $BackupFile.BaseName }
                # TODO: Figure out how to make this work with x-ms-enum.
                # $ValidTargetTypes = (Get-Command Get-JcSdk$($SourceTypeMap.Key)Association).Parameters.Targets.Attributes.ValidValues
                # $ValidTargetTypes = ((Get-Command Get-JcSdk$($SourceTypeMap.Key)Association).Parameters.Targets.ParameterType.DeclaredFields | Where-Object { $_.IsPublic }).Name
                # Get list of valid target types from Get-JCAssociation
                $ValidTargetTypes = $SourceTypeMap.Value.AssociationTargets
                # Lookup file names in $JcTypesMap
                ForEach ($ValidTargetType In $ValidTargetTypes) {
                    $TargetTypeMap = $JcTypesMap.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value.Name -eq $ValidTargetType }
                    # If the valid target type matches a file name look up the associations for the SourceType and TargetType
                    If ($TargetTypeMap.Key -in $BackupFiles.BaseName) {
                        $AssociationBaseName = "Association-{0}To{1}" -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $TargetTypeMap.Key
                        $AssociationFileName = "{0}.{1}" -f $AssociationBaseName, $Format
                        $AssociationFullName = "{0}/{1}" -f $TempPath, $AssociationFileName
                        $OutputResults += [PSCustomObject]@{
                            JobName   = ""
                            JobStatus = ""
                            JCType    = $AssociationBaseName
                        $AssociationJobs += Start-Job -Name ("$Date-$($AssociationBaseName)") -ScriptBlock:( { Param ($SourceTypeMap, $TargetTypeMap, $BackupFile, $AssociationBaseName, $AssociationFileName, $AssociationFullName, $Format, $Settings, $Debug);
                                $AssociationResults = @()
                                # Get content from the file
                                $BackupRecords = If ($Format -eq 'json') {
                                    Get-Content -Path:($BackupFile.FullName) | ConvertFrom-Json
                                } ElseIf ($Format -eq 'csv') {
                                    Import-Csv -Path:($BackupFile.FullName)
                                } Else {
                                    Write-Error ("Unknown format: $Format")
                                ForEach ($BackupRecord In $BackupRecords) {
                                    # Build Command based upon source and target combinations
                                    # *Group commands take "GroupId" as a parameter vs "{Type}Id"
                                    # User associations is called Get-JcSdkUserAssociation and Get-JcSdkUserMember
                                    # Print the Source & Target for debugging
                                    # If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) { Write-Host ("Source: $($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name) | Target: $($TargetTypeMap.Value.Name)") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow') }
                                    If (($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system_group') -or ($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'user' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'user_group')) {
                                        $Command = 'Get-JcSdk{0}Member -{1}Id:("{2}") -ErrorAction Stop' -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $SourceTypeMap.Key.Replace('UserGroup', 'Group').Replace('SystemGroup', 'Group'), $
                                        If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) {
                                            Write-Host ("DEBUG: Running: $Command") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow')
                                        try {
                                            $AssociationResult = Invoke-Expression -Command:($command)
                                            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssociationResult)) {
                                                # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Member" endpoints return null for FromId. So manually populate them here.
                                                $AssociationResult.Paths | ForEach-Object {
                                                    $_ | ForEach-Object {
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromId)) {
                                                            $_.FromId = $
                                                        # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Member" endpoints return null for FromType. So manually populate them here.
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromType)) {
                                                            $_.FromType = $SourceTypeMap.Value.Name
                                                $AssociationResults += $AssociationResult

                                        } Catch {
                                            throw "[Job Status] $AssociationBaseName backup failed"
                                    } ElseIf (($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system_group' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system') -or ($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'user_group' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'user')) {
                                        $Command = 'Get-JcSdk{0}Membership -{1}Id:("{2}") -ErrorAction Stop' -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $SourceTypeMap.Key.Replace('UserGroup', 'Group').Replace('SystemGroup', 'Group'), $
                                        If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) {
                                            Write-Host ("DEBUG: Running: $Command") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow')
                                        try {
                                            $AssociationResult = Invoke-Expression -Command:($command)
                                            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssociationResult)) {
                                                # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromId. So manually populate them here.
                                                $AssociationResult.Paths | ForEach-Object {
                                                    $_ | ForEach-Object {
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromId)) {
                                                            $_.FromId = $
                                                        # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromType. So manually populate them here.
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromType)) {
                                                            $_.FromType = $SourceTypeMap.Value.Name
                                                $AssociationResults += $AssociationResult
                                        } Catch {
                                            throw "[Job Status] $AssociationBaseName backup failed"
                                    } ElseIf (($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'command' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system' -and $Settings.ROLE -eq 'Read Only') -or ($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'command' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system_group' -and $Settings.ROLE -eq 'Read Only')) {
                                        # Note on SA-2014 read only cases, this is temporary and should be addressed in the API but this is proving difficult, these cases are only necessary since the association endpoints on systems->commands/softwareapps is disabled for readonly users
                                        $Command = 'Get-JcSdk{0}Traverse{2} -{0}Id:("{1}") -ErrorAction Stop' -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $, ($TargetTypeMap.Value.Name).Replace('system_group', 'SystemGroup')
                                        If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) {
                                            Write-Host ("DEBUG: Running: $Command") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow')
                                        try {
                                            $AssociationResult = Invoke-Expression -Command:($command)
                                            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssociationResult)) {
                                                # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromId. So manually populate them here.
