
#region Learn PowerShell Information

[System.Collections.ArrayList]$script:learnPowerShellInfo = @()

        Episode = '0'
        Title   = 'Should you learn PowerShell?'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/ps1-should-you-learn-powershell/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/csuz7qSJv_Q'
        GitHub  = ''
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 1
        Title   = 'PowerShell Basics'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/learn-and-use-powershell-with-just-three-commands/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/cDcS6iL1G4I'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP1%20-%20PowerShell%20Basics.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 2
        Title   = 'PowerShell Pipeline'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/working-with-the-powershell-pipeline/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/QKmyf6c83Rs'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP2%20-%20PowerShell%20Pipeline.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 3
        Title   = 'State of the Shell'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/powershell-history-and-current-state/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/nQTZRJjcuE4'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP3%20-%20State%20of%20the%20Shell.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 4
        Title   = 'PowerShell Development Setup'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/getting-setup-powershell-development/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/J6mQIISjXFA'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP4%20-%20PowerhShell%20Development.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 5
        Title   = 'Working With PowerShell Variables'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/working-with-powershell-variables/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/4Rc0aEMXiWw'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP5%20-%20PowerShell%20Variables.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 6
        Title   = 'Taking Control with PowerShell Logic'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/taking-control-with-powershell-logic/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/nesN4Iznbco'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP6%20-%20PowerShell%20Logic.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 7
        Title   = 'PowerShell Input & Output'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/powershell-input-output/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/nnTlsNA3hPk'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP7%20-%20PowerShell%20Input%20Output.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 8
        Title   = 'PowerShell Errors and Exceptions Handling'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/powershell-errors-and-exceptions-handling/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/A6afjA5Q9eM'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP8%20-%20PowerShell%20Error%20Handling.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 9
        Title   = 'PowerShell Remoting'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/powershell-remoting/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/qvJRaYlxI1w'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP9%20-%20PowerShell%20Remoting.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 10
        Title   = 'PowerShell Scripts'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/powershell-scripts/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/IABNJEl2ZWk'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP10%20-%20PowerShell%20Script.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 11
        Title   = 'PowerShell Functions'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/powershell-functions/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/qrwPvbCWRtI'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP11%20-%20PowerShell%20Functions.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 12
        Title   = 'Manage Cloud with PowerShell'
        Blog    = 'https://techthoughts.info/manage-cloud-with-powershell/'
        YouTube = 'https://youtu.be/x-bAD3RX_P0'
        GitHub  = 'https://github.com/techthoughts2/Learn-PowerShell-Code-Examples/blob/master/LearnPowerShell/EP12%20-%20Manage%20Cloud%20with%20PowerShell.ps1'
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
        Episode = 13
        Title   = 'PowerShell Modules'
        Blog    = ''
        YouTube = ''
        GitHub  = ''
        Tags    = @(
    }) | Out-Null
# $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{
# Episode = 14
# Title = ''
# Blog = ''
# YouTube = ''
# GitHub = ''
# Tags = @(
# 'PowerShell'
# 'Learn'
# )
# }) | Out-Null
# $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{
# Episode = 15
# Title = ''
# Blog = ''
# YouTube = ''
# GitHub = ''
# Tags = @(
# 'PowerShell'
# 'Learn'
# )
# }) | Out-Null
# $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{
# Episode = 16
# Title = ''
# Blog = ''
# YouTube = ''
# GitHub = ''
# Tags = @(
# 'PowerShell'
# 'Learn'
# )
# }) | Out-Null
# $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{
# Episode = 17
# Title = ''
# Blog = ''
# YouTube = ''
# GitHub = ''
# Tags = @(
# 'PowerShell'
# 'Learn'
# )
# }) | Out-Null
# $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{
# Episode = 18
# Title = ''
# Blog = ''
# YouTube = ''
# GitHub = ''
# Tags = @(
# 'PowerShell'
# 'Learn'
# )
# }) | Out-Null


#region main

    Returns episode information about the Learn PowerShell series
    Returns episode information about the Learn PowerShell series
    Returns all episode information from the Learn PowerShell series
    Get-LearnPowerShellInfo -Tag 'vscode'
    Returns all episode(s) information that are tagged with vscode in the Learn PowerShell series
    Get-LearnPowerShellInfo -EpisodeNumber 5
    Returns information for Episode 5 from the Learn PowerShell series
    Topic Tag
.PARAMETER EpisodeNumber
    Episode Number
    Have fun learning PowerShell!

function Get-LearnPowerShellInfo {
        DefaultParameterSetName = 'x'
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Tag',
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Topic tag')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Episode',
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Episode Number')]
        [ValidateRange(1, 15)]

    Write-Verbose -Message ('ParameterSetName: {0}' -f $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName))

    if ($Tag) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Finding episode(s) by tag'
        $result = $script:learnPowerShellInfo | Where-Object { $_.Tags -like "*$Tag*" }
    elseif ($EpisodeNumber) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Finding episode by episode number'
        $result = $script:learnPowerShellInfo | Where-Object { $_.Episode -eq $EpisodeNumber }
    else {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Returning all episode information'
        $result = $script:learnPowerShellInfo

    return $result
