
function Write-Log {
Leif Almberg AB Lindex 4/11/2022
Lindex Powershell Module for Logging standardization
Write-Log writes log entries to screen, logfile and syslog depending on the setup.
The logfiles are located in the subfolder 'logfiles' of the script that is being processed, or a custom path.
Please note that you cannot test the function Write-Log at the prompt, since a script, and its path,
are mandatory for Write-Log to extract in order to log correctly.
Since a plethora of parameters are available, and perhaps needed (depending on your setup and demands), they are collected in a class that you create using the method New-LogFileParameters
See examples for details.
Scenario: Log output to screen (Tee) and daily logfile. No parameters are needed, this is default.
please note that no housekeeping will take place.
Write-Log -LogEntry "Entry 01"
Write-Log "entry 01"
Scenario: Log output to screen, daily logfile and syslog.
Housekeeping, keep the last 90 days.
Send email to opsgenie@lindex.com if an error (Severity 'Critical') is logged in the script.
$LogParams = New-LogFileParameters -Tee -DailyLogFile -HouseKeeping -DaysToKeep 90 -Syslog -SyslogFacility 20 -AlertEmail opsgenie@lindex.com
Write-Log -LogEntry "Entry 01" -Severity Critical -LogFileParameters $LogParams
Please see help for New-LogFileParameters for detailed Syslog help.
Scenario: Log output to screen and to a new logfile for each time the script is processed.
No housekeeping.
No email if an error (Severity 'Critical') is logged in the script.
N.B. This can also be used to log to a logfile of your own choice, since the logfile name is one of the input parameters.
The LogFile created in the example will be stored in the subfolder 'logfiles' with the name of the script concatenated
with date and time to the nearest second, in order to create a new logfile for each run.
See 'New-LogFileCurrentRunName' for details of Logfile name creation.
Note that only 'Tee' is a parameter in this case since the other command-line arguments
are handled with 'Write-Log' parameters.
$LogParams = New-LogFileParameters -Tee
$LogFile = New-LogFileCurrentRunName
Write-Log -LogEntry "Entry 01" -LogFileParameters $LogParams -LogFile $LogFile

        $Severity = "info",

    [bool]$LogTodo = $false
    [bool]$HouseKeepingTodo = $false

    if ($LogEntry) { 
         if ( -not ($MyInvocation.ScriptName)) {
            Write-Output "This command has to run from a script, not from the command line"
        } else {
            $LogTodo = $true
            $LogEntryFormat = (Set-LogEntryFormat $LogEntry $Severity)
            $BaseName=(Get-Item $MyInvocation.ScriptName).BaseName
            if ($LogFileParameters.LogFile) {
                $LogFile = $LogFileParameters.LogFile
            if (-not $LogFile) {
                if ($LogFileParameters.DailyLogFile -or -not ($LogFileParameters)) {
                    if ( -not ($LogFileParameters.LogPath)) {
                        $WorkingDir=(Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.ScriptName)
                        $Logfile = (New-DailyLogfileName $WorkingDir $BaseName)
                    } else {
                        $Logfile = (New-CustomDailyLogfileName $LogFileParameters.LogPath $BaseName)

            if ($Logfile) {
                Write-LogEntryLogFile $LogEntryFormat $Logfile

            if ($LogFileParameters.Tee -or -not ($LogFileParameters)) {
                Write-Tee $LogEntryFormat

            if ($LogFileParameters.Syslog -and $LogFileParameters.SyslogServer) {
                Write-SyslogEntry $LogEntry $LogFileParameters.SyslogFacility $Severity $LogFileParameters.SyslogServer

            if ($LogFileParameters.AlertEmail -and $Severity -eq 'Critical') {
                $Subject=$MyInvocation.Scriptname + " encountered an error"
                Send-Email $Subject $LogEntryFormat $LogFileParameters.AlertEmail $LogFileParameters.SMTPServer $LogFileParameters.ReplyTo

    if ($LogFileParameters.HouseKeeping) {
        $HouseKeepingTodo = $true
        Invoke-LogFileHouseKeeping $LogFileParameters.DaysToKeep $LogFileParameters.RunsToKeep
    if (!($LogTodo) -and !($HouseKeepingTodo)) {
        write-output "Nothing to log, use get-help write-log for parameters."

function New-LogFileParameters {
Leif Almberg AB Lindex 4/11/2022
Lindex Powershell Module for Logging standardization
New-LogFileParameters setups a class of variables that are mandatory or
voluntary input to the Write-Log method.
These parameters are only to be setup once, in the beginning of the script,
and are command-line parameters for each call to Write-Log.
See 'Write-Log' for utilization of this class.
Scenario: Log Output to screen, daily logfile and syslog.
Housekeeping, keep the last 90 days.
Send email to opsgenie@lindex.com if an error (Severity 'Critical') is logged in the script.
$LogParams = New-LogFileParameters -Tee -DailyLogFile -HouseKeeping -DaysToKeep 90 -Syslog -SyslogFacility 20 -AlertEmail opsgenie@lindex.com
Scenario: Do not log output to screen
Log to a new logfile for each time the script is processed.
No housekeeping.
No email if an error (Severity 'Critical') is logged in the script.
$LogParams = New-LogFileParameters
Scenario: Log Output to screen, daily logfile and no syslog.
Housekeeping, keep the last 20 logfiles, regardless of timestamps.
$LogParams = New-LogFileParameters -Tee -DailyLogFile -HouseKeeping -RunsToKeep 20
Scenario: Log Output to screen, daily logfile and no syslog. Log to a custom folder.
Housekeeping, keep the last 20 logfiles.
$LogParams = New-LogFileParameters -Tee -DailyLogFile -HouseKeeping -RunsToKeep 20

