
Function Get-JCSystem () {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter')]


            ParameterSetName = 'ByID',
            HelpMessage = 'The _id or id of the System which you want to query.')]
        [Alias('_id', 'id')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByID', HelpMessage = 'A switch parameter to reveal the SystemFDEKey')]

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the hostname.')]

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the displayName.'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the description.'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the version.'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the templateName.'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the OS.'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the remoteIP.'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the serialNumber.'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the processor arch.'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the agentVersion.')]

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to search systems by the serialNumber. This field DOES NOT take wildcard input.'

        ## Boolean

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'Filter for systems that are online or offline.')]

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to show systems that are enabled ($true) or disabled ($true) for allowMultiFactorAuthentication')]

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to show systems that are enabled ($true) or disabled ($true) for allowMultiFactorAuthentication')]

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to show systems that are enabled ($true) or disabled ($true) for allowMultiFactorAuthentication')]

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to show systems that are enabled ($true) or disabled ($true) for allowMultiFactorAuthentication'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to show systems that are enabled ($true) or disabled ($true) for modifySSHDConfig'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A search filter to show macOS systems that have the JumpCloud service account'

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'A parameter that can filter on the property ''created'' or ''lastContact''. This parameter if used creates two more dynamic parameters ''dateFilter'' and ''date''. See EXAMPLE 5 above for full syntax.')]
        [ValidateSet('created', 'lastContact')]

            ParameterSetName = 'SearchFilter',
            HelpMessage = 'Allows you to return select properties on JumpCloud system objects. Specifying what properties are returned can drastically increase the speed of the API call with a large data set. Valid properties that can be returned are: ''created'', ''active'', ''agentVersion'', ''allowMultiFactorAuthentication'', ''allowPublicKeyAuthentication'', ''allowSshPasswordAuthentication'', ''allowSshRootLogin'', ''arch'', ''created'', ''displayName'', ''hostname'', ''lastContact'', ''modifySSHDConfig'', ''organization'', ''os'', ''remoteIP'', ''serialNumber'', ''sshdParams'', ''systemTimezone'', ''templateName'', ''version'', ''hwVendor'',''secureLogin'',''displayManager'',''amazonInstanceID'',''archFamily'',''builtInCommands'',''description'',''osVersionDetail'',''policyStats'',''desktopCapable'', ''sshRootEnabled''')]
        [ValidateSet('acknowledged', 'active', 'agentVersion', 'allowMultiFactorAuthentication', 'allowPublicKeyAuthentication', 'allowSshPasswordAuthentication', 'allowSshRootLogin', 'arch', 'azureAdJoined', 'connectionHistory', 'created', 'displayName', 'domainInfo', 'fde', 'fileSystem', 'hasServiceAccount', 'hostname', 'lastContact', 'mdm', 'modifySSHDConfig', 'networkInterfaces', 'organization', 'os', 'osFamily', 'provisionMetadata', 'remoteIP', 'serialNumber', 'serviceAccountState', 'sshdParams', 'systemInsights', 'systemTimezone', 'systemToken', 'templateName', 'userMetrics', 'usernameHashes', 'version', 'hwVendor', 'secureLogin', 'displayManager', 'amazonInstanceID', 'archFamily', 'builtInCommands', 'description', 'osVersionDetail', 'policyStats', 'desktopCapable', 'sshRootEnabled')]

    DynamicParam {
        If ((Get-PSCallStack).Command -like '*MarkdownHelp') {
            $filterDateProperty = 'created'
        if ($filterDateProperty) {

            # Create the dictionary
            $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

            # Set the dynamic parameters' name
            $ParamName_Filter = 'dateFilter'
            # Create the collection of attributes
            $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
            # Create and set the parameters' attributes
            $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
            $ParameterAttribute.HelpMessage = 'Condition to filter date on.'
            # Generate and set the ValidateSet
            $arrSet = @("before", "after")
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)
            # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection
            # Add the attributes to the attributes collection
            # Create and return the dynamic parameter
            $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParamName_Filter, [string], $AttributeCollection)
            $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParamName_Filter, $RuntimeParameter)

            # Set the dynamic parameters' name
            $ParamName_FilterDate = 'date'
            # Create the collection of attributes
            $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
            # Create and set the parameters' attributes
            $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
            $ParameterAttribute.HelpMessage = 'Date to filter on.'
            # Add the attributes to the attributes collection
            # Create and return the dynamic parameter
            $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParamName_FilterDate, [datetime], $AttributeCollection)
            $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParamName_FilterDate, $RuntimeParameter)

            # Returns the dictionary
            return $RuntimeParameterDictionary



    begin {
        Write-Verbose 'Verifying JCAPI Key'
        if ($JCAPIKEY.length -ne 40) {

        $Parallel = $JCConfig.parallel.Calculated

        if ($Parallel) {
            Write-Verbose 'Initilizing resultsArray'
            $resultsArrayList = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag[object]]::new()
        } else {
            Write-Verbose 'Initilizing resultsArray'
            $resultsArrayList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

        Write-Verbose "Parameter Set: $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"


    process {
        [int]$limit = '1000'
        Write-Verbose "Setting limit to $limit"

        [int]$skip = '0'
        Write-Verbose "Setting skip to $skip"

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            SearchFilter {
                if ($returnProperties) {
                    $Search = @{
                        filter = @(
                        limit  = $limit
                        skip   = $skip
                        fields = $returnProperties
                    } #Initialize search
                } else {

                    $Search = @{
                        filter = @(
                        limit  = $limit
                        skip   = $skip
                    } #Initialize search


                foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
                    if ([System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters -contains $param.key) {
                    if ($param.value -is [Boolean]) {
                        if ($param.key -eq 'parallel') {

