
function Set-HueLight
        Sets Hue light state
        Changes the state of one or more Hue lights
        Set-HueLight -Name *Lightstrip* -Luminance 0.05 # Set any Hue lights named Hue lightstrip to be very dim
        LivingRoom -On -ColorTemperature 500 -Brightness .1
        # Room names and light names are automatically aliased to Set-HueLight.
        # This gives all lights in the living room a warm glow.

    # The name of the Hue light

    # The name of the Hue room
    [Alias('Group', 'GroupName','Room')]

    # The identifier of the Hue light

    # The identifier of the Hue group

    # The transition time. This is how long it will take light to change from it's current state to the one you've set
    [ComponentModel.AmbientValue({  [Math]::Floor(($_.TotalMilliseconds / 100))})]

    # If set, will switch the light on

    # If set, will switch the light off
    [ComponentModel.AmbientValue({@{on = $false}})]

    # Sets lights to an RGB color
        $fromRgb = ([PSCustomObject]@{PSTypeName='LightScript.Color'}).FromRGB($_)
            hue=[Math]::Floor(($fromRgb.Hue / 360) * [Uint16]::maxValue)
            sat=[byte](255 * $fromRgb.Saturation)
            bri=[byte]$(255 * $fromRgb.Luminance)

    # The desired hue (ranged 0-360)
    [ComponentModel.AmbientValue({ [Math]::Floor(($_ / 360) * [Uint16]::maxValue) })]

    # The desired saturation (ranged 0-1)
    [ComponentModel.AmbientValue({ [byte](255 * $_) })]

    # The desired brightness (ranged 0-1)
    [ComponentModel.AmbientValue({ [byte](255 * $_) })]

    # The effect
    [ValidateSet('colorloop', 'none')]

    # The alert
    [ValidateSet('select','lselect', 'none')]

    # The color temperature as a Mired value.
        if ($_ -gt 500) {
        } else {

    # The color, in XY coordinates.
    if (-not ($_.Count -ne 2)) { throw 'Must provide 2 values to use XY coordinates' }
    return $true

    # The increment in saturation. This will adjust the intensity of the color

    # An increment in luminance. This will adjust the brightness of the light

    # An increment in hue. This will adjust the hue

    # A change in the color temperature.

    # If set, will output the data that would be sent to the bridge. This is useful for creating scheudles, routines, and other macros.
    [Alias('OutputParameter','OutputParameters','OutputArgument', 'OutputArguments')]

    begin {
        $getLightCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Get-HueLight', 'Function')

        $mapInput = {
            [Collections.IDictionary]$parameter = ([Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters),
            $Caller = $(
                foreach ($CallStack in Get-PSCallStack) {
                    $callstackCmd = $callStack.InvocationInfo.MyCommand
                    if ($callstackCmd -is [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo] -or
                        $callstackCmd -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo]) {

            $RestInput = @{}
            :nextParameter foreach ($paramName in $parameter.Keys) {
                $paramAttributes = $Caller.Parameters[$paramName].Attributes
                $restParamName   = ''
                $value = $_ = $parameter[$paramName]
                :nextAttribute foreach ($attr in $paramAttributes) {
                    if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) {
                        $restParamName = $attr.Name
                    elseif ($attr -is [ComponentModel.AmbientValueAttribute] -and $attr.Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                        $value = $_ = & $attr.Value
                if ($restParamName) {
                    $RestInput[$restParamName] = $value
                    if ($RestInput[$restParamName] -is [switch]) {
                        $RestInput[$restParamName] = $RestInput[$restParamName] -as [bool]
                } elseif ($value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                    foreach ($kv in $value.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $RestInput[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value

    process {
        $lightSplat = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
        foreach ($k in @($lightSplat.Keys)) {
            if (-not $getLightCmd.Parameters.$k) {

        $restIn = & $mapInput

        $sendSplat = @{
            Method = if ($restIn.Count) { 'PUT' } else { 'GET' }
            Data = $restIn
        if (-not $restIn.Count) {
        if ($OutputInput) {
            $sendSplat.OutputInput = $OutputInput

        $paramSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

        $bridges = Get-HueBridge
        switch ($paramSet) {
            All {

                if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) {
                    foreach ($potentialResource in $script:KnownResources) {
                        if ($potentialResource.Name -eq $MyInvocation.InvocationName -or
                            (($potentialResource.Name -replace '\s') -eq $MyInvocation.InvocationName)
                        ) {
                            if ($potentialResource.action) { #If there's an action, it's a group
                                if ($restIn.Count) {
                                    $sendSplat.Command = "groups/$($"
                                } else {
                                    $sendSplat.Command = "groups/$($"
                                    $sendSplat.PSTypeName = 'Hue.LightGroup'
                            if ($potentialResource.state) { # If there's a state, it's a light
                                if ($restIn.Count) {
                                    $sendSplat.Command = "lights/$($"
                                } else {
                                    $sendSplat.Command = "lights/$($"
                                    $sendSplat.PSTypeName = 'Hue.Light'
                    if ($sendSplat.Command) {
                        $bridges | Send-HueBridge @sendSplat

                # Get all bridges and send the data to the url that changes all lights

                if ($restIn.Count) {
                    $sendSplat.Command = "groups/0/action"
                } else {
                    $sendSplat.Command = "groups/0"
                    $sendSplat.PSTypeName = 'Hue.LightGroup'

                $bridges | Send-HueBridge @sendSplat
            Rooms {
                # Getting and filtering the rooms
                $RoomSplat = @{} + $lightSplat
                $RoomSplat.Name =  $RoomName
                $rooms = Get-HueBridge -Room @RoomSplat
                if (-not $restIn.Count) { $sendSplat.PSTypeName = 'Hue.LightGroup'}
                $Rooms |
                    Send-HueBridge -Command {
                        if ($restIn.Count) {
                        } else {
                    } @sendSplat
            LightID {
                if ($restIn.Count) {
                    $sendSplat.Command = "lights/$lightID/state"
                } else {
                    $sendSplat.Command = "lights/$lightID"
                    $sendSplat.PSTypeName = 'Hue.Light'

                $bridges |
                    Send-HueBridge @sendSplat
            GroupID {
                if ($restIn.Count) {
                    $sendSplat.Command = "groups/$lightID/action"
                } else {
                    $sendSplat.Command = "groups/$lightID"
                    $sendSplat.PSTypeName = 'Hue.LightGroup'
                $bridges |
                    Send-HueBridge  @sendSplat
            default {
                $theLights = Get-HueLight @lightSplat
                if (-not $restIn.Count) {
                } else {
                    $theLights |
                        Send-HueBridge -Command { "lights/$($_.ID)/state" } @sendSplat
