
function format-hours{

    If(($businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.Totalminutes -eq 0) -and ($businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.Totalminutes -eq 1439)){
        $x = "Open all day on $prepend"   
        write-host $x -ForegroundColor Green

    If(($businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.Totalminutes -eq 1439) -and ($businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.Totalminutes -eq 0)){
        $x = "Open all day on $prepend"   
        write-host $x -ForegroundColor Green

    If(($businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.Totalminutes -eq $null) -and ($businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.Totalminutes -eq 1439)){
        $x = "Open all day on $prepend"   
        write-host $x -ForegroundColor Green

    If(($businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.Totalminutes -eq 1439) -and ($businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.Totalminutes -eq $null)){
        $x = "Open all day on $prepend"   
        write-host $x -ForegroundColor Green

    If(($businesshours."$($day)hours1".opentime.Totalminutes -eq $businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.Totalminutes) -and ($businesshours."$($day)hours2".opentime.Totalminutes -eq $businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.Totalminutes)){
        $x = "Closed all day on $prepend"
        write-host $x -ForegroundColor Red

    If(($businesshours."$($day)hours1".opentime.Totalminutes -eq $businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.Totalminutes) -and ($businesshours."$($day)hours2".opentime.Totalminutes -ne $businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.Totalminutes)){
        $openH2 = $businesshours."$($day)hours2".opentime.hours
        if($openH2 -lt 10){$openH2 = "0$($openH2.tostring())"}
        $openM2 = $businesshours."$($day)hours2".opentime.minutes
        if($openM2 -lt 10){$openM2 = "0$($openM2.tostring())"}
        $closeH2 = $businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.hours
        if($closeH2 -lt 10){$closeH2 = "0$($closeH2.tostring())"}
        $closeM2 = $businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.minutes
        if($closeM2 -lt 10){$closeM2 = "0$($closeM2.tostring())"}
        write-host "From $($openH2):$openM2 to $($closeH2):$closeM2 on $prepend" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    If(($businesshours."$($day)hours1".opentime.Totalminutes -ne $businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.Totalminutes) -and ($businesshours."$($day)hours2".opentime.Totalminutes -eq $businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.Totalminutes)){
        $openH1 = $businesshours."$($day)hours1".opentime.hours
        if($openH1 -lt 10){$openH1 = "0$($openH1.tostring())"}
        $openM1 = $businesshours."$($day)hours1".opentime.minutes
        if($openM1 -lt 10){$openM1 = "0$($openM1.tostring())"}
        $closeH1 = $businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.hours
        if($closeH1 -lt 10){$closeH1 = "0$($closeH1.tostring())"}
        $closeM1 = $businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.minutes
        if($closeM1 -lt 10){$closeM1 = "0$($closeM1.tostring())"}  
        write-host "From $($openH1):$openM1 to $($closeH1):$closeM1 on $prepend" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    If(($businesshours."$($day)hours1".opentime.Totalminutes -ne $businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.Totalminutes) -and ($businesshours."$($day)hours2".opentime.Totalminutes -ne $businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.Totalminutes)){
        $openH1 = $businesshours."$($day)hours1".opentime.hours
        if($openH1 -lt 10){$openH1 = "0$($openH1.tostring())"}
        $openM1 = $businesshours."$($day)hours1".opentime.minutes
        if($openM1 -lt 10){$openM1 = "0$($openM1.tostring())"}
        $closeH1 = $businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.hours
        if($closeH1 -lt 10){$closeH1 = "0$($closeH1.tostring())"}
        $closeM1 = $businesshours."$($day)hours1".closetime.minutes
        if($closeM1 -lt 10){$closeM1 = "0$($closeM1.tostring())"}

        $openH2 = $businesshours."$($day)hours2".opentime.hours
        if($openH2 -lt 10){$openH2 = "0$($openH2.tostring())"}
        $openM2 = $businesshours."$($day)hours2".opentime.minutes
        if($openM2 -lt 10){$openM2 = "0$($openM2.tostring())"}
        $closeH2 = $businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.hours
        if($closeH2 -lt 10){$closeH2 = "0$($closeH2.tostring())"}
        $closeM2 = $businesshours."$($day)hours2".closetime.minutes
        if($closeM2 -lt 10){$closeM2 = "0$($closeM2.tostring())"}
        write-host "From $($openH1):$openM1 to $($closeH1):$closeM1 and from $($openH2):$openM2 to $($closeH2):$closeM2 on $prepend" -ForegroundColor Cyan



