
function Get-KrbAccount
        Returns information on the Krbtgt Account.
        Returns information on the Krbtgt Account.
        Includes information on the Kerberos ticket configuration.
        Tries to use the GroupPolicy module to figure out the Kerberos policy settings.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The domain controller to ask for the information.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        The account to target.
        Defaults to the krbtgt account, but can be used to apply to other accounts (eg: The krbtgt account for a RODC)
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions.
        This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts.
        PS C:\> Get-KrbAccount
        Returns the krbtgt account information.

    param (
        $Identity = 'krbtgt',
        #region Prepare Preliminaries
        $parameter = @{
            Identity   = $Identity
            Properties = 'PasswordLastSet'
        if ($Server) { $parameter['Server'] = $Server }
            if ($Server) { $domainName = (Get-ADDomain -Server $Server -ErrorAction Stop).DNSRoot }
            else { $domainName = (Get-ADDomain -ErrorAction Stop).DNSRoot }
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Get-KrbAccount.FailedDomainAccess' -ErrorRecord $_ -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        #endregion Prepare Preliminaries
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        #region Get basic account properties
        Write-PSFMessage -String 'Get-KrbAccount.Start' -StringValues $Identity
        $krbtgt = Get-ADUser @parameter -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-PSFMessage -String 'Get-KrbAccount.UserFound' -StringValues $krbtgt.DistinguishedName -Level Debug
        $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
            PSTypeName               = 'Krbtgt.Account'
            EarliestResetTimestamp = $null
            Name                   = $krbtgt.Name
            SamAccountName           = $krbtgt.SamAccountName
            DistinguishedName       = $krbtgt.DistinguishedName
            PasswordLastSet           = $krbtgt.PasswordLastSet
            MaxTgtLifetimeHours    = 10
            MaxClockSkewMinutes    = 5
        #endregion Get basic account properties
        #region Retrieve Kerberos Policies
            Write-PSFMessage -String 'Get-KrbAccount.ScanningKerberosPolicy' -StringValues $domainName
            [xml]$gpo = Get-GPOReport -Guid '{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}' -ReportType Xml -ErrorAction Stop -Domain $domainName
            $result.MaxTgtLifetimeHours = (($gpo.gpo.Computer.ExtensionData | Where-Object { $ -eq 'Security' }).Extension.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'MaxTicketAge' }).SettingNumber
            $result.MaxClockSkewMinutes = (($gpo.gpo.Computer.ExtensionData | Where-Object { $ -eq 'Security' }).Extension.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'MaxClockSkew' }).SettingNumber
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Get-KrbAccount.FailedKerberosPolicyLookup' -StringValues $domainName -ErrorRecord $_
        #endregion Retrieve Kerberos Policies
        # This calculates the latest validity time of existing krbtgt tickets from before the last reset might have.
        # Resetting the krbtgt password again before this expiry time risks preventing DCs from synchronizing the password on the second reset!
        $result.EarliestResetTimestamp = (($Krbtgt.PasswordLastSet.AddHours($result.MaxTgtLifetimeHours)).AddMinutes($result.MaxClockSkewMinutes)).AddMinutes($result.MaxClockSkewMinutes)
        Write-PSFMessage -String 'Get-KrbAccount.Success' -StringValues $result.SamAccountName, $result.EarliestResetTimestamp