
.GUID 195c47c2-22d6-429b-ade5-9168c8d49b77
.AUTHOR Jos Verlinde
.TAGS MFA Exchange O365

 Install and Load Exchange Online MFA Module

function Install-ClickOnce {
    $Manifest = "https://cmdletpswmodule.blob.core.windows.net/exopsmodule/Microsoft.Online.CSE.PSModule.Client.application",
    $ElevatePermissions = $true
    Try { 
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Deployment
        Write-Verbose "Start installation of ClockOnce Application $Manifest "

        $RemoteURI = [URI]::New( $Manifest , [UriKind]::Absolute)
        if (-not  $Manifest)
            throw "Invalid ConnectionUri parameter '$ConnectionUri'"

        $HostingManager = New-Object System.Deployment.Application.InPlaceHostingManager -ArgumentList $RemoteURI , $False
        #register an event to trigger custom event (yep, its a hack)
        Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $HostingManager -EventName GetManifestCompleted -Action { 
            new-event -SourceIdentifier "ManifestDownloadComplete"
        } | Out-Null
        #register an event to trigger custom event (yep, its a hack)
        Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $HostingManager -EventName DownloadApplicationCompleted -Action { 
            new-event -SourceIdentifier "DownloadApplicationCompleted"
        } | Out-Null

        #get the Manifest

        #Waitfor up to 5s for our custom event
        $event = Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier "ManifestDownloadComplete" -Timeout 5
        if ($event ) {
            $event | Remove-Event
            Write-Verbose "ClickOnce Manifest Download Completed"

            #todo :: can this fail ?
            #Download Application
            #register and wait for completion event
            # $HostingManager.DownloadApplicationCompleted
            $event = Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier "DownloadApplicationCompleted" -Timeout 15
            if ($event ) {
                $event | Remove-Event
                Write-Verbose "ClickOnce Application Download Completed"
            } else {
                Write-error "ClickOnce Application Download did not complete in time (15s)"
        } else {
           Write-error "ClickOnce Manifest Download did not complete in time (5s)"

        #Clean Up
    } finally {
        #get rid of our eventhandlers
        Get-EventSubscriber|? {$_.SourceObject.ToString() -eq 'System.Deployment.Application.InPlaceHostingManager'} | Unregister-Event

<# Simple Install Check

function Get-ClickOnce {
    $ApplicationName = "Microsoft Exchange Online Powershell Module"
    $InstalledApplicationNotMSI = Get-ChildItem HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall | foreach-object {Get-ItemProperty $_.PsPath}
    return $InstalledApplicationNotMSI | ? { $_.displayname -match $ApplicationName } | Select-Object -First 1

Function Test-ClickOnce {
    $ApplicationName = "Microsoft Exchange Online Powershell Module"
    return ( (Get-ClickOnce -ApplicationName $ApplicationName) -ne $null) 

<# Simple UnInstall

function Uninstall-ClickOnce {
    $ApplicationName = "Microsoft Exchange Online Powershell Module"
    $app=Get-ClickOnce -ApplicationName $ApplicationName

    #Deinstall One to remove all instances
    if ($App) { 
        $selectedUninstallString = $App.UninstallString 
        #Seperate cmd from parameters (First Space)
        $parts = $selectedUninstallString.Split(' ', 2)
        Start-Process -FilePath $parts[0] -ArgumentList $parts[1] -Wait 
        #ToDo : Automatic press of OK
        #Start-Sleep 5
        #$wshell = new-object -com wscript.shell

        $app=Get-ClickOnce -ApplicationName $ApplicationName
        if ($app) {
            Write-verbose 'De-installation aborted'
            #return $false
        } else {
            Write-verbose 'De-installation completed'
            #return $true
    } else {
        #return $null

Function Load-ExchangeMFAModule { 
Param ()
    $Modules = @(Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Apps\2.0" -Filter "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ExoPowershellModule.manifest" -Recurse )
    if ($Modules.Count -ne 1 ) {
        throw "No or Multiple Modules found : Count = $($Modules.Count )"  
    }  else {
        $ModuleName =  Join-path $Modules[0].Directory.FullName "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ExoPowershellModule.dll"
        Write-Verbose "Start Importing MFA Module"
        Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName $ModuleName  -Force 

        $ScriptName =  Join-path $Modules[0].Directory.FullName "CreateExoPSSession.ps1"
        if (Test-Path $ScriptName) {
            return $ScriptName
            # Load the script to add the additional commandlets (Connect-EXOPSSession)
            # DotSourcing does not work from inside a function (. $ScriptName)
            #Therefore load the script as a dynamic module instead
            $content = Get-Content -Path $ScriptName -Raw -ErrorAction Stop
            #BugBug >> $PSScriptRoot is Blank :-(
            $PipeLine = $Host.Runspace.CreatePipeline()
            $PipeLine.Commands.AddScript(". $scriptName")
            $r = $PipeLine.Invoke()
#Err : Pipelines cannot be run concurrently.
            $scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($content)
            New-Module -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -Name "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.CreateExoPSSession.ps1" -ReturnResult -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        } else {
            throw "Script not found"
            return $null

if ((Test-ClickOnce -Verbose) -eq $false)  {
   Install-ClickOnce -Verbose
#Load the Module
$script = Load-ExchangeMFAModule -Verbose
#Dot Source the associated script
. $Script

#make sure the Exchange session uses the same proxy settings as IE/Edge
$ProxySetting = New-PSSessionOption -ProxyAccessType IEConfig
Connect-EXOPSSession -PSSessionOption $ProxySetting