# This Function Returns the Selected Value and Closes the Form

function Return-DropDown {
    if ($DropDown.SelectedItem -eq $null){
        $DropDown.SelectedItem = $DropDown.Items[0]
        $script:Choice = $DropDown.SelectedItem.ToString()
        $script:Choice = $DropDown.SelectedItem.ToString()

function SelectGroup{
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")

    $Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form

    $Form.width = 500
    $Form.height = 150
    $Form.Text = �DropDown�

    $DropDown = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
    $DropDown.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(200,10)
    $DropDown.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(260,30)

    [void] $DropDown.Items.Add("Multiple_Response_Groups")
    ForEach ($Item in $DropDownArray) {
     [void] $DropDown.Items.Add($Item)


    $DropDownLabel = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $DropDownLabel.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,10) 
    $DropDownLabel.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,40) 
    $DropDownLabel.Text = "Select Group:"

    $Button = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $Button.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,50)
    $Button.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
    $Button.Text = "Select an Item"
    $form.ControlBox = $false

    [void] $Form.ShowDialog()

    return $script:choice

function Get-RgsWorkflow{
       Displays one or more RGS workflows
       Shows Workflow to queue to group with all parameters
       Selection of RGSWorkflow Name
       Report on workflow in Write-Host
    | DATE : 2018.10.29
    | AUTHOR : Michael L�rsen
    | E-Mail :

    if(!(get-module SkypForBusiness)){
        Import-Module SkypeForBusiness

    if($psise -ne $null){
        Write-Warning "the formatting looks better when you run this cmd-let from the Console instead ISE"

    [array]$DropDownArrayItems = (get-csrgsworkflow).name
    [array]$DropDownArray = $DropDownArrayItems | sort

    $Group = $null
    $Group = SelectGroup
    while ($Group -like ""){
        $Group = SelectGroup

    if($group -eq "Multiple_Response_Groups"){
        $prefix = read-host -Prompt "Type the first letter(s) of the response group for which to return results" 
        $rgsworkflows = get-csrgsworkflow | Where-Object{$ -like "$prefix*"}

        $rgsworkflows = get-csrgsworkflow -name $group

    foreach($rgsworkflow in $rgsworkflows){
        $rgsqueue = Get-CsRgsQueue | Where-Object{$_.identity.instanceID.guid -eq $rgsworkflow.DefaultAction.QueueID.InstanceId}

        $rgsgroups = @()
        foreach($agentGroup in $rgsqueue.AgentGroupIDList){
            $rgsgroups += Get-CsRgsAgentGroup | where-object{$_.identity.instanceid.guid -eq $agentgroup.instanceID.Guid}

        write-host "`n======== GENERAL INFO ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        if($Rgsworkflow.Active -eq $true){
            write-host "workflow is active" -ForegroundColor Green
            write-host "workflow is inactive" -ForegroundColor Gray

        if($Rgsworkflow.EnabledForFederation -eq $true){
            write-host "workflow is enabled for federation" -ForegroundColor Green
            write-host "workflow is not enabled for federation" -ForegroundColor Gray

        if($Rgsworkflow.Anonymous -eq $true){
            write-host "workflow is enabled for agent anonymity" -ForegroundColor Green
            write-host "workflow is not enabled for agent anonymity" -ForegroundColor Gray

        write-host "Sip Address: `t`t $($rgsworkflow.primaryuri)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        write-host "Displayname: `t`t $($" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        write-host "Telephone Number: `t $($rgsworkflow.Lineuri)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        write-host "DisplayNumber: `t`t $($rgsworkflow.DisplayNumber)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        if($rgsworkflow.Description -ne $null){
            write-host "Description: `t`t $($rgsworkflow.Description)" -ForegroundColor Cyan

        if($Rgsworkflow.managed -eq $true){
            write-host "workflow type is managed by:" -ForegroundColor Green
            foreach($manager in $rgsworkflow.ManagersByUri){
                write-host "`t`t`t$manager" -ForegroundColor Cyan
            write-host "workflow type is unmanaged" -ForegroundColor Gray

