
$Quotes = @(
        Author = "Immanuel Kant"
        Language = "Polish"
        Quote = "Konieczność przewyższa moralność. Nie bez żalu. Nie bez wstydu.",
                "Jednak nawet niemoralne zwycięstwo musi przewyższać moralną porażkę.",
                "Zwycięzca będzie miał szansę odpokutować, jeśli sumienie tego zażąda.",
                "Pokonani tracą taką możliwość."
        Author = "Immanuel Kant"
        Language = "English"
        Quote = "One who makes himself a worm cannot complain",
                "afterwards if people step on him."
        Author = "Immanuel Kant"
        Language = "English"
        Quote = "Genius is the ability to independently arrive at and",
                "understand concepts that would normally have to be",
                "taught by another person."
        Author = "Immanuel Kant"
        Language = "English"
        Quote = "For peace to reign on Earth, humans must evolve into",
                "new beings who have learned to see the whole first."
        Author = "Immanuel Kant"
        Language = "English"
        Quote = "Morality is not properly the doctrine of how we may",
                "make ourselves happy, but how we may make",
                "ourselves worthy of happiness."
        Author = "Immanuel Kant"
        Language = "English"
        Quote = "Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by",
                "honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of",
                "few; and number not voices, but weigh them."
        Author = "Immanuel Kant"
        Language = "English"
        Quote = "All false art, all vain wisdom, lasts its time but finally",
                "destroys itself, and its highest culture is also the epoch",
                "of its decay."
        Author = "Immanuel Kant"
        Language = "English"
        Quote = "May you live your life as if the maxim of your actions",
                "were to become universal law."
        Author = "Harlan Ellison"
        Language = "Polish"
        Quote = "Nie masz prawa do swojej opinii.",
                "Masz prawo do świadomej opinii.",
                "Nikt nie ma prawa być ignorantem."
        Author = "Herbert Marcuse", '„Represive Tolerance”'
        Language = "English"
        Quote = "Librerating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance",
                "against movements from the Right and tolerance of",
                "movements from the Left."