                                                $AssociationResult.Paths | ForEach-Object {
                                                    $_ | ForEach-Object {
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromId)) {
                                                            $_.FromId = $
                                                        # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromType. So manually populate them here.
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromType)) {
                                                            $_.FromType = $SourceTypeMap.Value.Name
                                                $AssociationResults += $AssociationResult
                                        } Catch {
                                            throw "[Job Status] $AssociationBaseName backup failed"
                                    } ElseIf (($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'command' -and $Settings.ROLE -eq 'Read Only') -or ($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system_group' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'command' -and $Settings.ROLE -eq 'Read Only')) {
                                        $Command = 'Get-JcSdk{2}Traverse{0} -{2}Id:("{1}") -ErrorAction Stop' -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $, ($TargetTypeMap.Value.Name).Replace('system_group', 'SystemGroup')
                                        If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) {
                                            Write-Host ("DEBUG: Running: $Command") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow')
                                        try {
                                            $AssociationResult = Invoke-Expression -Command:($command)
                                            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssociationResult)) {
                                                # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromId. So manually populate them here.
                                                $AssociationResult.Paths | ForEach-Object {
                                                    $_ | ForEach-Object {
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromId)) {
                                                            $_.FromId = $
                                                        # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromType. So manually populate them here.
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromType)) {
                                                            $_.FromType = $SourceTypeMap.Value.Name
                                                $AssociationResults += $AssociationResult
                                        } Catch {
                                            throw "[Job Status] $AssociationBaseName backup failed"
                                    } ElseIf (($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'Software_App' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system' -and $Settings.ROLE -eq 'Read Only') -or ($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'Software_App' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system_group' -and $Settings.ROLE -eq 'Read Only')) {
                                        $Command = 'Get-JcSdk{0}Traverse{2} -{0}Id:("{1}") -ErrorAction Stop' -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $, ($TargetTypeMap.Value.Name).Replace('system_group', 'SystemGroup')
                                        If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) {
                                            Write-Host ("DEBUG: Running: $Command") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow')
                                        try {
                                            $AssociationResult = Invoke-Expression -Command:($command)
                                            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssociationResult)) {
                                                # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromId. So manually populate them here.
                                                $AssociationResult.Paths | ForEach-Object {
                                                    $_ | ForEach-Object {
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromId)) {
                                                            $_.FromId = $
                                                        # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromType. So manually populate them here.
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromType)) {
                                                            $_.FromType = $SourceTypeMap.Value.Name
                                                $AssociationResults += $AssociationResult
                                        } Catch {
                                            throw "[Job Status] $AssociationBaseName backup failed"
                                    } ElseIf (($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'Software_App' -and $Settings.ROLE -eq 'Read Only') -or ($SourceTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'system_group' -and $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name -eq 'Software_App' -and $Settings.ROLE -eq 'Read Only')) {
                                        $Command = 'Get-JcSdk{0}Traverse{2} -{0}Id:("{1}") -ErrorAction Stop' -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $, ($TargetTypeMap.Value.Name).Replace('system_group', 'SystemGroup')
                                        If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) {
                                            Write-Host ("DEBUG: Running: $Command") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow')
                                        try {
                                            $AssociationResult = Invoke-Expression -Command:($command)
                                            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssociationResult)) {
                                                # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromId. So manually populate them here.
                                                $AssociationResult.Paths | ForEach-Object {
                                                    $_ | ForEach-Object {
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromId)) {
                                                            $_.FromId = $
                                                        # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Membership" endpoints return null for FromType. So manually populate them here.
                                                        If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromType)) {
                                                            $_.FromType = $SourceTypeMap.Value.Name
                                                $AssociationResults += $AssociationResult
                                        } Catch {
                                            throw "[Job Status] $AssociationBaseName backup failed"
                                    } Else {
                                        $Command = 'Get-JcSdk{0}Association -{1}Id:("{2}") -Targets:("{3}") -ErrorAction Stop' -f $SourceTypeMap.Key, $SourceTypeMap.Key.Replace('UserGroup', 'Group').Replace('SystemGroup', 'Group'), $, $TargetTypeMap.Value.Name
                                        If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug) {
                                            Write-Host ("DEBUG: Running: $Command") -ForegroundColor:('Yellow')
                                        try {
                                            $AssociationResult = Invoke-Expression -Command:($command)
                                            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssociationResult)) {
                                                $AssociationResult | ForEach-Object {
                                                    # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Association" endpoints return null for FromId. So manually populate them here.