        write-host "`n======== Language ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        write-host "Workflow Language: `t $($rgsworkflow.Language)" -ForegroundColor Cyan

        write-host "`n======== Welcome Message ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        if($rgsworkflow.DefaultAction.Prompt.AudioFilePrompt -ne $null){
            write-host "Audiofile: `t`t $($rgsworkflow.DefaultAction.Prompt.AudioFilePrompt)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        if($rgsworkflow.DefaultAction.Prompt.TextToSpeechPrompt -ne $null){
            write-host "Text to Speech: `t`t $($rgsworkflow.DefaultAction.Prompt.TextToSpeechPrompt)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        write-host "`n======== Business Hours ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        if($rgsworkflow.NonBusinessHoursAction.Prompt.AudioFilePrompt -ne $null){
            write-host "Message outside of business hours - Audiofile: `t`t $($rgsworkflow.NonBusinessHoursAction.Prompt.AudioFilePrompt)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        if($($rgsworkflow.NonBusinessHoursAction.Prompt.TextToSpeechPrompt).length -ne 0){
            write-host "Message outside of business hours - Text to Speech: `t`t $($rgsworkflow.NonBusinessHoursAction.Prompt.TextToSpeechPrompt)" -ForegroundColor Cyan

        write-host "Action outside of business hours: `t $($rgsworkflow.NonBusinessHoursAction.action)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $businesshours = Get-CsRgsHoursOfBusiness -Identity $rgsworkflow.BusinessHoursID
        if(($businesshours.MondayHours1.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.TuesdayHours1.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.MondayHours1.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.TuesdayHours1.CloseTime) -and ($businesshours.MondayHours2.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.TuesdayHours2.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.MondayHours2.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.TuesdayHours2.CloseTime)){
            if(($businesshours.TuesdayHours1.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.WednesdayHours1.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.TuesdayHours1.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.WednesdayHours1.CloseTime) -and ($businesshours.TuesdayHours2.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.WednesdayHours2.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.TuesdayHours2.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.WednesdayHours2.CloseTime)){
                if(($businesshours.WednesdayHours1.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.ThursdayHours1.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.WednesdayHours1.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.ThursdayHours1.CloseTime) -and ($businesshours.WednesdayHours2.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.ThursdayHours2.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.WednesdayHours2.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.ThursdayHours2.CloseTime)){
                    if(($businesshours.ThursdayHours1.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.FridayHours1.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.ThursdayHours1.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.FridayHours1.CloseTime) -and ($businesshours.ThursdayHours2.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.FridayHours2.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.ThursdayHours2.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.FridayHours2.CloseTime)){
                        if(($businesshours.FridayHours1.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.SaturdayHours1.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.FridayHours1.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.SaturdayHours1.CloseTime) -and ($businesshours.FridayHours2.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.SaturdayHours2.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.FridayHours2.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.SaturdayHours2.CloseTime)){
                            if(($businesshours.SaturdayHours1.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.SundayHours1.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.SaturdayHours1.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.SundayHours1.CloseTime) -and ($businesshours.SaturdayHours2.OpenTime -eq $businesshours.SundayHours2.OpenTime) -and ($businesshours.SaturdayHours2.CloseTime -eq $businesshours.SundayHours2.CloseTime)){

                                    format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Sunday" -prepend "Monday - Sunday"
                                format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Saturday" -prepend "Monday - Saturday"
                                format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Sunday" -prepend "Sunday: "
                            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Friday" -prepend "Monday - Friday"
                            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Saturday" -prepend "Saturday"
                            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Sunday" -prepend "Sunday"
                        format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Thursday" -prepend "Monday - Thursday"
                        format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Friday" -prepend "Friday"
                        format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Saturday" -prepend "Saturday"
                        format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Sunday" -prepend "Sunday"
                    format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Wednesday" -prepend "Monday - Wednesday"
                    format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Thursday" -prepend "Thursday"
                    format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Friday" -prepend "Friday"
                    format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Saturday" -prepend "Saturday"
                    format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Sunday" -prepend "Sunday"
                format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Tuesday" -prepend "Monday - Wednesday"
                format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Wednesday" -prepend "Wednesday"
                format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Thursday" -prepend "Thursday"
                format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Friday" -prepend "Friday"
                format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Saturday" -prepend "Saturday"
                format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Sunday" -prepend "Sunday" 
        } Else{
            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Monday" -prepend "Monday"
            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Tuesday" -prepend "Tuesday"
            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Wednesday" -prepend "Wednesday"
            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Thursday" -prepend "Thursday"
            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Friday" -prepend "Friday"
            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Saturday" -prepend "Saturday"
            format-hours -businessHours $businesshours -day "Sunday" -prepend "Sunday"

