
#Region '.\Private\KubeInfo.ps1' 0
Set-StrictMode -Version 2

function Test-KubeBinary {
    try {
        [bool](Get-Command -Name 'kubectl')
    catch {

function Get-KubeContext {
    try {
        kubectl config current-context
    catch {

function Get-KubeNamespace {
    try {
        kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}'
    catch {
#EndRegion '.\Private\KubeInfo.ps1' 28
#Region '.\Private\Prompt.ps1' 0

function Write-ToHost {

    try {
        $params = @{
            Object = $Text
            NoNewLine = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ForegroundColor')) {
            $params.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor

        Write-Host @params
    catch {
#EndRegion '.\Private\Prompt.ps1' 27
#Region '.\Public\Write-KubePrompt.ps1' 0
$global:KubePromptSettings = @{
    SymbolColor = ([ConsoleColor]::DarkBlue)
    ContextColor = ([ConsoleColor]::DarkRed)
    NamespaceColor = ([ConsoleColor]::DarkCyan)
    Prefix = '['
    Suffix = ']'
    Symbol = @{
        Enabled = $true
        Value = 0x2388
    Divider = ':'
    Separator = '|'

function Write-KubePrompt {
    Write-KubePrompt cmdlet will add the current context and namespace in Kubernetes
    configured in `kubectl` to your PowerShell prompt.
    In your `$Profile` file, import KubePrompt module and add to your prompt function a call to `Write-KubePrompt`
    Import-Module -Name KubePrompt
    function prompt {
        ... Rest of your prompt
    Write-KubePrompt cmldet supports two ways for customizations. Either by specifying a parameter
    in the `Write-KubePrompt` cmdlet invocation or through modification of the `KubePromptSettings`
    global variable.
    .PARAMETER ContextColor
    Sets the foreground color for the context string. Value can be either of [ConsoleColor] type or string
    .PARAMETER NamespaceColor
    Sets the foreground color for the namespace string. Value can be either of [ConsoleColor] type or string
    .PARAMETER Symbol
    Sets the string/unicode character to be used as kubernetes symbol
    .PARAMETER SymbolColor
    Sets the foreground color for the symbol
    .PARAMETER DisableSymbol
    If specified, removes the symbol from the generated prompt
    Write-KubePrompt -DisableSymbol
    Hides the k8s symbol from the prompt
    $global:KubePromptSettings.Symbol.Enabled = $false
    PS > Write-KubePrompt
    Hides the k8s symbol from the prompt by setting the global KubePromptSettings variable
    Write-KubePrompt -Symbol '*'
    Overrides the symbol value with a string
    $global:KubePromptSettings.Symbol.Value = '*'
    PS > Write-KubePrompt
    Overrides the symbol value through the global KubePromptSettings variable
    Write-KubePrompt -Symbol 0x1011 # infinity symbol
    Overrides the symbol value by passing a Unicode character
    Write-KubePrompt -ContextColor ([ConsoleColor]::Green)
    Overrides the context string foreground color using a `ConsoleColor` type
    $global:KubePromptSettings.ContextColor = 'Green'
    PS > Write-KubePrompt
    Overrides the context string foreground color using a string
    Write-KubePrompt -NamespaceColor ([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)
    Overrides the namespace string foreground color using a `ConsoleColor` type
    $global:KubePromptSettings.NamespaceColor = 'Yellow'
    PS > Write-KubePrompt
    Overrides the namespace string foreground color using a string

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EnableSymbol')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EnableSymbol')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EnableSymbol')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EnableSymbol')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DisableSymbol')]

    try {
        $settings = $KubePromptSettings

        $ctxColor = $settings.ContextColor
        $nsColor = $settings.NamespaceColor
        $symColor = $settings.SymbolColor
        $sym = $settings.Symbol.Value
        $noSymbol = -not $settings.Symbol.Enabled

        if ($ContextColor) {
            $ctxColor = $ContextColor

        if ($NamespaceColor) {
            $nsColor = $NamespaceColor

        if ($SymbolColor) {
            $symColor = $SymbolColor

        if ($Symbol) {
            $sym = $Symbol

        if ($DisableSymbol) {
            $noSymbol = $DisableSymbol

        Write-ToHost -Text $settings.Prefix

        if (-not $noSymbol) {
            Write-ToHost -Text ("$([char]$sym) ") -ForegroundColor $symColor
            Write-ToHost -Text $settings.Separator

        Write-ToHost -Text (Get-KubeContext) -ForegroundColor $ctxColor

        Write-ToHost -Text $settings.Divider

        Write-ToHost -Text (Get-KubeNamespace) -ForegroundColor $nsColor

        Write-ToHost -Text $settings.Suffix
    catch {
#EndRegion '.\Public\Write-KubePrompt.ps1' 175