
Function New-JCImportTemplate() {

            ParameterSetName = 'force',
            HelpMessage = 'Parameter to force populate CSV with all headers when creating an update template. When selected this option will forcefully replace existing files in the current working directory. i.e. If you ',
            Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'force',
            HelpMessage = 'Type of CSV to Create. Update or Import are valid options.',
            Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Import', 'Update')]

    begin {
        $date = Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yyyy

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'force') {
            $ExportLocation = $PWD
        } else {

            $Banner = @"
        __ ______ __ __
        / /__ __ ____ ___ ____ / ____// /____ __ __ ____/ /
    __ / // / / // __ __ \ / __ \ / / / // __ \ / / / // __ /
/ /_/ // /_/ // / / / / // /_/ // /___ / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /
\____/ \____//_/ /_/ /_// ____/ \____//_/ \____/ \____/ \____/
                                    CSV User Import Template

            $Heading2 = 'The CSV file will be created within the directory:'

            If (!(Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object { $_.Command -match 'Pester' })) {

            Write-Host $Banner -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "`n$Heading2`n"
            Write-Host " $PWD" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host ""

            while ($ConfirmFile -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmFile -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmFile = Read-Host  "Enter Y to confirm or N to change output location" #Confirm .csv file location creation

            if ($ConfirmFile -eq 'Y') {

                $ExportLocation = $PWD

            elseif ($ConfirmFile -eq 'N') {
                $ExportLocation = Read-Host "Enter the full path to the folder you wish to create the import file in"

                while (-not(Test-Path -Path $ExportLocation -PathType Container)) {
                    Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "The location $ExportLocation does not exist. Try another"
                    $ExportLocation = Read-Host "Enter the full path to the folder you wish to create the import file in"

                Write-Host ""
                Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "The CSV file will be created within the $ExportLocation directory"


    process {
        if ($type -eq 'Import') {
            $ConfirmUpdateVsNew = 'N'
        } elseif ($type -eq 'Update') {
            $ConfirmUpdateVsNew = 'U'
        } Else {
            Write-Host "`nDo you want to create an import CSV template for creating new users or for updating existing users?"
            Write-Host 'Enter "N" for to create a template for ' -NoNewline
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'new users'
            Write-Host 'Enter "U" for creating a template for ' -NoNewline
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "updating existing users"

            while ($ConfirmUpdateVsNew -ne 'N' -and $ConfirmUpdateVsNew -ne 'U') {
                $ConfirmUpdateVsNew = Read-Host  "Enter N for 'new users' or U for 'updating users'"

        if (($ConfirmUpdateVsNew -eq 'U' -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'force') -or ($ConfirmUpdateVsNew -eq 'N' -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'force')) {
            $CSV = [ordered]@{
                Username                       = $null
                FirstName                      = $null
                LastName                       = $null
                Password                       = $null
                Email                          = $null
                alternateEmail                 = $null
                manager                        = $null
                managedAppleId                 = $null
                middlename                     = $null
                preferredName                  = $null
                jobTitle                       = $null
                employeeIdentifier             = $null
                department                     = $null
                costCenter                     = $null
                company                        = $null
                employeeType                   = $null
                description                    = $null
                location                       = $null
                home_streetAddress             = $null
                home_city                      = $null
                home_state                     = $null
                home_postalCode                = $null
                home_poBox                     = $null
                home_country                   = $null
                work_streetAddress             = $null
                work_poBox                     = $null
                work_city                      = $null
                work_state                     = $null
                work_postalCode                = $null
                mobile_number                  = $null
                home_number                    = $null
                work_number                    = $null
                work_mobile_number             = $null
                work_fax_number                = $null
                unix_guid                      = $null
                unix_uid                       = $null
                enable_user_portal_multifactor = $null
                EnrollmentDays                 = $null
                ldap_binding_user              = $null
                ldapserver_id                  = $null
                account_locked                 = $null
                allow_public_key               = $null
                enable_managed_uid             = $null
                externally_managed             = $null
                external_dn                    = $null
                external_source_type           = $null
                passwordless_sudo              = $null
                sudo                           = $null
                password_never_expires         = $null
            $fileName = 'JCUserUpdateImport_' + $date + '.csv'
            Write-Debug $fileName
            $CSVheader = New-Object psobject -Property $Csv

