
$Script:GitHubAPIURL = ""

# @FUNCTION@ ======================================================================================================================
# Name...........: Test-ScriptLatestVersion
# Description....: Compare the current version and the online (GitHub) version
# Parameters.....: The online file URL, current Version, a pattern to look for the script version number in the online file
# Return Values..: True if the online version is the latest, False otherwise
# =================================================================================================================================
Function Test-ScriptLatestVersion
    Compare the current version and the online (GitHub) version
    Compare the current version and the online (GitHub) version.
    Can compare version number based on Major, Major-Minor and Major-Minor-Patch version numbers
    Returns True if the online version is the latest, False otherwise
    The online file URL (in GitHub) to download and inspect
.PARAMETER currentVersion
    The current version number to compare to
.PARAMETER versionPattern
    A pattern of the script version number to search for in the online file

        [string]$versionPattern = "ScriptVersion",
    $getScriptContent = ""
    $isLatestVersion = $false
        $getScriptContent = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $scriptURL).Content
        If($($getScriptContent -match "$versionPattern\s{0,1}=\s{0,1}\""([\d\.]{1,10})\"""))
            $gitHubScriptVersion = $Matches[1]
            if($null -ne $outGitHubVersion)
                $outGitHubVersion.Value = $gitHubScriptVersion
            Write-Host "Current Version: $currentVersion; GitHub Version: $gitHubScriptVersion"
            # Get a Major-Minor number format
            $gitHubMajorMinor = [double]($gitHubScriptVersion.Split(".")[0..1] -join '.')
            $currentMajorMinor = [double]($currentVersion.Split(".")[0..1] -join '.')
            # Check if we have a Major-Minor-Patch version number or only Major-Minor
            If(($gitHubScriptVersion.Split(".").count -gt 2) -or ($currentVersion.Split(".").count -gt 2))
                $gitHubPatch = [int]($gitHubScriptVersion.Split(".")[2])
                $currentPatch = [int]($currentVersion.Split(".")[2])
            # Check the Major-Minor version
            If($gitHubMajorMinor -ge $currentMajorMinor)
                If($gitHubMajorMinor -eq $currentMajorMinor)
                    # Check the patch version
                    $isLatestVersion = $($gitHubPatch -gt $currentPatch)
                else {
                    $isLatestVersion = $true
        else {
            Throw "Test-ScriptLatestVersion: Couldn't match Script Version pattern ($versionPattern)"
        Throw $(New-Object System.Exception ("Test-ScriptLatestVersion: Couldn't download and check for latest version",$_.Exception))
    return $isLatestVersion

# @FUNCTION@ ======================================================================================================================
# Name...........: Copy-GitHubContent
# Description....: Copies all file and folder structure from a specified GitHub repository folder
# Parameters.....: The output folder path, the GitHub item URL to download from
# Return Values..: NONE
# =================================================================================================================================
Function Copy-GitHubContent
    Copies all file and folder structure from a specified GitHub repository folder
    Copies all file and folder structure from a specified GitHub repository folder
    Will create the content from a GitHub URL in the output folder
    Can handle files and folders recursevely
.PARAMETER outputFolderPath
    The folder path to create the files and folders in
    The GitHub item URL to download from

    param (
        [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })]
        $gitHubFolderObject = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $gitHubItemURL)
        foreach ($item in $gitHubFolderObject) {
            if($item.type -eq "dir")
                # Create the relevant folder
                $itemDir = Join-Path -Path $outputFolderPath -ChildPath $
                if(! (Test-Path -path $itemDir))
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $itemDir | Out-Null
                # Get all relevant files from the folder
                Copy-GitHubContent -outputFolderPath $itemDir -gitHubItemURL $item.url
            elseif ($item.type -eq "file") {
                Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri ($item.download_url) -OutFile $(Join-Path -Path $outputFolderPath -ChildPath $
        Throw $(New-Object System.Exception ("Copy-GitHubContent: Couldn't download files and folders from GitHub URL ($gitHubItemURL)",$_.Exception))

Function Replace-Item
    param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

        foreach($item in $(Get-ChildItem -Recurse:$Recurse -Path $Path))
            $destPath = split-path -path $item.fullName.Replace($Path, $Destination) -Parent
            $oldName = "$($"
            if(Test-Path -Path $(Join-Path -path $destPath -ChildPath $
                Rename-Item -Path $(Join-Path -path $destPath -ChildPath $ -NewName $oldName
                Copy-Item -path $item.fullname -Destination $(Join-Path -path $destPath -ChildPath $
                Remove-Item -path $(Join-Path -path $destPath -ChildPath $oldName)
                Write-Error "Can't find file $($ in destination location '$destPath' to replace, copying"
                Copy-Item -path $item.fullname -Destination $destPath
        Throw $(New-Object System.Exception ("eplace-Item: Couldn't Replace files",$_.Exception))


