
function Get-KBFDayOverview {
        Grabs all time entries, groups them as report
        Sometimes you have to report what your day was like.
        No problem if you used the kanbanflow timer features.
        Get-KBFDayOverview -ApiToken $board -Day ((Get-Date).Date)
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Process {
        $from    = ($Day).Date
        $to      = $from.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1)

        $entries = Get-KBFTimeEntry -From $from -To $to -ApiToken $ApiToken
        <# Normally we would have a big amount of api calls to get all the task
           information we need. Instead we read all tasks of the board to be
           This will work for now. Obviously this will become more and more problematic
           the longer a board lives and the more tasks it contains.

        $tasks   = Get-KBFTask -ApiToken $ApiToken -Flat

            We enrich the time entries with task information.
            This way it is much easier to interpret.

        foreach ($entry in $entries) {
            $task = ($tasks | Where-Object {$_._id -eq $entry.taskId})
            Write-Debug "task and entry chosen"
            $fromDateTime = $entry.startTimeStamp | ConvertTo-DateTime
            $tillDateTime = $entry.endTimeStamp   | ConvertTo-DateTime

            $durationInMinutes = [Math]::Round(($tillDateTime - $fromDateTime).TotalMinutes, 0)

            $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name taskName -Value $
            $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name durationInMinutes -Value $durationInMinutes
            $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name color -Value $task.color
            $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name number -Value $task.number.value
            $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name status -Value $task.columnName
            $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -Value $task._id 
        Write-Debug "shortly before the final output"