
#Require -Version 5.0

function Get-OleDbIndexMetadata {
    Retrieve index metadata from any OleDb source, given a driver and a location
    Retrieve index metadata from any OleDb source, given a driver and a location
    .PARAMETER DataSource
    Which location is of interest? This is uusally some sort of server hostname or a file path.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Use alternative credentials. Accepts credential objects provided by Get-Credential.
    .PARAMETER Connection
    If the caller provides a "live", open connection, it will be used. The connection will not be closed.
    .PARAMETER ConnectionString
    If the caller provides a connection string, use that.
    .PARAMETER Provider
    Which OleDB provider should be used?
    .PARAMETER ExtendedProperties
    What extended property values should be used by the OleDB provider?
    .PARAMETER TableCatalog
    What is the name of the table(s) of interest? Null means 'the default catalog'.
    For databases like SQL Server 'TableCatalog' means 'database name'.
    .PARAMETER TableSchema
    What is the schema name of the table(s) of interest? Null means 'all schemas'.
    .PARAMETER IndexName
    What is the name of the index(es) of interest? Null means 'all indexes'.
    What is the type of indexes of interest? Null means 'all types'.
    .PARAMETER TableName
    What is the name of the table(s) of interest? Null means 'all tables'.
    Get-OleDbIndexMetadata -DataSource '.\SQL2016' -Provider 'sqloledb' -ExtendedProperties "Trusted_Connection=Yes"
    Get-OleDbIndexMetadata -DataSource '.\SQL2016' -Provider 'sqloledb' -ExtendedProperties "Trusted_Connection=Yes" -TableCatalog 'AdventureWorks2016' -TableSchema 'Sales' -TableType 'TABLE'

    param (
            ParameterSetName = 'WithConnection',
            Mandatory = $true
        [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection] $Connection,

            ParameterSetName = 'WithConnectionString',
            Mandatory = $true
        [string] $ConnectionString,

            ParameterSetName = 'WithDataSource',
            Mandatory = $true
        [string] $DataSource,

            ParameterSetName = 'WithDataSource',
            Mandatory = $true
        [string] $Provider,

            ParameterSetName = 'WithDataSource'
        [string] $ExtendedProperties,

            ParameterSetName = 'WithDataSource'
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential,


    Try {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'WithConnection' {
                $OleDbConn = $Connection
            'WithConnectionString' {
                $OleDbConn = Get-OleDbConnection -ConnectionString $ConnectionString
            'WithDataSource' {
                $OleDbConn = Get-OleDbConnection -DataSource $DataSource -Provider $Provider -ExtendedProperties $ExtendedProperties -Credential $Credential

        # Doc for parameters for GetOleDbSchemaTable call:
        # because of the way that this call works, the four parameters here can't be declared as [string] in PowerShell.
        # It seems to have to do with the nullability of the variables. There seems to be a difference between:
        # [string], [nullable][string] and <no datatype declaration>.

        ($OleDbConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable([OleDbSchemaGuid]::Indexes, ($TableCatalog, $TableSchema, $TableName, $Type))).ForEach({
                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    TableCatalog    = $_.TABLE_CATALOG
                    TableSchema     = $_.TABLE_SCHEMA
                    TableName       = $_.TABLE_NAME
                    IndexCatalog    = $_.INDEX_CATALOG
                    IndexSchema     = $_.INDEX_SCHEMA
                    IndexName       = $_.INDEX_NAME
                    PrimaryKey      = $_.PRIMARY_KEY
                    Unique          = $_.UNIQUE
                    Clustered       = $_.CLUSTERED
                    Type            = $_.TYPE
                    FillFactor      = $_.FILL_FACTOR
                    InitialSize     = $_.INITIAL_SIZE
                    Nulls           = $_.NULLS
                    SortBookmarks   = $_.SORT_BOOKMARKS
                    AutoUpdate      = $_.AUTO_UPDATE
                    NullCollation   = $_.NULL_COLLATION
                    OrdinalPosition = $_.ORDINAL_POSITION
                    ColumnName      = $_.COLUMN_NAME
                    ColumnGuid      = $_.COLUMN_GUID
                    ColumnPropID    = $_.COLUMN_PROPID
                    Collation       = $_.COLLATION
                    Cardinality     = $_.CARDINALITY
                    Pages           = $_.PAGES
                    FilterCondition = $_.FILTER_CONDITION
                    Integrated      = $_.INTEGRATED
                    # 'Expression' is in the ADO version of this tool, but not in the OleDb version.
                    # Expression = $_.EXPRESSION
                    Datasource      = $Datasource

        # $OleDbConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable([OleDbSchemaGuid]::Indexes, ($TableCatalog, $TableSchema, $IndexName, $Type, $TableName)) |
        # Select-Object @{n = "TableCatalog"; e = { $_.TABLE_CATALOG } },
        # @{n = "TableSchema"; e = { $_.TABLE_SCHEMA } },
        # @{n = "TableName"; e = { $_.TABLE_NAME } },

        # @{n = "IndexCatalog"; e = { $_.INDEX_CATALOG } },
        # @{n = "IndexSchema"; e = { $_.INDEX_SCHEMA } },
        # @{n = "IndexName"; e = { $_.INDEX_NAME } },

        # @{n = "PrimaryKey"; e = { $_.PRIMARY_KEY } },
        # @{n = "Unique"; e = { $_.UNIQUE } },
        # @{n = "Clustered"; e = { $_.CLUSTERED } },
        # @{n = "Type"; e = { $_.TYPE } },

        # @{n = "FillFactor"; e = { $_.FILL_FACTOR } },
        # @{n = "InitialSize"; e = { $_.INITIAL_SIZE } },
        # @{n = "Nulls"; e = { $_.NULLS } },

        # @{n = "SortBookmarks"; e = { $_.SORT_BOOKMARKS } },
        # @{n = "AutoUpdate"; e = { $_.AUTO_UPDATE } },
        # @{n = "NullCollation"; e = { $_.NULL_COLLATION } },
        # @{n = "OrdinalPosition"; e = { $_.ORDINAL_POSITION } },
        # @{n = "ColumnName"; e = { $_.COLUMN_NAME } },
        # @{n = "ColumnGuid"; e = { $_.COLUMN_GUID } },
        # @{n = "ColumnPropID"; e = { $_.COLUMN_PROPID } },
        # @{n = "Collation"; e = { $_.COLLATION } },
        # @{n = "Cardinality"; e = { $_.CARDINALITY } },
        # @{n = "Pages"; e = { $_.PAGES } },
        # @{n = "FilterCondition"; e = { $_.FILTER_CONDITION } },
        # @{n = "Integrated"; e = { $_.INTEGRATED } },
        # # 'Expression' is in the ADO version of this tool, but not in the OleDb version.
        # # @{n = "Expression"; e = {$_.EXPRESSION}}
        # @{n = "Datasource"; e = { $Datasource } }


    Catch {

    Finally {
        # if we were passed a connection, do not close it. Closing it is the responsibility of the caller.
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'WithConnection') {
            # Do not free connections that don't exist
            if ($OleDbConn) {