        write-host "`n======== Holidays ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        foreach($item in $rgsworkflow.HolidaySetIDList){

            $service = (get-csservice | ?{$_.serviceID -eq $($item.ServiceId)}).identity
            $identity = $service + "/" + $item.instanceid
            write-host (Get-CsRgsHolidaySet -Identity $identity).name  -ForegroundColor Cyan

        write-host "`n======== Connected queue ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        $rgsqueuename = (get-csrgsqueue -Identity $rgsworkflow.DefaultAction.QueueID).name 
        write-host $rgsqueuename -ForegroundColor Cyan

        write-host "`n======== Music on Hold ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        write-host $rgsworkflow.CustomMusicOnHoldFile.OriginalFileName -ForegroundColor Cyan

        write-host "`n======== Queue settings ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        $rgsqueue = Get-CsRgsQueue -Name $rgsqueuename
        write-host "Name: `t`t`t`t`t" $  -ForegroundColor Cyan
        if($rgsqueue.Description -ne $null){
            write-host "Description: `t`t`t`t" $rgsqueue.Description  -ForegroundColor Cyan
        if($rgsqueue.TimeoutThreshold -ne $null){
            write-host "Queue Timeout Seconds: `t`t`t" $rgsqueue.TimeoutThreshold -ForegroundColor Cyan
            write-host "Queue Timeout Action: `t`t`t" $rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.action -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.Prompt -ne $null){
                write-host "Queue Timeout Prompt: `t`t`t" $rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.Prompt -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.Question -ne $null){
                write-host "Queue Timeout Question: `t`t`t" $rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.Question -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.QueueID -ne $null){
                $rgsTimeoutqueuename = (get-csrgsqueue -Identity $rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.QueueID).name
                write-host "Queue Timeout Forward Queue: `t`t" $rgsTimeoutqueuename -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.Uri -ne $null){
                write-host "Queue Timeout Forward to: `t`t" $rgsqueue.Timeoutaction.Uri -ForegroundColor Cyan
        If($rgsqueue.OverflowThreshold -ne $null){
            write-host "Queue Overflow Threshold: `t`t" $rgsqueue.OverflowThreshold -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.OverflowCandidate -ne $null){
                write-host "Queue Overflow Candidate: `t`t" $rgsqueue.OverflowCandidate -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.OverflowAction.Prompt -ne $null){
                write-host "Queue Overflow Prompt: `t`t" $rgsqueue.OverflowAction.Prompt -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.OverflowAction.Question -ne $null){
                write-host "Queue Overflow Question: `t`t" $rgsqueue.OverflowAction.Question -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.OverflowAction.QueueID -ne $null){
                $rgsOverflowqueuename = (get-csrgsqueue -Identity $rgsqueue.OverflowAction.QueueID).name
                write-host "Queue Overflow Forward Queue: `t`t`t" $rgsOverflowqueuename -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($rgsqueue.OverflowAction.Uri -ne $null){
                write-host "Queue Overflow Forward to: `t`t" $rgsqueue.OverflowAction.Uri -ForegroundColor Cyan

