
function Set-LaMetricTime
        Sets a LaMetricTime device.
        Configures or sends notifications to an LaMetricTime device.
        Set-LaMetricTime -Clock # Set LaMetricTime devices into clock mode
        Set-LaMetricTime -Weather # Set LaMetricTime devices into weather forecast mode
        Set-LaMetricTime -NotificationText "Hello World" # Send a notification to the LaMetric time device.
        Set-LaMetricTime -NotificationText "$" -NotificationSound cash
        # Find an icon
        Search-LaMetricIcon "PowerShell" |
            Select-Object -First 1 | # pick the first one
            Set-LaMetricTime -NotificationText "Hello PowerShell" # and display the notification
        Set-LaMetricTime -Stopwatch start # Starts a stopwatch
        Set-LaMetricTime -Stopwatch stop # Stops a stopwatch
        Set-LaMetricTime -Stopwatch reset # Resets a stopwatch
        Set-LaMetricTime -Timer "00:01:00" # Sets a timer for a minute
        Set-LaMetricTime -NextApplication # Switches to the next application
        Set-LaMetricTime -PreviousApplication # Switches to the previous application

    # One or more IP Addresses of LaMetricTime devices.
    # If no IP Addresses are provided, the change will apply to all devices.

    # If set, will switch the LaMetric Time into clock mode.

    # If provided, will switch the LaMetric Time into Stopwatch mode, and Stop/Pause, Reset, or Start the StopWatch
    [ValidateSet("Stop", "Pause", "Start", "Reset")]

    # If set, will switch to the previous application on the LaMetric Time.
    [Alias('LastApp','Last','Prev', 'Previous','PreviousApp', 'PreviousApplication')]

    # If set, will switch to the next application on the LaMetric Time.

    # One or more messages of notification text

    # One or more notification icons.

    # The duration of the notification.
    # By default, 15 seconds.
    $NotificationDuration = "00:00:15",

    # The number of times to display the notification.
    # Zero or less will be considered an indefinite notification

    # If set, will indefinitely loop the notification.

    # If provided, will play a sound with the notification.

    # If provided, will cancel a given notification.
    # If 0 or less is provided, will cancel all notifications.
    # Sets a Timer on the LaMetric device, using the built-in Countdown app.
    # If set, will switch the LaMetric Time into weather forecast mode.
    [Alias('Forecast','ShowForecast', 'ShowWeather')]

    # Sets the volume of an LaMetric Time device.
    # If set, will switch to a given app.
    # If -Widget is not provided, the first widget will be used.

    # The widget of a given application that should be activated.

    # The name of the widget action id.

    # A set of properties to pass to a given widget.
    # Must be provided with -WidgetSetting
    # If no properties are provided, the widget will be activated.

    process {
        if (-not $IPAddress) {
            if ($home) {
                $null = Get-LaMetricTime
                $IPAddress = $script:LaMetricTimeCache.Keys
            if (-not $IPAddress) {
                Write-Warning "No -IPAddress provided and no cached devices found"

        foreach ($ip in $IPAddress) {
            $laMetricB64Key = $script:LaMetricTimeCache["$ip"].ApiKey
            $ipAndPort = "${ip}:8080"
            $headers = @{Authorization = "Basic $laMetricB64Key"}
            #region Timer
            if ($timer.TotalSeconds -ge 1) {                
                $endpoint  = "api/v2/device/apps"
                $appAndWiget = "com.lametric.countdown/widgets/f03ea1ae1ae5f85b390b460f55ba8061/actions"
                post http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint/$appAndWiget -Body ([Ordered]@{
                    id = "countdown.configure"
                    params = [Ordered]@{
                        duration  = [int]$timer.TotalSeconds
                        start_now = $true                    
                    activate = $true
                } | ConvertTo-Json) -Headers $headers
            #endregion Timer

            #region Stopwatch
            if ($Stopwatch) {
                if ($Stopwatch -eq 'Stop') {
                    $Stopwatch = "Pause"
                $endpoint  = "api/v2/device/apps"
                $appAndWiget = "com.lametric.stopwatch/widgets/b1166a6059640bf76b9dfe0455ba8062/actions"
                post http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint/$appAndWiget -Body ([Ordered]@{
                    id = "stopwatch.$($Stopwatch.ToLower())"
                    params = [Ordered]@{}
                    activate = $true
                } | ConvertTo-Json) -Headers $headers
            #endregion Stopwatch

            #region Weather
            if ($Weather) {                
                $endpoint  = "api/v2/device/apps"
                $appAndWiget = ""
                put http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint/$appAndWiget -Headers $headers
            #endregion Weather