            if ($ConfirmUpdateVsNew -eq 'U') {
                $ExistingUsers = Get-DynamicHash -Object User -returnProperties username
                $CSVheader = @()
                foreach ($User in $ExistingUsers.GetEnumerator()) {
                    $CSVUserAdd = $CSV
                    $CSVUserAdd.Username = $User.value.username
                    $UserObject = New-Object psobject -Property $CSVUserAdd
                    $CSVheader += $UserObject
        } elseif ($ConfirmUpdateVsNew) {
            if ($ConfirmUpdateVsNew -eq 'N') {
                $CSV = [ordered]@{
                    FirstName = $null
                    LastName  = $null
                    Username  = $null
                    Password  = $null
                    Email     = $null


                $fileName = 'JCUserImport_' + $date + '.csv'
                Write-Debug $fileName
            } elseif ($ConfirmUpdateVsNew -eq 'U') {
                $fileName = 'JCUserUpdateImport_' + $date + '.csv'
                Write-Debug $fileName

                $CSV = [ordered]@{
                    Username = $null

                Write-Host "`nWould you like to populate this update template with all of your existing users?"
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'You can remove users you do not wish to modify from the import file after it is created.'

                while ($ConfirmUserPop -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmUserPop -ne 'N') {
                    $ConfirmUserPop = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

                if ($ConfirmUserPop -eq 'Y') {
                    Write-Verbose 'Verifying JCAPI Key'
                    if ($JCAPIKEY.length -ne 40) {
                    $ExistingUsers = Get-DynamicHash -Object User -returnProperties username

                elseif ($ConfirmUserPop -eq 'N') {

                Write-Host "`nWould you like to update users email addresses?"

                while ($ConfirmEmailAddress -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmEmailAddress -ne 'N') {
                    $ConfirmEmailAddress = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

                if ($ConfirmEmailAddress -eq 'Y') {
                    $CSV.add('email', $null)

                elseif ($ConfirmEmailAddress -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host "`nDo you want to add extended user information attributes available over JumpCloud LDAP to your users during import?"
            Write-Host 'Extended user information attributes include: ' -NoNewline
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'AlternateEmail, Manager, ManagedAppleId, MiddleName, preferredName, jobTitle, employeeIdentifier, department, costCenter, company, employeeType, description, and location'

            while ($ConfirmLDAPAttributes -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmLDAPAttributes -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmLDAPAttributes = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($ConfirmLDAPAttributes -eq 'Y') {
                $CSV.add('alternateEmail', $null)
                $CSV.add('manager', $null)
                $CSV.add('managedAppleId', $null)
                $CSV.add('MiddleName', $null)
                $CSV.add('preferredName', $null)
                $CSV.add('jobTitle', $null)
                $CSV.add('employeeIdentifier', $null)
                $CSV.add('department', $null)
                $CSV.add('costCenter', $null)
                $CSV.add('company', $null)
                $CSV.add('employeeType', $null)
                $CSV.add('description', $null)
                $CSV.add('location', $null)


            elseif ($ConfirmLDAPLocationAttributes -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host "`nDo you want to add extended user location attributes available over JumpCloud LDAP to your users during import?"
            Write-Host 'Extended user location attributes include: ' -NoNewline
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'home_streetAddress, home_poBox, home_city, home_state, home_postalCode, home_country, work_streetAddress, work_poBox, work_city, work_state, work_postalCode, work_country'

            while ($ConfirmLDAPLocationAttributes -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmLDAPLocationAttributes -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmLDAPLocationAttributes = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($ConfirmLDAPLocationAttributes -eq 'Y') {

