
function Send-HueBridge
        Sends messages to a HueBridge
        Sends messages to a Hue Bridge
        Get-HueBridge | Send-HueBridge -Command lights

    # The IP address of the hue bridge.

    # The hue user name

    # The command being sent to the bridge. This is a partial URI.

    # The data being sent to the Hue Bridge.
    # If this data is not a string, it will be converted to JSON.

    # The HTTP method. By default, Get.
    $Method = 'GET',

    # If set, will output the data that would be sent to the bridge.
    # This is useful for creating scheudles, routines, and other macros.
    [Alias('OutputParameter','OutputParameters','OutputArgument', 'OutputArguments')]

    # If provided, will set the .pstypenames on output objects.
    # This enables the PowerShell types and formatting systems.

    process {
        if (-not $Command -and
            $MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) {
            $Command = $MyInvocation.InvocationName -replace '^Hue'

        #region Construct the Message Body
        $splat = @{
            uri = "http://$IPAddress/api/$HueUserName/$Command"
            method = $Method

        if ($Data) {
            if ($data -is [string]){
                $splat.body = $data
            } else {
                $splat.body = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100 -InputObject $Data
        #endregion Construct the Message Body

        if ($OutputInput -or $WhatIfPreference) { # If -OutputInput or -WhatIf was passed
            if ($Data) { $splat.body = $Data }
            $splat.address = ([uri]$splat.uri).LocalPath # Make an address property with a relative URI
            $splat.Remove('uri') # and remove URI
            return # then return.

        #region Invoke-RestMethod and decorate resultsa
        $invokeResult = Invoke-RestMethod @splat 2>&1
        # Always add a HueUserName and IPAddress to each result
        $userNameNoteProperty = [PSNoteProperty]::new('HueUserName', $HueUserName)
        $ipNoteProperty = [PSNoteProperty]::new('IPAddress', $IPAddress)
        foreach ($ir in $invokeResult) {
            if ($PSTypeName) {
                foreach ($tn in $PSTypeName) { $ir.pstypenames.add($tn) }
            } else {
        #endregion Invoke-RestMethod and decorate resultsa