
Function New-LemmyCommunity {
    Creates a new Lemmy Community

    The internal name of the community. Should not contain spaces or special characters

    .PARAMETER Title
    The display name of the community.

    .PARAMETER Banner
    URL to Banner image

    .PARAMETER Description
    The option description

    .PARAMETER DiscussionLanguages
    Languages allowed in the community. Leave blank for all. To find specfic ones use Find-LemmySiteLanguages

    URL to a site icon
    Set to true to mark the community as not safe for work

    .PARAMETER PostingRestrictedToMods
    Set to true to prevent anyone other than mods from post to the community

    New-LemmyCommunity -name 'PowerShell' -Title 'PowerShell is Awesome'
    Lemmy API class: createCommunity

    $RequestParameters = @{
        banner                     = $Banner
        description                = $Description
        discussion_languages       = $DiscussionLanguages
        icon                       = $Icon
        name                       = $Name
        nsfw                       = $Nsfw
        posting_restricted_to_mods = $PostingRestrictedToMods
        title                      = $Title

    Invoke-LemmyRestMethod -Uri '/community' -Method 'POST' -RequestParameters $RequestParameters