                $CSV.add('home_streetAddress', $null)
                $CSV.add('home_poBox', $null)
                $CSV.add('home_city', $null)
                $CSV.add('home_state', $null)
                $CSV.add('home_postalCode', $null)
                $CSV.add('home_country', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_streetAddress', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_poBox', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_city', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_state', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_postalCode', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_country', $null)


            elseif ($ConfirmLDAPLocationAttributes -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host "`nDo you want to add extended user telephony attributes available over JumpCloud LDAP to your users during import?"
            Write-Host 'Extended user telephony attributes include: ' -NoNewline
            Write-Host  'mobile_number, home_number, work_number, work_mobile_number, work_fax_number' -ForegroundColor Yellow

            while ($ConfirmLDAPTelephonyAttributes -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmLDAPTelephonyAttributes -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmLDAPTelephonyAttributes = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($ConfirmLDAPTelephonyAttributes -eq 'Y') {

                $CSV.add('mobile_number', $null)
                $CSV.add('home_number', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_number', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_mobile_number', $null)
                $CSV.add('work_fax_number', $null)

            elseif ($ConfirmLDAPTelephonyAttributes -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host "`nDo you want to set unix UID/GUID values during import?"
            Write-Host 'UID/GUID value attributes include: ' -NoNewline
            Write-Host  'unix_uid, unix_guid' -ForegroundColor Yellow

            while ($ConfirmUIDGUIDAttributes -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmUIDGUIDAttributes -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmUIDGUIDAttributes = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($ConfirmUIDGUIDAttributes -eq 'Y') {

                $CSV.add('unix_uid', $null)
                $CSV.add('unix_guid', $null)

            elseif ($ConfirmUIDGUIDAttributes -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host "`nDo you want to require MFA to user?"
            Write-Host  'enable_user_portal_multifactor, EnrollmentDays' -ForegroundColor Yellow
            while ($MFAOption -ne 'Y' -and $MFAOption -ne 'N') {
                $MFAOption = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($MFAOption -eq 'Y') {
                $CSV.add('enable_user_portal_multifactor', $null)
                $CSV.add('EnrollmentDays', $null)
            } elseif ($MFAOption -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host "`nDo you want to bind the user to LDAP during import"
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'Ldap_Binding_User, Ldapserver_id'
            while ($ConfirmLDAPBind -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmLDAPBind -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmLDAPBind = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($ConfirmLDAPBind -eq 'Y') {
                $CSV.add('ldap_binding_user', $null)
                $CSV.add('ldapserver_id', $null)
            } elseif ($ConfirmLDAPBind -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host "`nDo you want to bind your users to existing JumpCloud systems during import?"

            while ($ConfirmSystem -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmSystem -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmSystem = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($ConfirmSystem -eq 'Y') {

                $CSV.add('SystemID', $null)
                $CSV.add('Administrator', $null)

                $ExistingSystems = Get-JCSystem -returnProperties hostname, displayName | Select-Object HostName, DisplayName, @{Name = 'SystemID'; Expression = { $_._id } }, lastContact

                $SystemsName = 'JCSystems_' + $date + '.csv'

                $ExistingSystems | Export-Csv -path "$ExportLocation/$SystemsName" -NoTypeInformation

                Write-Host 'Creating file '  -NoNewline
                Write-Host $SystemsName -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
                Write-Host ' with all existing systems in the location' -NoNewline
                Write-Host " $ExportLocation" -ForegroundColor Yellow


            elseif ($ConfirmAttributes -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host 'Do you want to add the users to JumpCloud user groups during import?'