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    class LdxLogParameters {
    $Parameters = New-Object LdxLogParameters
    $Parameters.SMTPServer = $SMTPServer
    $Parameters.ReplyTo = $ReplyTo
    $Parameters.SyslogServer = $SyslogServer
    $Parameters.LogPath = $LogPath
    $Parameters.LogFile = $LogFile

    Return $Parameters

Function New-LogFileCurrentRunName {
Leif Almberg AB Lindex 4/11/2022
Lindex Powershell Module for Logging standardization
New-LogFileCurrentRunName returns a logfile name based on:
The script name
The script folder
Current time down to a second
The output can be used as a command-line argument to 'Write-Log'
if you want to have a new logfile created each time you run a script.
Scenario: You have a script name called 'Action.ps1' in the folder 'C:\Script'
The time is 14:20:31 and the date is March 31, 2020
The output of 'New-LogFileCurrentRunName' will be:

    $WorkingDir=(Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.ScriptName)
    $BaseName=(Get-Item $MyInvocation.ScriptName).BaseName
    $LogfileName = $BaseName + "_" + (get-date -Format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".log"

    return (Join-Path -Path (Get-LogFileDirectory $WorkingDir) -ChildPath $LogfileName)

Function New-DailyLogfileName {
    $LogfileName = $BaseName + "_" + (get-date -Format "yyyyMMdd") + ".log"

    return (Join-Path -Path (Get-LogFileDirectory $WorkingDir) -ChildPath $LogfileName)
Function New-DailyLogFileComputername {
    Leif Almberg AB Lindex 4/11/2022
    Lindex Powershell Module for Logging standardization
    New-DailyLogFileComputername returns a logfile name based on:
    The Computername
    Current date
    The output can be used as a command-line argument to 'Write-Log'
    if you want to have a customized new logfile name.

        $LogfileName = $ENV:COMPUTERNAME + "_" + (get-date -Format "yyyyMMdd") + ".log"
        return $LogfileName
    Function New-DailyLogfileName {
        $LogfileName = $BaseName + "_" + (get-date -Format "yyyyMMdd") + ".log"
        return (Join-Path -Path (Get-LogFileDirectory $WorkingDir) -ChildPath $LogfileName)
function  New-CustomDailyLogfileName  {
    param (
    $LogfileName = $BaseName + "_" + (get-date -Format "yyyyMMdd") + ".log"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $LogPath)) {
        New-Item -Path $LogPath -ItemType Directory -Force
    return (Join-Path -Path $LogPath -ChildPath $LogfileName)
Function Get-LogFileDirectory {
    $LogFileDirectory=(Join-Path -Path $WorkingDir -ChildPath "logfiles")
    if (!(test-path -path $LogFileDirectory)) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $LogFileDirectory | Out-Null

    return $LogFileDirectory

function Write-SyslogEntry {
    $LogLevel = "emergency", "alert", "critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug"
    [int]$SeverityLevel = [array]::IndexOf($LogLevel,$Severity.ToLower())
    if ($SeverityLevel -eq -1) { $SeverityLevel = 6 }
    [int]$Facility = $SyslogFacility * 8
    $SyslogCode = $Facility + $SeverityLevel

    [string[]]$SyslogMsg = ("<" + $SyslogCode + ">"),":" + $LogEntry

    $UDPCLient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
    $UDPCLient.Connect($SyslogServer, '514')
    $UDPCLient.Send($RawMsg, $rawmsg.Length) | Out-Null


function Write-LogEntryLogFile {

    $LogEntry | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append -Force

function Send-Email {

    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)

    $msg.From = "$ENV:computername@lindex.com"
    $msg.ReplyTo = $ReplyTo
    $msg.subject = $Subject
    $msg.body = $Body

function Write-Tee {

    Write-Output $LogEntry

function Set-LogEntryFormat {
    if ($Severity) { $SeverityEntry = $Severity + ": " }
    return (get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $SeverityEntry + $LogEntry

Function Invoke-LogFileHouseKeeping {

    if (-not ($LogFilesFolder)) {
        if ( -not ($MyInvocation.ScriptName)) {
            Write-Output "Without LogFilesFolder as an argument, this command has to run from a script, not from the command line"
        } else {
            $WorkingDir=(Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.ScriptName)
            $LogFileDirectory=(Get-LogFileDirectory $WorkingDir)
    } else {
        $LogFileDirectory = $LogFilesFolder
    if ($LogFileDirectory) {
        if ($DaysToKeep) {
            foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFileDirectory -File -Recurse:$Recurse) { 
                if ($file.lastwritetime -le (get-date).AddDays(-$DaysToKeep)) {
                    if ($List) {
                    } else {
                        remove-item -path (Join-Path -Path $file.Directory -ChildPath $file) -Force 

        if ($RunsToKeep) {
            $files = (Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFileDirectory -Recurse:$Recurse | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | Select-Object -first ((Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFileDirectory | Measure-Object).count -$RunsToKeep))
            if ($List) {
            } else {
                $files | remove-item -Force

        if ($MegaBytesToKeep) {
            $ActualMegaBytesToKeep = $MegaBytesToKeep * 1024 * 1024
            $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFileDirectory -Recurse:$false | Sort-Object LastWriteTime
            $sum = (($files | Measure-Object -Sum Length).Sum)
            while (($sum -gt $ActualMegaBytesToKeep) -or ($n -gt $files.count)) {
                $sum = $sum - $files[$n].Length
                if ($List) {
                } else {
                    $files[$n] | remove-item -Force
    } else {
        Write-Output "No LogFilesFolder as argument and not running from a script, nothing to do."