
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    UpdatingVMProperties = Updating VM '{0}' properties..
    VMPropertiesUpdated = VM '{0}' properties have been updated.
    WaitingForVMIPAddress = Waiting for IP Address for VM '{0}' ...
    StoppingVM = Stopping VM '{0}'.
    SuspendingVM = Suspending VM '{0}'.
    StartingVM = Starting VM '{0}'.
    ResumingVM = Resuming VM '{0}'.
    VMStateWillBeOffWarning = VM '{0}' state will be 'OFF' and not 'Paused'.
    CannotUpdatePropertiesOnlineError = Can not change properties for VM '{0}' in '{1}' state unless 'RestartIfNeeded' is set to true.
    RoleMissingError = Required role '{0}' is missing/not installed.
    WaitForVMIPAddressTimeoutError = Waiting for VM '{0}' IP address timed out after {1} seconds.