        write-host "`n======== Groups & Agents ========" -BackgroundColor Gray
        foreach($item in $rgsqueue.AgentGroupIDList){
            $service = (get-csservice | ?{$_.serviceID -eq $($item.ServiceId)}).identity
            $identity = $service + "/" + $item.instanceid
            $agentgroup = (Get-CsRgsAgentGroup -Identity $identity)
            write-host "Agent group Name: `t`t`t" $  -ForegroundColor Cyan
            write-host "Agent group Alert Time: `t`t" $agentgroup.AgentAlertTime -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if($agentGroup.Description -ne $null){
                write-host "Agent group Description: `t" $agentgroup.Description -ForegroundColor Cyan
            write-host "Agent group participation policy: `t" $agentgroup.ParticipationPolicy -ForegroundColor Cyan
            write-host "Agent group routing method: `t`t" $agentgroup.RoutingMethod -ForegroundColor Cyan
            $x = $false
            foreach($member in $agentGroup.agentsbyURI){
                $agent = $member.ToString()
                if($x -eq $false){
                    $x = $true
                    write-host "Agent group members: `t`t`t" $agent.Replace("sip:","")  -ForegroundColor Green
                    write-host "`t`t`t`t`t" $agent.Replace("sip:","")  -ForegroundColor Green
    write-host "`n`n" 
    Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"

function Get-SfbAssignedNumbers{
       Exports all assigned numbers from SfB / AudioCodes
       Shows Workflow to queue to group with all parameters
    .PARAMETER audiocodesIniDir
        One or more directories containing ini backup files from Audiocodes SBCs
    .PARAMETER outputDir
        Path where the output is stored
    .PARAMETER gatewayType
        Name that will be given to numbers routed to a gateway (Default value is DECT)
    .PARAMETER lanInterfaceName
        Interface name of the internal LAN interface in Audiocodes (Default value is SIP_LAN)
    .PARAMETER mucIpGroupname
        IP Group Name of the SfB group (Default value is SfB)
    .PARAMETER reduce
        When an unassigned number range is configured with +99, this will be reduced by 58000000000 by
        default to end up with a +41 number. Change accordingly if you have a different country code.
        Assumption is made that you have a 12 digit number including the +. Reason for including a +99
        unassigned number range can be that you want internal callers calling this range be sent back
        to the SBC instead of to the unassigned number target. For example pre-migration scenarios or where
        part of the range belongs to numbers from the gateway.
       Get-RgsWorkflow -audiocodesDir 'c:\Audiocodes\Backup\\','c:\Audiocodes\Backup\\' -outputDir 'c:\SfB\AssignedNumbers\'
       Get-RgsWorkflow -audiocodesDir 'c:\Audiocodes\Backup\\' -outputDir 'c:\SfB\AssignedNumbers\' -gatewayType 'PRI_Phones' -lanInterfaceName 'Internal' -mucIpGroupname 'Lync' -reduce 56000000000
       file in outputdir\history containing assigned number range files
       file .\outputdir\SfbAssignedNumbers.csv containing currently assigned numbers
       file .\outputdir\AvailableNumbers.csv containing unassigned numbers based on unassigned number ranges and assignedNumbers
    | DATE : 2018.10.29
    | AUTHOR : Michael L�rsen
    | E-Mail :

    # This script queries Lync for all assigned numbers and displays in a formatted table with the option to export to CSV.
    # During processing LineURI's are run against a regex pattern to extract the DDI/DID and the extension to a separate column.
    # Numbers Queried: LineURI, Private Line, Analouge Lines, Common Area Phones, RGS Workflows, Exchange UM Contacts, Trusted Applications and Conferencing Numbers

    # Also queries the Fax number from a backup the audiocodes gateway, as well as gateway numbers, which as displayed as DECT as those are typically

    [string]$gatewayType = 'DECT',
    [string]$lanInterfaceName = 'SIP_LAN',
    [string]$mucIpGroupname = 'SfB',
    [int]$reduce = 58000000000

    if($outputDir.Substring($outputDir.Length -1) -ne "\"){
        $outputDir = $outputDir + '\'

    if(!(test-path $audiocodesIniDir)){
        Write-Error -Message 'audiocodesIniDir does not exist'
    if(!(test-path $outputDir)){
        Write-Error -Message 'outputDir does not exist'

    $FileName = "SfbAssignedNumbers_" + (Get-Date -Format s).replace(":","-") +".csv"
    $FilePath = "$($outputDir)History\$FileName"
    $FilePath2 = "$($outputDir)SfbAssignedNumbers.csv"

    if(!(get-module SkypForBusiness)){
        Import-Module SkypeForBusiness
    if(!(get-module Lync)){
        Import-Module Lync

    $Regex1 = '^(?:tel:)?(?:\+)?(\d+)(?:;ext=(\d+))?(?:;([\w-]+))?$'

