
function Get-Twinkly
        Gets Twinkly
        Gets Twinkly lights.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="Parameters used as hints for Parameter Sets")]
    # One or more IP Addresses of Twinkly devices.

    # If set, will get the operation mode

    # If set, will get the layout of the Twinkly lights. This may take a bit.

    # If set, will get the color displayed when the Twinkly lights are in color mode.

    # If set, will list the available effects.

    # If set, will show the current effect.

    # If set, will list the configuration of each LED.

    # If set, will output the brightness levels.

    # If set, will output the saturation levels.

    # If set, will output the list of movies.

    # If set, will output the list of movies.

    # If set, will output movie configuration.

    # If set, will output the playlists.

    # If set, will output the current playlist item.

    # If set, will output the MQTT configuration.

    # If set, will output the summary.

    # If set, will output the network status.

    # If set, will output the network status.

    # If set, will output timers associated with each device.

    begin {
        if (-not $script:TwinklyCache) {
            $script:TwinklyCache = @{}
        if ($home) {
            $lightScriptRoot = Join-Path $home -ChildPath LightScript
    process {
        #region Default to All Devices
        if (-not $IPAddress) { # If no -IPAddress was passed
            if ($home) {
                # Read all .twinkly.clixml files beneath your LightScript directory.
                Get-ChildItem -Path $lightScriptRoot -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Filter *.twinkly.clixml -Force |
                    Import-Clixml |
                    ForEach-Object {
                        if (-not $_) { return }
                        $twinklyConnection = $_
                        # If the connection would have expired
                        if ([DateTime]::Now -ge $twinklyConnection.Authentication_ExpiresAt) { # then reconnect.
                            $twinklyConnection = Connect-Twinkly -IPAddress $twinklyConnection.IPAddress -PassThru
                        $script:TwinklyCache["$($twinklyConnection.IPAddress)"] = $twinklyConnection

                $IPAddress = $script:TwinklyCache.Keys # The keys of the device cache become the -IPAddress.
            if (-not $IPAddress) { # If we still have no -IPAddress
                Write-Warning "No -IPAddress provided and no cached devices found" # warn
                return # and return.
        #endregion Default to All Devices

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '/*') {
            foreach ($ip in $IPAddress) {
                $uri = "http://$ip$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"
                if ($VerbosePreference -ne 'silentlyContinue') {
                    Write-Verbose "GET $uri"

                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers @{
                    "X-Auth-Token" = $script:TwinklyCache["$ip"].authentication_token
                } |
                    & { process {
                        $out = $_

                        $out.pstypenames.add(($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -replace '/xled/v1/' -replace '/', '.'))
                    } }
        } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ListDevices') {