# @FUNCTION@ ======================================================================================================================
# Name...........: Test-GitHubLatestVersion
# Description....: Tests if the script is running the latest version from GitHub
# Parameters.....: NONE
# Return Values..: True / False
# =================================================================================================================================
Function Test-GitHubLatestVersion
    Tests if the script is running the latest version from GitHub
    Tests if the script is running the latest version from GitHub
    Can support a mode of test only and Test and download new version
    Can support searching the entire repository or a specific folder or a specific branch (default main)
    If not exclusively selected to test only, the function will update the script if a new version is found
.PARAMETER repositoryName
    The repository name
.PARAMETER scriptVersionFileName
    The file name to search the script version in
.PARAMETER currentVersion
    The current version of the script
.PARAMETER sourceFolderPath
    The source folder of the script
    Used to download and replace the new updated script to
.PARAMETER repositoryFolderPath
    The repository Folder path
    The branch to search for
    Default main
.PARAMETER versionPattern
    The pattern to check in the script
    Default: ScriptVersion
    Switch parameter to perform only test
    If not exclusively selected, the function will update the script if a new version is found
    $gitHubLatestVersionParameters = @{
    currentVersion = $ScriptVersion;
    repositoryName = "MyUser/MyRepo";
    scriptVersionFileName = "MyScript.ps1";
    sourceFolderPath = $ScriptLocation;
    $isLatestVersion = $(Test-GitHubLatestVersion @gitHubLatestVersionParameters)
    if($isLatestVersion) {
        Write-Host "Script was checked and updated to the latest version"
    $gitHubLatestVersionParameters = @{
    currentVersion = $ScriptVersion;
    repositoryName = "MyUser/MyRepo";
    scriptVersionFileName = "MyScript.ps1";
    sourceFolderPath = $ScriptLocation;
    repositoryFolderPath = "FolderName";
    branch = "main";
    versionPattern = "ScriptVersion";
    $isLatestVersion = $(Test-GitHubLatestVersion @gitHubLatestVersionParameters)
    if($isLatestVersion) {
        Write-Host "Script was checked and updated to the latest version"
    $gitHubLatestVersionParameters = @{
    currentVersion = $ScriptVersion;
    repositoryName = "MyUser/MyRepo";
    scriptVersionFileName = "MyScript.ps1";
    sourceFolderPath = $ScriptLocation;
    $isLatestVersion = $(Test-GitHubLatestVersion @gitHubLatestVersionParameters -TestOnly)
    if($isLatestVersion) {
        Write-Host "Script was checked to the latest version"

param (
    [string]$branch = "main",
    [string]$versionPattern = "ScriptVersion",
        $apiURL = "$GitHubAPIURL/$repositoryName/contents"
    else {
        $apiURL = "$GitHubAPIURL/$repositoryName/contents/$repositoryFolderPath`?ref=$branch"
    $retLatestVersion = $true
        $folderContents = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiURL)
        $scriptURL = $($folderContents | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "file" -and $_.Name -eq $scriptVersionFileName }).download_url
        $gitHubVersion = 0
        $shouldDownloadLatestVersion = Test-ScriptLatestVersion -fileURL $scriptURL -currentVersion $currentVersion -outGitHubVersion ([ref]$gitHubVersion)
        Throw $(New-Object System.Exception ("Test-GitHubLatestVersion: Couldn't check for latest version",$_.Exception))
        # Check if we need to download the gitHub version
            # GitHub has a more updated version
            $retLatestVersion = $false
            If(! $TestOnly) # Not Test only, update script
                Write-Host "Found new version (version $gitHubVersion), Updating..."
                # Create a new tmp folder to download all files to
                $tmpFolder = Join-Path -path $sourceFolderPath -ChildPath "tmp"
                if(! (Test-Path -path $tmpFolder))
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tmpFolder | Out-Null
                    # Download the entire folder (files and directories) to the tmp folder
                    Copy-GitHubContent -outputFolderPath $tmpFolder -gitHubItemURL $apiURL
                    # Replace the current folder content
                    Replace-Item -Recurse -Path $tmpFolder -Destination $sourceFolderPath
                    # Remove tmp folder
                    Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $tmpFolder -Force
                    # Revert to current version in case of error
                    $retLatestVersion = $true
                    Write-Error -Message "There was an error downloading GitHub content." -Exception $_.Exception
            else {
                Write-Host "Found a new version in GitHub (version $gitHubVersion), skipping update"    
            Write-Host  "Current version ($currentVersion) is the latest!"
        Throw $(New-Object System.Exception ("Test-GitHubLatestVersion: Couldn't download latest version",$_.Exception))
    return $retLatestVersion
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-GitHubLatestVersion