

   LibGit2 is a PowerShell module for working with Git repositories. You can use it to create, clone, query, push to, pull from, and commit to Git repositories.
   This module uses the .NET wrapper of [libgit2](, "a portable, pure C implementation of... Git", which allows you to call Git via API instead using the Git command line i
   LibGit2 is a PowerShell module for working with Git repositories. You can use it to create, clone, query, push to, pull from, and commit to Git repositories.
   This module uses the .NET wrapper of [libgit2](, "a portable, pure C implementation of... Git", which allows you to call Git via API instead using the Git command line interface.
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The owner has unlisted this package. This could mean that the module is deprecated or shouldn't be used anymore.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name LibGit2 -RequiredVersion 0.9.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name LibGit2 -Version 0.9.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright 2016 Aaron Jensen

Package Details


  • Aaron Jensen


git vcs rcs automation github gitlab libgit2


Add-GitItem Compare-GitTree Copy-GitRepository Find-GitRepository Get-GitBranch Get-GitCommit Get-GitRepository Get-GitRepositoryStatus Get-GitTag Merge-GitCommit New-GitBranch New-GitRepository New-GitSignature New-GitTag Receive-GitCommit Remove-GitItem Save-GitChange Send-GitCommit Set-GitConfiguration Test-GitBranch Test-GitIncomingCommit Test-GitOutgoingCommit Test-GitRemoteUri Test-GitTag Test-GitUncommittedChange Update-GitRepository


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

* Upgraded to LibGit2 0.24.0. This is a potential breaking change. We noticed the following changes:
 * The "LibGit2Sharp.TreeChanges" object returned by "Compare-GitTree" returns new objects types for its "Added", "Deleted", "Modified", "TypeChanged", "Renamed", "Copied", "Unmodified", and "Conflicted" properties. They used to be "List" objects, but now they are strictly "IEnumerable".
 * The "LibGit2Sharp.FileStatus" no longer has "Added", "Staged", "Removed", "StagedTypeChange", "Untracked", "Modified", "Missing", or "TypeChanged" values. This affects the object returned by "Get-GitRepositoryStatus".
 * The "Since" property on "LibGit2Sharp.CommitFilter" is gone, replaced with "IncludeReachableFrom".
 * The "Until" property on "LibGit2Sharp.CommitFilter" is gone, replaced with "ExcludeReachableFrom".
 * The "Name" property on "LibGit2Sharp.Branch" is gone, replaced with "FriendlyName".
* Fixed: "Get-GitCommit" doesn't return all commits when using the "-All" switch; it only returns commits reachable from the current HEAD.
* Added "Merge-GitCommit" function for merging branches, tags, commits, etc.
* Added "New-GitSignature" function for creating author signatures, which are used when committing to record the commit's author.
* Added "Signature" parameter to "Save-GitChange" so you can customize the author information for a commit. By default, "Save-GitChange" reads author information from Git's global configuration files.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated