
Function New-Script {
        Creates a new script. The -Body payload parameters determine what type of script is created.
        Types of script include online/offline kscript and online/offline shell script.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The fully qualified name (FQDN) of the SMA Appliance.
        The SMA Organization you want to retrieve information from. If not provided, 'Default' is used.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        A credential for the kace appliance that has permissions to interact with the API.
        To run interactively, use -Credential (Get-Credential)
        A hashtable-formatted payload with parameters for the new script.
    $scriptparams = @{
        'name' = 'xMy New Script'
        'description' = 'This script is amazing.'
        'enabled' = $False
        'status' = 'Draft'
        'notes'='These are the notes'
        'alertEnabled' = $False
        New-SmaScript -Server -Org Default -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScriptID 1234 -Body $scriptparams
        Creates a new script ID 1234, gives it 2 attempts with a break on failure. On remediation failure, it logs a status message.

        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = 'medium'
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Org = 'Default',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Begin {
        $Endpoint = "/api/script" # Not Working yet, so not exposed
    Process {
        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Server,"POST $Endpoint")) {
            New-ApiPOSTRequest -Server $Server -Endpoint $Endpoint -Org $Org -Credential $Credential -Body $Body
    End {}