            #region -Clock
            if ($Clock) {                
                $endpoint  = "api/v2/device/apps"
                $appAndWiget = "com.lametric.clock/widgets/08b8eac21074f8f7e5a29f2855ba8060/activate"
                put http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint/$appAndWiget -Headers $headers
            #endregion Clock

            #region -NextApplication
            if ($NextApplication) {                
                $endpoint  = "api/v2/device/apps/next"
                put http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint -Headers $headers
            #endregion NextApplication

            #region LastApplication
            if ($LastApplication) {
                $endpoint  = "api/v2/device/apps/prev"
                put http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint -Headers $headers
            #endregion LastApplication

            #region Notifications
            if ($NotificationText -or $NotificationIcon) {
                $maxFrameCount = [Math]::max($NotificationText.Length, $NotificationIcon.Length)
                $notificationFrames = 
                    @(for ($frameNumber =0 ; $frameNumber -lt $maxFrameCount; $frameNumber++) {
                        $frameInfo = [Ordered]@{}
                        if ($NotificationText -and $NotificationText[$frameNumber]) {
                            if ($NotificationText[$frameNumber] -match '^(?<p>\d+)%$') {
                                $frameInfo.goalData = [Ordered]@{
                                    start = 0
                                    current = [int]$matches.p
                                    end = 100
                                    unit = "%"
                            } else {
                                $frameInfo.text = $NotificationText[$frameNumber]
                        if ($NotificationIcon -and $NotificationIcon[$frameNumber]) {
                            $icon = $NotificationIcon[$frameNumber]
                            if ($icon -like 'http*') {

                            elseif ((($icon -replace '\D') -as [int]) -ge 1) {
                                $frameInfo.icon = $icon
                            elseif ($icon.Contains([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar))
                                $iconItem = Get-Item -Path $icon
                                if (-not $iconItem) {
                                if ($iconItem.Extension -notin '.gif', '.png') {
                                    Write-Error "Icon '$icon' must be a .gif or .png"
                                $frameInfo.icon = "image/$($iconItem.Extension.TrimStart('.'));base64,$(

                $notificationBody = [Ordered]@{                    
                    priority = 'info'
                    icon_type = 'none'
                    lifetime  = 
                        if ($notificationDuration) { [int]$notificationDuration.TotalMilliseconds} else { 10000 }
                    model = 
                            frames = $notificationFrames

                if ($LoopNotification) {
                    $notificationBody.model.cycles = 0
                if ($NotificationLoopCount) {
                    $notificationBody.model.cycles = [int][math]::min(0, $NotificationLoopCount)

                if ($NotificationSound) {
                    $notificationBody.model.sound = [Ordered]@{}
                    $notificationBody.model.sound.category = 
                        if ($NotificationSound -like 'alarm*') {
                        } else {
                    $ = $NotificationSound                    

                post http://$ipAndPort/api/v2/device/notifications -body (
                    $notificationBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
                ) -Headers $headers
            #endregion Notifications

            #region Cancel Notification
            if ($CancelNotification) {
                if ($CancelNotification -le 0) {
                    Get-LaMetricTime -IPAddress $ip -Notification |
                $endpoint  = "api/v2/device/notifications/$CancelNotification"
                delete http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint -Headers $headers
            #endregion Cancel Notification

            #region Package and Widget
            if ($package) {
                $endpoint  = "api/v2/device/apps"
                if (-not $WidgetID) {                    
                    $WidgetID = Get-LaMetricTime -IPAddress $ip -Application |
                        Where-Object Package -eq $package |
                        ForEach-Object { 
                if (-not $WidgetID) {
                    Write-Error "Could not find widget in package '$package'"
                $appAndWiget = "$package/widgets/$widgetId"
                if ($WidgetProperty) {
                    if (-not $WidgetActionId) {
                        Write-Error "Must provide a Widget Action Id"
                    if ($WidgetProperty -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                        $WidgetProperty = [PSCustomObject]$WidgetProperty
                    post http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint/$appAndWiget/actions -Headers $headers -Body (
                            id = $WidgetID
                            params = $WidgetProperty
                            activate = $true
                        }  | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
                } else {
                    put http://$ipAndPort/$endpoint/$appAndWiget/activate -Headers $headers

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Volume')) {
                put http://$ipAndPort/api/v2/device/audio -Headers $headers -body ([Ordered]@{
                    volume = $Volume
                } | ConvertTo-Json)
            #endregion Package and Widget