                        (($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add($param.Key, $param.value)

                    if ($param.key -eq 'returnProperties') {

                    if ($param.key -eq 'filterDateProperty') {
                        $DateProperty = $param.value

                    if ($param.key -eq 'dateFilter') {
                        switch ($param.value) {
                            before {
                                $DateQuery = '$lt'
                            after {
                                $DateQuery = '$gt'

                                # Workaround for querying by lastContact does not return active devices
                                ($Search.filter) = @{ "or" = @(@{ "active" = $true }) }

                    if ($param.key -eq 'date') {
                        $Timestamp = Get-Date $param.Value -format o


                    $Value = ($param.value).replace('*', '')

                    if (($param.Value -match '.+?\*$') -and ($param.Value -match '^\*.+?')) {
                        # Front and back wildcard
                            (($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add($param.Key, @{'$regex' = "(?i)$([regex]::Escape($Value))" })
                    } elseif ($param.Value -match '.+?\*$') {
                        # Back wildcard
                            (($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add($param.Key, @{'$regex' = "(?i)^$([regex]::Escape($Value))" })
                    } elseif ($param.Value -match '^\*.+?') {
                        # Front wild card
                            (($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add($param.Key, @{'$regex' = "(?i)$([regex]::Escape($Value))`$" })
                    } elseif ($param.Value -match '^[-+]?\d+$') {
                        # Check for integer value
                            (($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add($param.Key, $([regex]::Escape($Value)))
                    } else {
                            (($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add($param.Key, @{'$regex' = "(?i)(^$([regex]::Escape($Value))`$)" })

                } # End foreach

                if ($filterDateProperty) {
                    if ($DateQuery -eq '$gt') {
                        (($Search.filter).Item("or")) += @{$DateProperty = @{$DateQuery = $Timestamp } }

                        $SearchJSON = $Search | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4
                        Write-Debug $SearchJSON
                        $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/search/systems"

                        if ($Parallel) {
                            $dateFilterList = Get-JCResults -URL $URL -method "POST" -limit $limit -body $SearchJSON -Parallel $true
                        } else {
                            $dateFilterList = Get-JCResults -URL $URL -method "POST" -limit $limit -body $SearchJSON

                        # Gather list of devices that match the date filter
                        $dateFilterList = $dateFilterList | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty associatedTagCount, sshRootEnabled

                        # Find and remove the date parameters from bound parameters
                        $dateParameters = @("filterDateProperty", "dateFilter", "date")
                        $UpdatedBoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
                        foreach ($dateParam in $dateParameters) {
                            $UpdatedBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
                                if ($_.key -match $dateParam) {
                                    $UpdatedBoundParameters.Remove($_.key) | Out-Null

                        # Remove variables that interfere with recursive call
                        $removeVariables = @("filterDateProperty")
                        $removeVariables | Foreach-Object {
                            Remove-Variable -Name $_ | Out-Null

                        # Use updated bound parameters to splat new query
                        $otherSystemList = Get-JCSystem @UpdatedBoundParameters

                        # if no results are returned from the new query, return nothing
                        if (!$otherSystemList) {
                            return $null
                        } else {
                            # iterate through lists to look for matches, return matches
                            $otherSystemList | ForEach-Object {
                                if ($dateFilterList._id -contains $_._id) {
                        $resultsArrayList = $resultsArrayList | Sort-Object -Property lastContact -Descending
                    } else {
                        (($Search.filter).GetEnumerator()).add($DateProperty, @{$DateQuery = $Timestamp })

                        $SearchJSON = $Search | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4

                        Write-Debug $SearchJSON

                        $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/search/systems"

                        if ($Parallel) {
                            $resultsArrayList = Get-JCResults -URL $URL -method "POST" -limit $limit -body $SearchJSON -Parallel $true
                        } else {
                            $resultsArrayList = Get-JCResults -URL $URL -method "POST" -limit $limit -body $SearchJSON
                } else {
                    $SearchJSON = $Search | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4

                    Write-Debug $SearchJSON

                    $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/search/systems"

                    if ($Parallel) {
                        $resultsArrayList = Get-JCResults -URL $URL -method "POST" -limit $limit -body $SearchJSON -Parallel $true
                    } else {
                        $resultsArrayList = Get-JCResults -URL $URL -method "POST" -limit $limit -body $SearchJSON
            } #End search

            ByID {

                if ($SystemFDEKey) {

                    $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/v2/systems/$SystemID/fdekey"
                    Write-Verbose $URL

                    $results = Get-JCResults -URL $URL -method "GET" -limit $limit

                    $FormattedObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        '_id' = $SystemID;
                        'key' = $results.key;

                    $null = $resultsArrayList.add($FormattedObject)


                else {
                    $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/Systems/$SystemID"
                    Write-Verbose $URL

                    $resultsArrayList = Get-JCResults -URL $URL -method "GET" -limit $limit


        } # End switch
    } # End process

    end {
        # finally determine pipeline info
        $pipelineLength, $functions = Get-PipelineDetails -line $MyInvocation.Line
        $setAfterGet = Get-PipelinePositionBefore -before "Get-JCSystem" -after "Set-JCSystem" -functionArray $functions
        if ($pipelineLength -gt 1) {
            if (($resultsArrayList.Count -ne 0) -And ($setAfterGet -eq $true)) {
                foreach ($item in $resultsArrayList) {
                    $itemSysInsightsState = switch ($item.systemInsights.state) {
                        'enabled' {
                        'deferred' {
                    $item.systemInsights = $itemSysInsightsState

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            SearchFilter {
                return $resultsArrayList | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty associatedTagCount, sshRootEnabled
            ByID {
                return $resultsArrayList | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty associatedTagCount