                                                    If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromId)) {
                                                        $_.FromId = $
                                                    # The direct association/"Get-JcSdk*Association" endpoints return null for FromType. So manually populate them here.
                                                    If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.FromType)) {
                                                        $_.FromType = $SourceTypeMap.Value.Name
                                                $AssociationResults += $AssociationResult
                                        } Catch {
                                            throw "[Job Status] $AssociationBaseName backup failed"
                                If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssociationResults)) {
                                    If ($Format -eq 'json') {
                                        $AssociationResults | ConvertTo-Json -Depth:(100) | Out-File -FilePath:($AssociationFullName) -Force
                                    } ElseIf ($Format -eq 'csv') {
                                        # Convert object properties of objects to compressed json strings
                                        $AssociationResults | ForEach-Object {
                                            $NewRecord = [PSCustomObject]@{}
                                            $_.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
                                                If ($_.TypeNameOfValue -like '*.Models.*' -or $_.TypeNameOfValue -like '*Object*' -or $_.TypeNameOfValue -like '*String`[`]*') {
                                                    Add-Member -InputObject:($NewRecord) -MemberType:('NoteProperty') -Name:($_.Name) -Value:($_.Value | ConvertTo-Json -Depth:(100) -Compress)
                                                } Else {
                                                    Add-Member -InputObject:($NewRecord) -MemberType:('NoteProperty') -Name:($_.Name) -Value:($_.Value)
                                            Return $NewRecord
                                        } | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path:($AssociationFullName) -Force
                                    } Else {
                                        Write-Error ("Unknown format: $Format")
                                    # Build hash to return data
                                    Return @{$AssociationBaseName = $AssociationResults }
                            }) -ArgumentList:($SourceTypeMap, $TargetTypeMap, $BackupFile, $AssociationBaseName, $AssociationFileName, $AssociationFullName, $Format, $global:JCSettings, $PSBoundParameters.Debug)
            If ($AssociationJobs) {
                $AssociationJobStatus = Wait-Job -Id:($AssociationJobs.Id)
                $AssociationJobStatus | ForEach-Object {
                    $JobName = $($_.Name.split('-', 2)[-1])
                    If ($_.State -ne 'Completed') {
                        Write-Error "[Status] Backup of type: $JobName Failed with state: $($_.State)"
                ($OutputResults | Where-Object { $_.JCType -eq $JobName }).JobStatus = $_.State
                ($OutputResults | Where-Object { $_.JCType -eq $JobName }).JobName = $_.Name
                    } elseif ($_.State -eq 'Completed') {
                        Write-Debug "Job with name: $($_.Name) Completed sucessfully"
                ($OutputResults | Where-Object { $_.JCType -eq $JobName }).JobStatus = $_.State
                ($OutputResults | Where-Object { $_.JCType -eq $JobName }).JobName = $_.Name
                $AssociationResults = $AssociationJobStatus | Receive-Job -Keep
                # Add the results of associations to outputhash results
                $AssociationResults | ForEach-Object {
                    $_.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
                        $OutputHash.Add($_.Key, $_.Value)
            } else {
                Write-Host "__________________________________________________"
                Write-Warning "NOTHING RETURNED!"
                Write-Host "__________________________________________________"
    End {
        # Write Out Manifest
            date           = $Date;
            organizationId = $env:JCOrgId;
            moduleVersion  = @(Get-Module -Name:('JumpCloud*') -ListAvailable | Select-Object Name, Version);
            result         = Get-ChildItem -Path:($TempPath) | Sort-Object -Property BaseName | ForEach-Object {
                    Type  = $_.BaseName
                    Count = $OutputHash.Item($_.BaseName).Count
        } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth:(100) | Out-File -FilePath:("$($TempPath)/Manifest.json") -Force
        # Zip results
        Compress-Archive -Path:($TempPath) -CompressionLevel:('Fastest') -Destination:($ArchivePath)
        # Clean up temp directory
        If (Test-Path -Path:($ArchivePath)) {
            Remove-Item -Path:($TempPath) -Force -Recurse

            Write-Host ("Backup Path: $($ArchivePath)") -ForegroundColor:('Green')
            Write-Host("Backup-JCOrganization Results:") -ForegroundColor:('Green')

            $OutputResults | ForEach-Object {
                if ($OutputHash[$_.JCType]) {
                    Write-Host ("$($_.JCType): $($($OutputHash[$_.JCType]).Count) [$($_.jobStatus)]") -ForegroundColor:('Magenta')
                } else {
                    Write-Host ("$($_.JCType): $($_.Value.Count) [$($_.jobStatus)]") -ForegroundColor:('Magenta')

        If ($TimerObject) {
            Write-Debug ("Object Run Time: $($TimerObject.Elapsed)")
        If ($TimerAssociations) {
            Write-Debug ("Association Run Time: $($TimerAssociations.Elapsed)")
        If ($TimerTotal) {
            Write-Debug ("Total Run Time: $($TimerTotal.Elapsed)")
        if ("Failed" -in $OutputResults.JobStatus) {
            Throw "Error in at least one backup job"
        If ($PassThru) {
            Return $OutputHash
        } Else {
            Return $OutputHash.BackupLocation