function Get-KaseyaServiceDeskTicketNotes { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns an array of notes for a specified service desk ticket. .PARAMETER ServiceDeskId Specify Ticket ID. .PARAMETER Filter Go to for more info. No need to ommit '$filter=' in your string as it will automatically be added for you. For example 'Online eq 0' will return all offline agents. .PARAMETER OrderBy Go to for more info. No need to ommit '$orderby=' in your string as it will automatically be added for you. For example 'ComputerName' will order results by the computer name. #> # Functions parameters Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidatePattern('^[0-9]')] [string]$TicketId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$Filter, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$OrderBy ) # Set local variables $results = @() $totalRecords = 0 $skip = 0 $top = 100 do { # Set API request parameters $params = @{ ApiMethod = 'GET' ApiRequest = '/automation/servicedesktickets/{0}/notes' -f $TicketId Paging = '?$skip={0}&$top={1}' -f $skip, $top } # Add filter to parameters if present If ($Filter) {$params.Add('Filter','&$filter={0}' -f $Filter)} # Add sorting to parameters if present If ($OrderBy) {$params.Add('OrderBy','&$orderby={0}' -f $OrderBy)} # Add records to hash $response = New-KaseyaApiRequest @params if($response) {$results += $response.result} # Get total records if($totalRecords -eq 0) {$totalRecords = [int]$response.totalrecords} # Update paging $skip += $top } until ($skip -ge $totalRecords) return $results } |