
function Add-HueSchedule
        Adds a schedule to a Hue Bridge
        Adds a new schedule to a Hue Bridge
        Add-HueSchedule -Daily -Name "Shift to Sunset" -Description "Shift to warmer and brighter as the day draws to a close" -Command (Set-Light -ColorTemperature 400 -Luminance 1 -TransitionTime '01:30:00' -OutputInput) -LocalTime "3:00 PM"

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Test-ForParameterSetAmbiguity", "", Justification="Ambiguity desired")]
    # The name of the schedule

    # A description for the schedule

    # The command that will be run

    # The time of the command

    # If set, will run daily

    # The days of the week the schedule will be executed (1 is Sunday, 7 is Saturday).

    # The time the schedule should last

    # Sets a countdown timer. This timer will occur once, in a given timespan.
    [Alias('InTime', 'InTimespan')]

    # If set, will repeat every N timeframe
    [Alias('EveryTime', 'EveryTimespan')]

    # If provided, the schedule will execute at a random time within the provided timespan.
    [Alias('Jitter', 'Around')]

    # If provided, the schedule will only run on the bridge with a particular device ID

    # If provided, the schedule will only run on the bridge found at the provided IP address

    begin {
        $dayBits = @{
            1 = 1    # Sunday
            2 = 64   # Monday
            3 = 32   # Tuesday
            4 = 16   # Wednesday
            5 = 8    # Thursday
            6 = 4    # Friday
            7 = 2    # Saturday

    process {

        $restIn = @{}
        if ($Name) {
            $ = $Name
        if ($Description) {
            $restIn.description = $Description

        $restIn.command =
            if ($Command -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
            } else {

        $timeparts = @(
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'LocalTime') {
                #region Weekly Schedules
                if ($DayOfWeek)
                    # If we want a day of week,
                    # We'll have to mask some bits.
                    $dayMask = 0
                    foreach ($d in $DayOfWeek) { # Just walk thru the days
                        $daymask = $daymask -bxor $dayBits[$d -as [int]] # And XOR the 2^(d-1)
                    "W$daymask"  # Then we take the day mask
                    'T{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}' -f # and append the time.
                    $LocalTime.Hour, $LocalTime.Minute, $LocalTime.Second
                    if ($For) {
                        $until = $LocalTime + $For
                        'T{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}' -f # and append the time.
                        $Until.Hour, $Until.Minute, $Until.Second +
                        $(if ($Within) {"A$($Within)" })
                #endregion Weekly Schedules
                #region Daily Schedules
                elseif ($Daily)
                    # If we're running every day,
                    'W127'  # the date part goes away,
                    'T{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}' -f # and the time is formatted after.
                    $LocalTime.Hour, $LocalTime.Minute, $LocalTime.Second +
                    $(if ($Within) {
                    if ($For) {
                        $until = $LocalTime + $For
                        'T{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}' -f # and append the time.
                        $Until.Hour, $Until.Minute, $Until.Second +
                        $(if ($Within) {"A$($Within)" })
                #endregion Daily Schedules
                elseif ($for)
                    'T{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}' -f # and the time is formatted after.
                    $LocalTime.Hour, $LocalTime.Minute, $LocalTime.Second
                    if ($For) {
                        $until = $LocalTime + $For
                        'T{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}' -f # and append the time.
                        $Until.Hour, $Until.Minute, $Until.Second +
                        $(if ($Within) {"A$($Within)" })
                } else
                    # If they really only want this once, life is easy
                    $LocalTime.ToString('s') + $(if ($Within) {
            elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'InTimespan')
                "PT$In" + $(if ($Within) { "A$($Within)" })
            elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'EveryTimespan')
                "R/PT$Every" + $(if ($Within) { "A$($Within)" })

        # $restin = & $SetLightScheduleInput
        $restin.localtime = $timeparts -join '/'
        $restin.recycle = $false

        $scheduleExists = Get-HueSchedule -Name $Name -ExactMatch

        $httpVerb = 'POST'
        $httpCommand = 'schedules'

        if ($scheduleExists) {
            $httpVerb = 'PUT'
            $httpCommand = "schedules/$($scheduleExists.ID)"

        if (-not $restin.status) {
            $restin.status = 'enabled'

        Get-HueBridge |
            Where-Object {
                if ($DeviceID -and $_.DeviceID -ne $DeviceID) { return $false }
                if ($IPAddress -and $_.IPAddress -ne $IPAddress) { return $false }
            } |
            Send-HueBridge -Command $httpCommand -Method $httpVerb -Data $restIn