
using module .\src\KidRSA.AsymmetricKeys.psm1

Returns asymetric keys; Public Key and Private Key

To be used to encrypt and decrypt cipher text values.

Any integer in the range of 1-100.

Any integer in the range of 1-1000.

Any integer in the range of 1-1000.

Any integer in the range of 1-1000.

C:\> $AlicesKeys = Get-RSAKey -a 67 -b 63 -a_ 2 -b_ 3
VERBOSE: The value for 'a' is: 67
VERBOSE: The value for 'b' is: 63
VERBOSE: The value for 'a_' is: 2
VERBOSE: The value for 'b_' is: 3
VERBOSE: The value of Private key 'e' (encrypt) is: 8507
VERBOSE: The value of Public key 'd' (decrypt) is: 12723
VERBOSE: The value of 'n' is: 25648

General notes

function Get-RSAKey {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [long]$a = $(Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 1000),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [long]$b = $(Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 1000),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [long]$a_ = $(Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 1000),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [long]$b_ = $(Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 1000)

    Write-Verbose -Message "The value for 'a' is: $($a)"
    Write-Verbose -Message "The value for 'b' is: $($b)"
    Write-Verbose -Message "The value for 'a_' is: $($a_)"
    Write-Verbose -Message "The value for 'b_' is: $($b_)"

    $Keys = [AsymmetricKeys]::new($a, $b, $a_, $b_)

    Write-Verbose -Message "The value of Private key 'e' (encrypt) is: $($Keys.e)"
    Write-Verbose -Message "The value of Public key 'd' (decrypt) is: $($Keys.d)"
    Write-Verbose -Message "The value of 'n' is: $($Keys.n)"


Decrypts the value from ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue function

Given a private and public key from Get-RSAKey function, the public key is used to encrypt a cipher
text via ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue function. The value from that function is used in this
function to decrypt it using the private (d) key.

.PARAMETER EncryptedCipherText
The value from ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue

The private key to decrypt EncryptedCipherText parameter. This is typically represented in
mathematical operations as the letter 'd'.

The key modulus of PrivateKey parameter value. This is typically represented in mathematical
operations as the letter 'n'.

An example

General notes

function ConvertTo-PrivateDecryptionValue {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $CipherText = ($PrivateKey * $EncryptedCipherText) % $N
    Write-Verbose -Message "(Decrypted) Ciphertext value is : $($CipherText)"

Encrypts the value from ConvertTo-CipherText function

Given a private and public key from Get-RSAKey function, the public key is used to encrypt cipher
text. The value returned from this function is used in the ConvertTo-PrivateDecryptionValue
function to decrypt it.

The value from ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue

The public key to encrypt CipherText parameter. This is typically represented in mathematical
operations as the letter 'e'.

The key modulus of PublicKey parameter value. This is typically represented in mathematical
operations as the letter 'n'.

An example

General notes

function ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $EncryptedCipherText = ($PublicKey * $CipherText) % $N
    Write-Verbose -Message "Encrypted ciphertext value is : $($EncryptedCipherText)"

Returns a morphic map of alpha and numeric values.

Used as a lookup table to encode plain text or decode cipher text

Determines the type value for the keys of map. Validate set of: "Alpha" or "Numeric".

General notes

function Get-IsomorphicMap {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Alpha", "Numeric")]
    $Base26Table = @{}
    0..25 | ForEach-Object {
        $Alpha = [System.Convert]::ToChar($_ + 65)
        if ($KeyType -eq "Alpha") {
            $Base26Table.Add($Alpha, $_)
        else {
            $Base26Table.Add($_, $Alpha)

Returns cipher text from plain text.

Pass an alphabetic, with a length no greater then 6 to this function to get a cipher text value. In
cryptography, this algorithm is referred to more specifically as 'simple-substitution' cipher.

Message to convert to cipher text

C:\> ConvertTo-PlainText 'BOB'
C:\> 10410

This function will multiple the value by 10 before returning.

function ConvertTo-CipherText {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false)]
        #[ValidateLength(1, 6)]
        [ValidateScript( {$_[0] -ne 'A'})]

    $Base26 = Get-IsomorphicMap -KeyType Alpha
    $Pointer = 0
    $Value = 0
    while ($Pointer -lt $PlainText.Length) {
        $Character = $PlainText[$Pointer]
        $Value += $Base26[$Character] * [System.Math]::Pow(26, $($PlainText.Length - $Pointer - 1))
    $Value = $Value * 10
    Write-Verbose -Message "Ciphertext value is : $Value"

Returns plain text from cipher text.

The ConvertTo-CipherText takes plain text and returns cipher text. To reverse cipher text this
function is used.

For instance, the plain text value of 'BOB' has a cipher text value of 10410 (This repo converts
text to Hexavigesimal values times 10).

C:\> ConvertTo-PlainText 10410
C:\> BOB

Due to the simplicity of this demonstration ciphertext that start with 'A' will fail in this

This function follows referenced alphabet_encode in alphabet-encode-python repo:

function ConvertTo-PlainText {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false)]
    [long]$Q = $($CipherText / 10)
    [long]$R = 0

    $Base26 = Get-IsomorphicMap -KeyType Numeric
    while ($Q -ne 0) {
        $Q = Update-QuotientAndRemainder $Q ([ref]$R) -Map $Base26
        if ($R -eq 0) {
            $Q = $Q - 1
            $Base += $($Base26[$Base26.Count - 1])
        else {
            # keep $Key as an 'int' otherwise it will not work when indexing $Base26
            [int]$Key = $R - 1
            $Char = $Base26[$Key]
            $Base += $Char

    if ($Base.Length -gt 1) {
        # reverse the order of chars
        $BaseChar = $Base.ToCharArray()
        $Base = -join ($BaseChar)

    Write-Verbose -Message "Plaintext value is : $Base"


# this method has been created to have $R being typed and ref (referenced).
function Update-QuotientAndRemainder {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 2,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 3,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false)]

    $Q = [System.Math]::DivRem($Q + 1, $Map.Count, $R)