
function Get-KBFTimeUsageTable {
        Creates a time usage table for a time span
        You get just the users as well as their time spent grouped by color
        of the task

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $from = ($FromDay).Date
    $to = ($ToIncludingDay).Date.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1)

    $dayCount = [int]($to - $from).TotalDays

    $entries = Get-TimeEntries -From $from -To $to -ApiToken $ApiToken
    $tasks = Get-KBFTask -ApiToken $ApiToken -Flat

    <# We enrich the time entries with task information that we need
       for grouping later. #>

    foreach ($entry in $entries) {
        $task = ($tasks | Where-Object _id -eq $entry.taskId)
        $taskName = $
        $color = $task.color 
        <# Powershell 6 automatically converts the timestamps
            while Powershell 5 does not. #>

        $fromDateTime = $entry.startTimeStamp
        if ( $fromDateTime.GetType().Name -ne "DateTime" ) {
            $fromDateTime = [DateTime]::Parse($fromDateTime)

        $tillDateTime = $entry.endTimeStamp
        if ( $tillDateTime.GetType().Name -ne "DateTime" ) {
            $tillDateTime = [DateTime]::Parse($tillDateTime)
        $durationInMinutes = [Math]::Round(($tillDateTime - $fromDateTime).TotalMinutes, 0)

        $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name taskName -Value $taskName
        $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name durationInMinutes -Value $durationInMinutes
        $entry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name color -Value $color

    <# Then we group by user and color (task type), finally per task
       to create a statistic about the time that went in every task type and
       task in pomodoros. #>

    $entries | Group-Object userId | ForEach-Object {
        $user = $
        $totalP = 0.0

        $userColors = $ | Group-Object color
        $userColors | ForEach-Object {
            $color = $
            $sectionsP = 0.0

            $userTasks = $ | Group-Object taskName
            $userTasks | ForEach-Object {
                $totalMinutes = ($ | Measure-Object durationInMinutes -Sum).Sum
                $pomodoros = [Math]::Round( $totalMinutes / 25, 1 )
                $sectionsP += $pomodoros
                $totalP += $pomodoros

            Write-Output "$user - $color : $sectionsP P"

        Write-Output ("$user = $totalP P ( = " + [Math]::Round( $totalP / $dayCount, 1 ) + " P/day )")
        Write-Output ""