    $Array1 = @()

    #Get Fax numbers
    #get most recent ini file
    $ipRouting = $null
    foreach($backupPath in $audiocodesIniDir){
        $backupFile = get-content (Get-ChildItem -path $backupPath -filter "*.ini" | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending  | Select-Object -First 1).fullname
        $match = $false

        foreach($line in $backupFile){
            if($line -eq '[ \IP2IPRouting ]'){
                #stop capturing strings after this
                $match = $false
            if($match -eq $true){
                #capture strings
                $ipRouting += $line 
                $ipRouting += "`n"

            if($line -eq '[ IP2IPRouting ]'){
                #start capturing strings
                $match = $true


    $ipRouting = $ipRouting.trim()
    $ipRouting = ConvertFrom-Csv $ipRouting -Delimiter "," 
    #select only fax numbers (not going to SfB and no empty lines)
    #include a destination type of 8 so that numbers sent to the gateway (ie. DECT) are included too.
    $faxNumbers = $ipRouting | Where-Object{$_.IP2IPRouting_DestSipInterfaceName -eq $lanInterfaceName -and ($_.IP2IPRouting_DestIPGroupName -notin $mucIpGroupname,'' -or $_.IP2IPRouting_DestType -eq 8)}
        foreach($item in $faxNumbers){
            if($item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix.IndexOf('[') -ne -1){ #add lines for ranges and series
                $number = $item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix.split('[')[0]
                $number = $number.replace('+','')
                if( ($item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix.split('[')[1]).trim(']').indexof('-') -ne -1){ #found a - in the [] // create a range
                    $range = ($item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix.split('[')[1]).trim(']').split('-')
                    $range[0]..$range[1] | foreach-object{
                        $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI"  -Value $item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix
                        if($_ -lt 10){
                            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value "$($number)0$($_)"
                            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $number$_
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value ""
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.IP2IPRouting_DestIPGroupName
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "FirstName" -Value ""
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LastName" -Value ""
                        if($item.IP2IPRouting_DestType -eq 8){
                            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value $gatewayType
                            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "Fax"
                        $Array1 += $myObject1 
                if( ($item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix.split("[")[1]).trim("]").indexof(",") -ne -1){#found a , in the [] // create a series
                    $range = ($item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix.split("[")[1]).trim("]").split(",")
                    foreach($thing in $range){
                        $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $number$thing
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value ""
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.IP2IPRouting_DestIPGroupName
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "FirstName" -Value ""
                        $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LastName" -Value ""
                        if($item.IP2IPRouting_DestType -eq 8){
                            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value $gatewayType
                            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "Fax"
                        $Array1 += $myObject1 
            Else{# just add the number as is
                $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
                $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix
                $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $item.IP2IPRouting_DestUsernamePrefix.replace("+","")
                $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value ""
                $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.IP2IPRouting_DestIPGroupName
                $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "FirstName" -Value ""
                $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LastName" -Value ""
                if($item.IP2IPRouting_DestType -eq 8){
                    $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value $gatewayType
                    $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "Fax"
                $Array1 += $myObject1 

    #Get Users with LineURI
    $UsersLineURI = Get-CsUser -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null}
    if($UsersLineURI -ne $null){
        foreach($item in $UsersLineURI)    {                  
            $Matches = @()
            $Item.LineURI -match $Regex1 | out-null
            $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $Item.LineURI
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $Matches[1]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value $Matches[2]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.Name
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "FirstName" -Value $Item.FirstName
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LastName" -Value $Item.LastName
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "User"
            $Array1 += $myObject1          

    #Get Users with Private Line
    $UsersPrivateLine = Get-CsUser -Filter {PrivateLine -ne $Null} 
    if($UsersPrivateLine -ne $null){
        foreach($item in $UsersPrivateLine)    {                   
            $Matches = @()
            $Item.PrivateLine -match $Regex1 | out-null
            $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $Item.PrivateLine
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $Matches[1]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value $Matches[2]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.Name
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "FirstName" -Value $Item.FirstName
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LastName" -Value $Item.LastName
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "UserPrivateLine"
            $Array1 += $myObject1          

