
function New-ApiAccessToken {

    Gets a new API access token.
    Returns the API access token.
    $apiUrl = The Kaseya VSA API URL
    $apiUser = Your Kaseya VSA Username
    $apiPswd = Your Kaseya VSA Password
    API Access Token

    # Check API Parameters
    if (!$apiUrl -or !$apiUser -or !$apiPswd) {
        Write-Host "API Parameters missing, please run Set-ApiParameters first!"

    # Hash Kaseya VSA password
    $RandomNumber = Get-Random -Minimum 10000000 -Maximum 99999999
    $RawSHA256Hash = New-Hash -Algorithm 'SHA256' -Text "$apiPswd"
    $CoveredSHA256HashTemp = New-Hash -Algorithm 'SHA256' -Text "$apiPswd$apiUser"
    $CoveredSHA256Hash = New-Hash -Algorithm 'SHA256' -Text "$CoveredSHA256HashTemp$RandomNumber"
    $RawSHA1Hash = New-Hash -Algorithm 'SHA1' -Text "$apiPswd"
    $CoveredSHA1HashTemp = New-Hash -Algorithm 'SHA1' -Text "$apiPswd$apiUser"
    $CoveredSHA1Hash = New-Hash -Algorithm 'SHA1' -Text "$CoveredSHA1HashTemp$RandomNumber"

    # Create base64 encoded authentication for Authorization header
    $auth = 'user={0},pass2={1},pass1={2},rpass2={3},rpass1={4},rand2={5}' -f $apiUser, $CoveredSHA256Hash, $CoveredSHA1Hash, $RawSHA256Hash, $RawSHA1Hash, $RandomNumber
    $authBase64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($auth)) 

    # Define parameters for Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet
    $params = [ordered] @{
        Uri             = '{0}/api/v1.0/auth' -f $apiUrl
        Method          = 'GET'
        ContentType     = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
        Headers         = @{'Authorization' = "Basic $authBase64Encoded"}

    # Fetch new access token
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod @params
    return $response.result.token