            while ($ConfirmGroups -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmGroups -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmGroups = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($ConfirmGroups -eq 'Y') {
                [int]$GroupNumber = Read-Host  "What is the maximum number of groups you want to add a single user to during import? ENTER A NUMBER"
                [int]$NewGroup = 0
                [int]$GroupID = 1
                $GroupsArray = @()

                while ($NewGroup -ne $GroupNumber) {
                    $GroupsArray += "Group$GroupID"

                foreach ($Group in $GroupsArray) {
                    $CSV.add($Group, $null)


            elseif ($ConfirmGroups -eq 'N') {

            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host 'Do you want to add any custom attributes to your users during import? Note, customAttribute values must be unique'

            while ($ConfirmAttributes -ne 'Y' -and $ConfirmAttributes -ne 'N') {
                $ConfirmAttributes = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($ConfirmAttributes -eq 'Y') {
                [int]$AttributeNumber = Read-Host  "What is the maximum number of custom attributes you want to add to a single user during import? ENTER A NUMBER"
                [int]$NewAttribute = 0
                [int]$AttributeID = 1
                $NewAttributeArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

                while ($NewAttribute -ne $AttributeNumber) {
                    $temp = New-Object PSObject
                    $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AttributeName  -Value "Attribute$AttributeID`_name"
                    $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AttributeValue  -Value "Attribute$AttributeID`_value"
                    $NewAttributeArrayList.Add($temp) | Out-Null
                    $NewAttribute ++
                    $AttributeID ++

                foreach ($Attribute in $NewAttributeArrayList) {
                    $CSV.add($Attribute.AttributeName, $null)
                    $CSV.add($Attribute.AttributeValue, $null)


            elseif ($ConfirmAttributes -eq 'N') {

            $CSVheader = New-Object psobject -Property $Csv

            if ($ExistingUsers) {
                $CSVheader = @()

                foreach ($User in $ExistingUsers.GetEnumerator()) {
                    $CSVUserAdd = $CSV
                    $CSVUserAdd.Username = $User.value.username
                    $UserObject = New-Object psobject -Property $CSVUserAdd
                    $CSVheader += $UserObject

    end {
        $ExportPath = Test-Path ("$ExportLocation/$FileName")
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'force') {
            if (!$ExportPath ) {
                Write-Host ""
                $CSVheader | Export-Csv -path "$ExportLocation/$FileName" -NoTypeInformation
                Write-Host 'Creating file '  -NoNewline
                Write-Host $FileName -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
                Write-Host ' in the location' -NoNewline
                Write-Host " $ExportLocation" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            } else {
                Write-Warning "The file $fileName already exists, overwriting..."
                $CSVheader | Export-Csv -path "$ExportLocation/$FileName" -NoTypeInformation
                Write-Host 'Creating file '  -NoNewline
                Write-Host $FileName -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
                Write-Host ' in the location' -NoNewline
                Write-Host " $ExportLocation" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        } Else {
            if (!$ExportPath ) {
                Write-Host ""
                $CSVheader | Export-Csv -path "$ExportLocation/$FileName" -NoTypeInformation
                Write-Host 'Creating file'  -NoNewline
                Write-Host " $fileName" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
                Write-Host ' in the location' -NoNewline
                Write-Host " $ExportLocation" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            } else {
                Write-Host ""
                Write-Warning "The file $fileName already exists do you want to overwrite it?" -WarningAction Inquire
                Write-Host ""
                $CSVheader | Export-Csv -path "$ExportLocation/$FileName" -NoTypeInformation
                Write-Host 'Creating file '  -NoNewline
                Write-Host $FileName -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
                Write-Host ' in the location' -NoNewline
                Write-Host " $ExportLocation" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host "Do you want to open the file" -NoNewLine
            Write-Host " $FileName`?" -ForegroundColor Yellow

            while ($Open -ne 'Y' -and $Open -ne 'N') {
                $Open = Read-Host  "Enter Y for Yes or N for No"

            if ($Open -eq 'Y') {
                Invoke-Item -path "$ExportLocation/$FileName"

            if ($Open -eq 'N') {