    #Get analouge lines
    $AnalougeLineURI = Get-CsAnalogDevice -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null}  
    if($AnalougeLineURI -ne $null){
        foreach($item in $AnalougeLineURI)    {                  
            $Matches = @()
            $Item.LineURI -match $Regex1 | out-null
            $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $Item.LineURI
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $Matches[1]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value $Matches[2]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.Name
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "AnalougeLine"
            $Array1 += $myObject1          

    #Get common area phones
    $CommonAreaLineURI = Get-CsCommonAreaPhone -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null} 
    if($CommonAreaLineURI -ne $null){
        foreach($item in $CommonAreaLineURI)    {                    
            $Matches = @()
            $Item.LineURI -match $Regex1 | out-null
            $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $Item.LineURI
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $Matches[1]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value $Matches[2]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.Name
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "CommonArea"
            $Array1 += $myObject1          

    #Get RGS workflows
    $WorkflowLineURI = Get-CsRgsWorkflow
    if($WorkflowLineURI -ne $null){
        foreach($item in $WorkflowLineURI)    {                 
            $Matches = @()
            $Item.LineURI -match $Regex1 | out-null
            $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $Item.LineURI
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $Matches[1]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value $Matches[2]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.Name
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "RGSWorkflow"
            $Array1 += $myObject1          

    #Get Exchange UM Contacts
    $ExUmContactLineURI = Get-CsExUmContact -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null}
    if($ExUmContactLineURI -ne $null){
        foreach($item in $ExUmContactLineURI)    {                   
            $Matches = @()
            $Item.LineURI -match $Regex1 | out-null
            $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $Item.LineURI
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $Matches[1]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value $Matches[2]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.Name
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "ExUmContact"
            $Array1 += $myObject1          

    #Get trusted applications
    $TrustedApplicationLineURI = Get-CsTrustedApplicationEndpoint -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null}
    if($TrustedApplicationLineURI -ne $null){
        foreach($item in $TrustedApplicationLineURI){                   
            $Matches = @()
            $Item.LineURI -match $Regex1 | out-null
            $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $Item.LineURI
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $Matches[1]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value $Matches[2]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.Name
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "TrustedApplication"
            $Array1 += $myObject1          

    #Get conferencing numbers
    $DialInConfLineURI = Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber -Filter {LineURI -ne $Null}
    if($DialInConfLineURI -ne $null){
        foreach($Item in $DialInConfLineURI){                 
            $Matches = @()
            $Item.LineURI -match $Regex1 | out-null

            $myObject1 = New-Object System.Object
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "LineURI" -Value $Item.LineURI
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DDI" -Value $Matches[1]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Ext" -Value $Matches[2]
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Name" -Value $Item.DisplayName
            $myObject1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Type" -Value "DialInConf"
            $Array1 += $myObject1          

    $Array1 | export-csv $FilePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding unicode
    $Array1 | export-csv $FilePath2  -NoTypeInformation -Encoding unicode -force

    Write-Host "ALL DONE!! Your file has been saved to $FilePath"
    Write-Host "Creating available numbers list"

    Remove-Item -path "$outputDir\Available-numbers.csv" -Force

    $ranges = Get-CsUnassignedNumber 

    $latest = Get-ChildItem -Path $outputPath -filter "*.csv" | Sort-Object LastAccessTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    $assignedNumbers = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $latest.VersionInfo.FileName

    $result = "Range,RangeStart,RangeEnd,AvailableNumber"

    foreach($range in $ranges){
        $start = [long]$range.NumberRangeStart.Substring(5,11)
        $end = [long]$range.NumberRangeEnd.Substring(5,11)
        #reduce to a +41 number in case the range has been put in as +99
        if($start -gt 98999999999){$start = $start - $reduce}
        if($end -gt 98999999999){$end = $end - $reduce}
        $available = @()
        $x = $start
        while($x -le $end){
            if($x -notin $assignedNumbers.DDI){
                $available += $x 
            $x = $x + 1
        foreach($item in $available){
            $result += [environment]::NewLine
            $result += "$($range.Identity),$start,$end,$item"
        #add the ranges even if they don't have free numbers for the excel script output.
        $result += [environment]::NewLine
        $result += "$($range.Identity),$start,$end" 

    $result | Out-File -FilePath "$outputDir\Available-numbers.csv" -Encoding unicode